Act of Supremacy


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2020, Russia is the new superpower, backed by Japan.  They are the only power, in a world gone mad.  Russia needs Japan, for the technology.  Without the technology, nothing works.  Japan knows this, deliberately holding on to the data and the technology in underground, securely locked bunkers.  Russia has tried to locate the bunkers, without success.  Russia chooses to ignore it. 

All radios are tuned into Russia, incessantly sending out the same message in multiple languages.  The world has changed.  No money and no other power.  No war, just subservience. No choice.  Absolutely no choice.

Pockets of resistance, of course.  Resistance, however, is futile.  These renegades are simply serving time, just sitting ducks.  One sample of DNA, that's all the Russians need.  It's just a matter of time and Russia has all the time in the world.

Food is strictly controlled, a diet with one agenda - to keep everyone fit and healthy.  No third world countries, no East or West, just one world where everyone is treated the same.  Everyone works for Russia, regardless, no-one is unemployable.  Work brings shelter and food, a simple system, with no hierarchy.  Living and working in the same building.  Communal living. Eat, work, exercise and sleep together.  Anyone steps out of line, they simply cease to exist.  Controlled, everything controlled.

Control achieved by Japanese technology, strapped to the ankle, unbreakable.  Data flowing back via satellite to computers that record everything in a nanosecond: location; movement; health; mood.  Anything extraordinary highlighted immediately, with instantaneous consequences and punishment actioned.  Even before you are aware you are thinking of stepping out of line, the computers pick up on fluctuations in temperature, heartbeart, even mood.  Action is taken and it's swift, ranging from a warning via the radio system to electric shock therapy via the ankle bracelet.  Everything controlled.  Nothing goes unnoticed.  Control is power.

The range of the bracelets is powerful, radiating out from every ankle and infiltrating into unsecured areas.  Bracelet data gets displayed on the Map screens in Moscow.  Black dots depict the location of bracelet wearers, red dots show the renegades.  Clusters of red dots identify renegades en masse.  A button gets pressed in Moscow, Enforcers are deployed and the red clusters removed from the map.  Lone red dots are noted but no action taken, no need for unnecessary energy expenditure.  Isolated red dots will be eradicated given time.  Russia has plenty of time.

Food has been stolen.  DNA collected, identified and the system triggered.  The Map zones in, a lone red dot.  Suddenly, every radio station in the world turns to white noise and a voice reads out a single name.  The world stops.  Cameras hone in on a male, huddled in the corner of a derelict building.  He looks towards the camera and his face fills the screen in Moscow.  The Enforcers enter and Edward Anthony Fillerman's body ceases to exist.  The red dot disappears.  Moscow cheers this Act of Supremacy.











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