Ultimate China Guide: how to learn Chinese


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Ultimate China Guide: how to learn Chinese

      Chinese might be considered one of the most complex languages on the planet and it may take a little more effort to learn than you would other languages. Chinese in itself has more than 4 dialects but the most commonly spoken are mandarin and Cantonese. If you wish to join the majority of the world's population by learning Chinese then this guide is meant for you. Here is how to learn Chinese;

Pick a dialect.

With a variety of options to choose from you need to first determine which dialect is best for you. It is best to pick mandarin as it is the largest spoken dialect of Chinese, this will enable you to pick tools to aid in learning and in knowing what to expect. In that regard, TranslationReport is one of the best places to find Chinese tutors who will also help you select the most effective tools for learning Chinese.

Learn pinyin.

Pinyin is the standard system of spelling and translating Chinese in roman form. It is more often than not used to teach standard mandarin but can work for some of the other dialects as well. Originally it was meant as a way to teach westerners, but as time went by it was accommodated and considered the standard system. It can be quite challenging, but the pride that you gain after the process makes it all worth it.

Using flashcards.

Just as it is when learning any new language, flashcards are considered the most effective method because they reinforce concepts. Instead of taking hours jumping from one page to another in a book, you can be relaxed and still learn. Flashcards reduce the bulkiness and take you to step by step. 

Register for classes.

As much as technology can aid you, you will still need a one on one face with an expert. This way you get to learn the different tones and which expressions follow them. Chinese classes are fairly pricey but some free ones are offered in community centers in some parts of the world.

Watch and listen to Chinese.

The most viewed cartoons in the world are anime. They not only provide entertainment but can be a great way to learn. Watching any Chinese material helps in teaching the tone and with translations at the bottom you learn Chinese slowly by slowly.

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Chinese might be considered one of the most complex languages on the planet and it may take a little more effort to learn than you would other languages. Chinese in itself has more than 4 dialects but the most commonly spoken are mandarin and Cantonese. If you wish to join the majority of the world's population by learning Chinese then this guide is meant for you. Here is how to learn Chinese ;

Pick a dialect.

With a variety of options to choose from you need to first determine which dialect is best for you. It is best to pick mandarin as it is the largest spoken dialect of Chinese, this will enable you to pick tools to aid in learning and in knowing what to expect. In that regard, TranslationReport is one of the best places to find Chinese tutors who will also help you select the most effective tools for learning Chinese.

Learn pinyin.

Pinyin is the standard system of spelling and translating Chinese in roman form. It is more often than not used to teach standard mandarin but can work for some of the other dialects as well. Originally it was meant as a way to teach westerners, but as time went by it was accommodated and considered the standard system. It can be quite challenging, but the pride that you gain after the process makes it all worth it.

Using flashcards.

Just as it is when learning any new language, flashcards are considered the most effective method because they reinforce concepts. Instead of taking hours jumping from one page to another in a book, you can be relaxed and still learn. Flashcards reduce the bulkiness and take you to step by step.

Register for classes.

As much as technology can aid you, you will still need a one on one face with an expert. This way you get to learn the different tones and which expressions follow them. Chinese classes are fairly pricey but some free ones are offered in community centers in some parts of the world.

Watch and listen to Chinese.

The most viewed cartoons in the world are anime. They not only provide entertainment but can be a great way to learn. Watching any Chinese material helps in teaching the tone and with translations at the bottom you learn Chinese slowly by slowly.

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