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As the world becomes more connected, people come across different languages more regularly. That means that travelers and people in the corporate world search for not only the best translation facilities but also the best free translation tools to make their lives easier. In this article you will find four of the best free translation tools that you can use right now;


This tool is run by a team of approximately twenty geeks from Germany, and despite its shortage of resources compared to Google, it is really causing a stir in the machine translation community. Even though this tool has created a status for a better quality machine translation, it is still unsafe to use its raw output when professional translation is needed. However, if the tool covers your language pair, definitely try it out but the only problem is that DeepL has only nine languages.

Google Translate App for iPhone and Android

This tool is also described as translation in your pocket. The Google Translate App is free. Apart from being free, it is also a full-featured app that makes global communication much more convenient. Check out TheWordPoint to incorporate longer translation, especially when you need professional translators to work on specific documents. You can use the Google Translate app offline, translate chats in real-time, amplified reality translation- point your phone camera at the writing and it will translate the text in the image, handwrite texts and the app will identify them including Asian characters, and save words and phrases in your personal phrasebook.

Google Chrome Translation

Ever surf the internet and want to translate a website for yourself? If you are a Google Chrome user, then you can easily have most website pages translated for you with Google Translate by using the Google translate function. Normally if the browser uses a language on a web page that is dissimilar from the language chosen in your browser settings, it will automatically inquire if you want to translate the web page.


This is a free CAT that has free machine translation from different translation engines. It is a tool for professional translators that allows you to upload a document that you want to translate, select the free or paid machine translation engines you want to use, and then translate. If you choose numerous machine translation engines, you can select your preferred translation of every sentence and also make changes.

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