5 Key Travel Documents for Your Trip


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5 Key Travel Documents for Your TripĀ 

What documents will have to be taken abroad? Who will not be allowed into Europe, turned back at the border? Where are the myths and where is the truth? If you are visiting relatives, provide them with an invitation in English or in the language of the country you are going to. It must include the exact address and telephone numbers of the receiving party. Also in the invitation, relatives can write that they take over your full or partial maintenance.

The Requirements

First of all, only people with a foreign biometric passport will be allowed to enter the EU without a visa. That is a passport with a chip, which contains a photo, signature, and fingerprints of the person. And if you need qualified translation use TranslationReport especially for medical translation. This requirement applies to all, without exception, countries that have undergone visa liberalization with the EU in the last decade; and in the European Union itself, they have long been issued exclusively biometric passports.

Entry into the EU is allowed to those citizens who meet the following requirements confirmed on paper.

Have on hand a document for crossing the border (passport, travel document of the child, etc.).

Can justify the purpose and conditions of their stay in the EU.

Have sufficient financial resources both for a stay in the EU and for a return, or are able to obtain them legally (this is a direct quote from the Border Code).

Are not on the list of persons banned from entering the EU.

Do not pose a threat to public order, security, public health, or international relations.

By the way, please note that for business trips, a return ticket is not included in the list of required documents, and this is logical - sometimes a business visit can be delayed. But be prepared to explain this need to the border guard. Each European country has its own requirements for the financial side. Experience has shown that in rare cases when people are asked about funds at the border, it is enough to present a card of international payment systems.

Border Rules

The main purpose of visa and border checks is to make sure that a person does not plan to violate migration rules. Different countries have their own requirements for documents. The thoroughness of the inspection also depends on the customs officer. The main thing is not to worry, to feel confident, calm, and open to answering all questions about your trip.

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