The Canticle


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The Chorus

    In one beginning, the eternal light touched the face of the Omnimancer to wake him from his dreaming. The light cast the Omnimancer’s shadow over the face of the infinite, formless, and empty worlds of the eternal void. When the Omnimancer saw his shadow he recognized her beauty and he loved her. She was the Negamancer, the second child of Eternity. Eternity sent a third, the Antimancer, to ensure that the light would not eradicate the void, but that both the light and the void would remain.

    As the Three danced through the boundless miasma, the song of their laughter created layers of heavens in space and time. There was form. Worlds bloomed beneath their feet. Luminous beings took shape in the wake of their journey through the miasma. The loving and warring of the chorus created the Oni and the Nephilim and all the worlds on which they lived. The Oni were spirits—beings of pure energy and ideation. Some spirits of love, grace, and valor were begotten by the first and second born of Eternity while the second and third begat spirits of rage, malice, and deceit. The Nephilim were corporeal creatures of living stone or fire given life by the power of the Three. The Queen of the Oni was a spirit of wisdom known as Nunae. She took for herself the chief of all Nephilim as her husband. He had named himself Karn and was made of clay. Nunae lay with Karn and gave birth to the first woman.

    The Oni and the Nephilim saw that the woman had great power—being of the blood of both tribes. She could wield both steel and magic in war. Both tribes paid tribute to the woman each sending suitable husbands. The Oni sent an assuaging spirit of compassion and one of guile while the Nephilim sent a mighty being of flame and another of water. So humanity was born from spirit, clay, and fire. The worlds were filled with the children of the Three.

    The Omnimancer saw the humans and realized that they were like him. They would need their own worlds to create upon. The Negamancer saw the humans and realized they were like her. They would need dreams and freedom to create their own purpose. The Antimancer saw the humans and realized that they could not be allowed to populate the infinite miasma unencumbered or they would destroy the void or the light. The Antimancer divided the miasma into countless worlds. Whenever the Omnimancer would create a new world the Antimancer would cut it off from all the others. There was finitude. So it was that all that is came to be.

    When the creating began there was only the Stillness. The great dance shattered it into a billion pieces and worlds bloomed beneath their feet. The broken stillness scattered to the four winds and in its place sprung up all the kindoms of creation. The realm of the air was granted to the Skykin and the deep chambers of the earth to the Underkin. The vast seas became the domain of the Seakin just as the expanses of earth were granted to the Earthkin. Closest to Nunae were the winged-lion-men atop their enchanted clouds. Magic was given them to rule. Nearest to Karn’s immortal, beating heart were the Hybrean granted strength beyond that of mortals and the skill to forge. The face of the earth bore the siblings Sirens and Humanity. Now Nhil the God of nothing grew wroth at all the work of his brother’s hands for as creation grew the power of the void waned. In his terrible anger he smote the land and sea with curses and set loose the abominations and the unkin that they might haunt the deep in his stead. All these things came to pass before the sundering and the world’s first burning.

    After the sundering Shegolgog the fang mother called the silken one wove paths for her children to tread into the moral world to feast on dreams. In those days kin passed freely from world to world through rainbow pools. The unkin slept between the worlds.

    Once upon a time Dire the trickster became jealous of the freedom of the gods. He conjured earth as a trap to avenge his pride. When two spirits of the air wandered into the earth they became trapped in mud and became enfleshed. Thusly were human beings cast mortal and thus do they return to the sky.

    The woman came upon a garden while adventuring between worlds. Bringing the man with her they both entered the garden unknowing it was being tended to by a titan serpent; a servant of wisdom. The woman spoke to the serpent and she took pity on them. She agreed to share a portion of her crop with them from year to year that they might one day regain their godly knowledge. But the man, seeing that serpent could be defeated in war waited for the woman to leave and then smote the serpent. The man hungered from his battle and stole the whole of the crop. In jealousy the man removed the serpents wings. After the man had eaten he knew that his actions were shameful and hid himself beneath the wings.

    When the woman returned and saw the serpents blood upon the ground she feared that she had been betrayed and the man devoured by the serpent. Believing she was left alone to tend the garden she took and ate the fruit larger than the agreed upon portion. Then she knew what the man had done and that the serpents blood upon the ground had cursed the fruit. The woman found the man beneath the wings and spoke to him saying, “Because of what you have my fruit is cursed. Our children will know hunger and war. Every serpent born from now will be unable to grow wings, but be left to the dust. Because we have obtained this godly knowledge before our appointed time there will be great strife on the earth for we are bound to the earth. In the night our minds will be full of dreams since we cannot fully contain the gift we stole. We must tend our hearts.” In sorrow the man made a covering of leather for himself. He razed the garden and hid away what fruit was left over that none might obtain that which was not intended for mortals. The man and the woman were alone. They had many children all of them bearing the curse of the fruit in different amounts. So is it that some are born mundane and others prodigious.

Though cursed to dwell on but one world while dreams of many worlds filled their heads, human beings flourished and filled the whole of their world even to the clouds. Then the earth and sky and sea exacted vengeance upon them for the things they had done. It rejected the pride of their cities and the arrogance of their magic. The power of spell craft fled the people. The world burned with the weight of their sins and few survived those days.

A star passing by the conflagration alone took pity on the sundered world below and put a halt to the undying flames. She sang the world to life again with a song of mercy. The people cried out that they might know the name of the star that they might worship her in truth. The star replied to them, "You can't speak my name with but one human lifetime. The whole of your kind all together hasn't had the time to sound the first syllable. Though now you know me not you have known me always. I will tell you a short name by to call me, but it can not be spoken with only one mouth or voice and it takes more than two ears to hear. So when you pray you must never pray alone, but every blooming flower will help you speak my name." Even now the star waits to hear us sing her in every tomorrow.

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