Australian Cattle Dog

25. How to Get Something Out of a Puppy or Dog's Belly without Surgery
25. How to Get Something Out of a Puppy or Dog's Belly without Surgery
If your puppy or dog has chewed up something and you don't know what to do, you could try this method maybe. But you should always go to, or call your veterinarian first, and let them know what you are going to do.
Now I would not recommend this procedure to anyone really, I just wanted you to know that there is another option out there, before resorting to costly surgery, that could hurt or kill the puppy or dog. For those that do not have the money for surgery, I would not want you to leave something dangerous in your puppy or dog, and this might help you out.
If your dog eats some Christmas tree ornaments, the glass kind, or some metal objects, like small staples, pins, or glass fragments, or anything else that is totally dangerous, there is one other way to get the items out, without surgery.
You would use cotton balls to do this with. You would want to buy some cotton balls, and make sure it is cotton balls, not something on the bag that says cosmetics, as that will have some other type of fibers in it that would not be good for your dog, so make sure you get the ones that say Cotton Balls.
For small size dogs, you would use roughly 2 cotton balls, for medium size dogs, you would use about 3 to 5, and for large size dogs, you can use 6 or more. You would want to cut the cotton balls into smaller sizes. If your puppy or dog swallows glass shreds, from things like Christmas tree ornaments, or other items, you would dip the cotton balls in milk or water, and then the puppy or dog will actually eat it and swallow it. If for some reason your dog does not want to, you can actually force the cotton balls into their throat, and make them swallow it.
As the cotton works its way through the digestion system, it will pick up all the fragments of glass, even the tiniest of ones, and it will get caught in the cotton material. The cotton will protect the inside linings of your dog, so your dog will stay protected. When the puppy or dog defecates, you would want to make sure there is no bleeding, and if there is, take your puppy or dog to the veterinarian immediately.
If you suspect your puppy or dog of swallowing something, you should take them to the vet. If you think you can do it yourself, you could try this method, as the cotton balls are supposed to entangle all the bad stuff, and protect it when it is coming out the dog’s body, and then if everything goes well, you have maybe just saved your dog’s life. Even if you take your dog to the vet, you could mention this procedure to your vet, as not every vet is up on everything, and no two veterinarians are the same.
26. How to Clean Your Australian Cattle Dog’s Ears Correctly
Before you start to clean your puppy or dogs ears, you should make sure you do not smell a really foul odor coming from their ears. If it smells pretty bad, they might have an infection and bacteria in the ears, or worse. You should take your pet to the vet right away, because it could be something serious.
It is good to get your dog used to having their ears cleaned on a weekly basis if you can. You never want to use cotton swabs or Q-tips on dog’s ears, only cotton pads, the kind ladies use to take their makeup off is best.
You should pick up a good puppy or dog ear cleaning solution from your local pet supply store or veterinarian. Gently pull the ear flap upward to straighten out the ear canal, then squirt some of the cleaning solution into your puppy or dogs ear. Massage the base of the ear with your thumb and fingers for about 30 seconds, to make sure the cleaning solution gets deeper down into the ear.
Your puppy or dog is going to want to shake their head to get the cleaning solution out of their ears, and just let them do that for a minute.
Next use a damp cotton pad to gently wipe out the dogs ears, and clean them up as good as you can. Make sure you do not put anything down inside of the dog’s ears, as this could hurt them, and freak them out also.
To help your puppy or dog relax the first few times, you could gently give your dog a head and ear massage, and gently start exploring and playing with their ears, so that they get used to the feeling of your fingers poking around their ears. Most dogs are heavily sensitive in their ears and feet the most, so be careful not to frighten them, just be gentle and easy.
You should never use peroxide on your dog if it has not been diluted. Pure peroxide can be to harmful to your puppy or dogs ears full strength. Consult your vet when you have signs of foul odors, since dogs ears are one of their keen senses they use.
When you are done cleaning your puppy or dogs ears, make sure you let them air dry, especially if they are long, since it will be harder to dry. Bacteria and other things love warm damp areas to grow, so make sure you get them dry before you let him or her go run off. Keep the ears folded over, to make sure they get good air circulation to dry correctly and not be left damp.
27. How to Stop Your Australian Cattle Dog from Eating Their Own Stools
The last thing you want to do is see your Australian Cattle Dog eating his or her own feces stools! You would not want any guests or family members over, and your dog does that in front of them!
If your Australian Cattle Dog is eating his or her own feces stools, you might want to increase their daily exercise activity and make sure you are feeding him or her, a high quality dog food.
There are chewable treats for dogs, which will make even the worst offender stay away from his or her own feces stools. It goes right thru the intestines of your dog, and out in the stools, with a taste they will hate, but it will not harm them!
The active ingredient is pretty close to red hot chili peppers, and your dog will hate the taste, but the treats do not harm your dog at all. They will not eat their feces stools anymore, thereby taking care of the problem.
This is not to be used in puppies, or dogs that are nursing, or dogs with any medical problems. Ask your vet about dog treats that will stop your Australian Cattle Dog from eating his or her own stools, and you could just as easily order it online also if you search for it.
The last thing you want at a party or family get together is your Australian Cattle Dog showing off his bad habits of eating their own feces, it just is not good, and you need to take care of it immediately.
28. How Invisible Fencing Typically Works to Train and Protect Your Dog
Hopefully this will give you a basic understanding on how invisible fencing for your dog should work, and if it is for you, or not for you. Only you can decide if you agree with invisible fencing. Not all yards are the same, and by no means, not all dogs are the same, but it should work for most people that use it correctly.
The system would usually entail you trenching a trench, or digging up the ground along the path you want your invisible fencing to go. Just pretend it is an invisible wall, and where you put the wires, will be where the invisible fencing will be located at.
You would want to check with your local utilities or power company before digging up and installing the wires. But it is not that difficult for the average person, as long as they follow the instructions carefully for the system they purchase.
Your dog would be fitted with a collar that has some sensors that stick out and contact the dog’s skin. From what I hear, the dog does not get a shock, but a surprising jolt, and since dogs cannot talk, we will really never know what they feel, until we find a dog that can talk. We can put him or her on television, and they can maybe tell us everything that is wrong with dogs and kids would love that story, but you get the idea!
The way it works is you bury the wires underneath the lawn, so you don't have wire everywhere. You can also run it along wooden fences, but not metal ones, and that could be a boundary wall, so they don't dig out, but you don't have to dig up that section, because a fence is already there, basically making them stop digging out, or jumping up on the fence any more.
The collar would require batteries, and a test period, and training sessions with your dog, so that he or she understands what is desired of them. You have to train them properly about where they can, and where they cannot go in the yard. They do have systems for inside the home for dogs that jump over gates, and you could find that on the internet for inside places.
You would place red flags along the path of the invisible fencing, for training purposes with your dog. Your dog needs to be able to see the invisible lines first. That is what the flags are put in the ground for. A system that is working fine would give the dog several beeps warning him or her that they are getting too close to the fence.
If they do not move back, they will get a shock or surprise jolt, depending on how you look at it, since the dog can't tell us. The part you really need to teach your dog before you let him or her loose or on their own, is to turn away from the fence, and go back.
You could teach them this by turning it into a fun game for both of you. You would train your dog by taking them up to the fence, and when the warning beeping starts to go off, you could turn around and run, and call your dog to come too! Then when he or she comes, you could give them some praise, and teach them to turn back, not go thru it.
Like anything, you would actually need to teach them to go thru it, so they know what they are in for. Walk with them, and when the warning beeping is going off, let them experience the effect of the surprise.
I'm hoping they are getting a surprise rather than a shock, but if this saves them from running out in the street and getting hit and killed by a car or truck. Or getting lose and biting someone, then I believe they need to learn what happens if they don't come back, while you are there, rather than while you are away.
You would leave the red flags up until you think your dog is ready for them to be taken down. As with anything you love, take good care of your dog, and watch them and keep an eye on them. If you just use common sense, and follow the directions on the kit you buy, and don't take any short cuts, do it right the first time, and it will work. Just plan everything ahead of time, and give your dog plenty of time to learn the new system with you, and you both should be happier and safer!
29. Some Items You Should Never Let Your Puppy or Dog Eat
Some items you should never let a puppy or dog eat, because it can harm or kill them, so you should be aware of them. I'm sure most people already know you should never give a puppy or dog chocolate, not even a little piece. Chocolate usually has caffeine in it, and even just a small amount could kill a puppy or dog, or put them into convulsions.
Just like people, some big guys can eat 15 hot dogs, and 5 bottles of beer, and the next guy can't even eat 1 hot dog, and would never finish a bottle of beer, that is just an example really. A puppy or dog is the same way; no two dogs are going to be alike! Some dogs might be fine eating broccoli, and other dogs might bite the bullet from it, so it's just nice to know what kinds of foods could hurt your dog, and this list could change at any time really.
Some items you would not want to give your dog might include: raisins and grapes, macadamia nuts, walnuts, cooked bones (raw bones are good, cooked bones splinter and can hurt your dog much easier than raw soft fresh bones.) You would not give avocado, onions, garlic, mushrooms, broccoli, tea or coffee, white bread, white potatoes, white rice, peppers, raw spinach and probably some other things your vet might have on a list for your dog.”
Granted, some dogs might have been eating some of these products for years, but all young children need to be taught, that giving even the smallest amount of chocolate to a puppy or dog, can be deadly. Even the candy bar wrappers on the ground, a dog might try to lick it up.
Teach children that candy has no place in a dog’s life. Some dogs cannot digest broccoli for example very well, and other dogs might be just fine. It is better to find alternative foods, since the world has so many kinds.
The best food of all is food you make yourself, since you can actually see the real ingredients going into it. Some super market dog foods are so full of corn and soy beans, you wonder if your dog gets any nutrition from it, unless he or she eats the whole bag, and that could be the case.
If you learn to fix your dog healthy food at home, and leave out the stuff that might hurt or kill him or her, you would be doing your dog a big favor!
30. How to Make Sure Your Dog is eating a Healthy Amount of Food
You as the dog owner have the responsibility to make sure your dog is not under fed, or over fed. Some mature dogs can have free food out all day long, and eat just the right amount on their own. Some other dogs just might eat nonstop, and hurt them, and then you usually have to stop that, and feed them a measured amount twice a day, so they don't over eat, every dog is different.
Younger puppies and dogs usually are very energetic, and can burn off some steam, but you should still exercise them, and take them to obedience classes if you can. Older dogs get more set in their ways, and tend to sleep more as they get older. Older dogs still need exercise, but not long periods of it. It is best to give them plenty of times to go out and exercise with you, just shorter periods of time.
You can ask your vet what is the best food to give your dog. Each vet will have his or her own opinion, and then try to stick with what they tell you. You can also go online and use a weight chart, and determine roughly how much your dog should be eating daily.
You can measure that amount into their bowl twice daily, and if they are eating it all, you can increase the amount, to control weight gain or loss, just like decreasing the amount you give them. Your vet should be able to tell you what your dog’s daily intake should be, and then try to stick to that.
Make sure you have plenty of fresh drinking water available at all times for your puppy or dog. If you leave your dog inside a crate, make sure there is amble water supply. Dogs, just like humans, would prefer a nice cool drink of refreshing water, rather than a drink from old warm water with dog hairs floating in it. Give your dog fresh water as often as you can.

31. Make it Easier and Healthier for Feeding Your Australian Cattle Dog
You can make is much easier on your Australian Cattle Dog when it comes to eating. Some dogs you can leave their food out for them, and they do not over eat. Other dogs may over eat until they get bloated, or they gobble it down super-fast, and have gas problems and more serious problems.
To find out how much your dog should be eating, you should check with your vet. You could also measure your dog’s food, and then feed him or her twice a day. If they eat the whole bowl, give them more next time, if they don't eat it all, give them less each time. You could measure it, and then come up with the right amount for your dog for each meal.
For dogs that gobble down their food so fast, the pet supply places sell dog bowls that have inserts in the bowl, so the dog would have to slow down to eat. You would never want to give your dog just one meal a day. You should feed them twice a day, and at the same time each day, so they can count on their schedule, just like people seem to love, breakfast, lunch and dinner!
For large size dogs, it is harder on them and their joints when they have to bend over to get their head down to the ground to get a drink of water, and that is bad for their joints, especially if they are young still.
Some pet supply stores sell water and food bowls that go in a stand and make it higher off the ground. That makes it easier for your puppy or dog to swallow, as their body is more parallel to the ground while eating.
A raised water and eating bowl, will make your dog more comfortable when eating, and it's especially great if they have muscle or joint problems. You want your dog to have a happy and healthy life.
Just like people, dogs don't drink enough water sometimes. If you can get your dog to drink more water, it will be much better and healthier for them. You can get one of the bowls from the pet supply stores that give a continuous supply of cool water, and your dog might enjoy it even more!
32. How to Clean and Groom your Australian Cattle Dog
It is very important to clean and groom your puppy or dog on a regular basis to keep them clean and sharp looking, and just nice to smell!
When bathing your puppy or dog, make it a fun experience for them each time, and the early your start doing it, the better! This is the time you can inspect your dog completely, so that you can notice any new cuts, scrapes, rashes, or anything that you might not notice when you’re just playing with your dog.
This is also the perfect time to inspect your puppy or dogs nails, and to check to see if they are too long and need to be trimmed. Use cotton balls when cleaning the inside of the ears, never use cotton swabs, as you could damage their ears. Check inside of the ears for any foul orders, a sure sign that you need a visit to your local vet. If your puppy or dog shakes his or her head a lot, and try's to scratch at it on a regular basis, your dog could have ear mites, or an infection.
If you do not wash, comb or brush your dog on a regular basis, they could end up with mats in their hair, and those are harder to get out. When mats get wet, they are harder to deal with, so you should try to get them out before the bath.
Fleas can be another big problem. Make sure you use good quality flea shampoo, and for serious problems, consult your vet at once. Your veterinarian or pet supply warehouse will also carry some more expensive solutions, that do work very well, that you can usually place on the dog once a month, to cure this problem.
In order to keep water out of your dog’s ears while giving him or her a bath, you could put cotton balls just inside the ear canal, so that water does not get inside the ears, and cause a bacterial infection later.
After you get the bath ready for your puppy or dog, you do not want to get water in their eyes or ears. You certainly do not want to put your dog’s head underneath the water, unless you want your dog to panic and freak out, not a good idea at all.
Wet your puppy or dogs hair from the head down, and then apply a good quality shampoo, then lather the dog up, rinse and repeat. During the bath, it is good to talk to your dog, and tell them they are doing a good job. They will relax more when they hear the gentleness of your voice.
After you take your dog out of the bath, you do not want to just let him or her go outside, because they will go directly to some dirt, and roll in it, and all your work will be wasted.
You should towel dry them as much as you can, and then let them air dry in a warm place until they care completely dry. Then you should comb or brush them until they are nice looking. If you do decide to use a blow dryer on your dog, make sure you set it on the lowest setting so you don't hurt your dog.
If your dog gets so dirty, or has more mats than you know what to do with, it is best to go to a professional groomer, and let their experience work for you. You might just learn a few tricks for next time by watching them, for when you do it yourself later.
33. How to Trim a Puppy or Dogs Nails Properly
The first thing you should know about dogs nails is that the blood vessels go down to their nails, and if you cut it to short, it will bleed or hurt the dog.
The part you DO NOT want to cut is called the “quick”. That is the part that has the pink color to it in white or clear nails. For dogs with dark nails, it is much harder to see, and you need to be more careful.
It would pay to get a quality pair of nail clippers, if you are not sure, you can ask your vet. You could even have them or your groomer give you a lesson on how to trim the nails yourself. It is not that hard, you just need to be extra careful not to hurt the puppy or dog.
You would be much better off if you teach your dog when they are a puppy, to have their nails clipped. If your dog is walking around and you can hear their nails clicking on the floor, it is time to cut them. Some dog’s need their nails cut once or twice a month, other dogs can go longer between pedicures.
Make sure the nail clippers you are using are sharp. You would start at the tip of the nail, and then clip a little bit at a time. When you get close to the quick or pink part, you do not want to cut that. If you do cut that, and it starts to bleed, use a styptic stick or styptic powder, or even baby powder, and apply pressure until the bleeding stops.
On dark or black nails, it is very difficult to see the pink sometimes, so you want to do just a little at a time. You can use a nail file to file down the rest, and to file off any sharp edges from clipping.
This is also the perfect time to inspect your puppy or dogs feet. Some dogs that play outside, can get the little burs from the plants outside. The little prickly thing gets stuck in their feet, just like a thorn, and can get infected.
I know this from experience, as we had those weeds on our land, and our dog got the smallest one in her foot, and it got infected. The vet gave us antibiotics until the infection was cured, and then I made sure I removed those kinds of weeds from our property.
If your puppy or dog did not have his or her dewclaws removed, then it would need to be clipped also. It could get caught up on something when your dog is jumping around. It is the nail on the inside of the front legs that is a little bit up from the paws, it does not get used, so it might be pretty sharp. Do that one the same way you clip the other nails.
If you don't trim your dog’s nails on a regular basis, the quick will start to get longer over time, the part with the blood vessels. Your dog’s nails need to be clipped or filed down. If you can hear them click on the floor when they walk, they need taken care of. The dog should be walking on his or her paws, and the nails should not be touching the floor.
If your dog’s nails are too long, it can make it hard for them to walk around properly. It is good to have your dog lay all the way down on the floor while you trim the nails. When you are done trimming your dog’s nails, you should give praise and a treat to your dog, because you are going to have to do it again sometime, and you want your dog to cooperate each time.
34. The 5 Different Kinds of Worms That Can Harm Your Dog
There are 5 different kinds of worms that can hurt your puppy or dog, and here is a list of them, and what they can do to your dog. There are many different types of medicines and antibiotics for your dog, and not all of them work on each symptom, so it is best to consult your vet for the proper treatment.
One of the easiest ways for puppies and dogs to pick up worms is by them playing or eating their feces matter. It is important to pick up your dog’s poop in the backyard all the time on a regular basis, so it can be clean and safe.
Hookworms: Hookworms are not visible from the naked eye. Hookworms hide in the intestines and can be transferred to humans. Hookworms are small thin worms that hook onto the intestinal wall and they suck the blood from the puppy or dog, which can cause anemia, and even death.
These worms actually have teeth that cause bleeding in the intestines. Hookworms will grow to full maturity in the intestines. Hookworms can be spread from the mother’s milk right to the pups, so the whole family needs to be dewormed.
The worms like to live in feces matter, and contaminated soil, like the dirt you might have in your back yard you dog likes to play in maybe. If your dog has hookworms, some signs might include: anemia, weight loss, diarrhea, bloody stools and very low energy.
Hookworms could be present, and you won't be able to see them, so you would need to take your pet or a stool sample from your pet, to the vet for a diagnosis.
Roundworms: Roundworms are the most common type of worms in puppies. Just like hookworms, roundworms attack the intestines, and can cause a potbellied look on your puppy or dog.
Puppies can get roundworms from their mother’s milk or even from the uterus before birth. They can also pick up the eggs from contaminated soil outside, since roundworm eggs can live up to several years outside in the dirt and soil.
Roundworms can be transmitted to humans, just like hookworms, so it is vital to eradicate them as soon as practical. Roundworms will live in the intestines and will grow to adulthood, and lay eggs that will produce more roundworms.
Roundworms can be seen by the eye in your dog’s vomit or stools, and is up to 7 inches long, and will resemble spaghetti somewhat. When your puppy or dog starts to get to many of these roundworms, you will see the potbellied appearance on them, and you may notice vomiting, diarrhea, and weight loss.
Whipworms: Whipworms are one of the harder worms to kill. Whipworms are long skinny shaped worms that live in the dog’s colon, and you cannot see them with your eyes.
Whipworms will also attach to the intestines, and cause intestinal bleeding inside your dog. Signs of whipworms could be weight loss, anemia, diarrhea with some blood or a gooey mucus type substance in it, and just a lack of energy.
Tapeworms: Tapeworms get their name, because they look like flat Scotch tape. Tapeworms attack the intestines, and can be seen by the naked eye. The tapeworms will look like a rice appearance in your dog’s stools.
Tapeworms can be broken into pieces, and sometimes you can see the worms on your dog’s anus and stools, still moving around, with your naked eyes.
Tapeworms are not transmitted directly to humans from dogs, but a human could still be infected. Some signs your dog might have tapeworms would be weight loss, uncontrollable itching around the anus area, lots of pain if you touch their abdominal area, and vomiting.
Heartworms: Heartworms are spread by mosquitoes, when mosquitoes are active, and go from one dog to the next. Heartworms can kill your dog if left untreated, and it is easily preventable. There are no symptoms for heartworms, until it is almost fully advanced.
The heartworms destroy the muscle and tissue of the heart, and can cause heart failure, and kill your dog. One of the best measures these days is to consult your vet for heartworm guard, and you can easily find medications online for your dog’s heart, since starting them on a medication is the best practice.
35. How to Deworm your Australian Cattle Dog for Good Health
With the different types of dog worms found, it is important to make sure you put your puppy or dog on a deworming program at the start of 2 weeks old. Some worms you cannot see with the naked eye, and it is important for the puppy and dogs health to be protected against these parasites that infect their bodies sometimes.
Here is some other things you can do to help prevent worms: Try not to let your puppy or dog play with dead animals or rodents, this is where most tapeworms come from. Puppies are prone to tasting their feces matter, so make sure you discourage that, and clean up waste right away. This is the most common way for puppies and dogs to get worms.
Having your dog on a flea prevention program is great, since fleas help spread tapeworms in dogs. The dog park is sometimes not the best place for your dog to hang out. Sure he or she would love it, but some other dog owners do not have their dogs under control. This is an easy place for other dogs to catch stuff, from digging in the dirt, to jumping and licking other dogs.
Usually you will have to take a stool sample to your vet, and they will examine it under a microscope, to see what type of worms your dog has. For heartworms, a blood test is usually required to detect heartworms.
Some dogs may have a small amount of worms that pose no threat to the dog, since some dogs have different immune levels, and for some dogs, just the slightest infestation, could kill them. Too many worms for any dog would be bad, and totally affect their health and wellbeing.
Your dog would have diarrhea, and their shiny coat of hair would become dull looking. Most of the nutrients your dog needs from food would be going to the worms, and your dog would lose energy, and lose weight. The red blood cells would become destroyed and the dog would become anemic.
You can find many different types of dewormers for your puppy and dog from pet stores, to online pet stores, and some of the major retailers of pet products. Dewormers can come in the form of pills, liquid or injection. Make sure you understand how to do it; each company and type of dewormer could have different directions.
Most vets recommend deworming your puppy at 2, 4, 6, 8 and 12 weeks old. Then follow the directions, as some medicines will be monthly, or quarterly, and even semiannually, so ask your vet which dewormer is best for you, or follow the directions closely on the dewormer product your purchase.
36. What You Should Know About Dog Rabies
Rabies is the one of the most preventable diseases almost, just by simply going to your vet, and having your dog vaccinated. In all 50 states it is the law, that all dogs should have rabies vaccinations no sooner than 4 months, and only by a veterinarian.
Some states and towns have different rules about when dogs have to be re-vaccinated from 1 to 3 years annually, with so many districts being different from each other, so you need to check with your town or city.
Most dogs get infected from wild animals that might have the disease, like skunks, raccoons, foxes, coyotes and bats. Most all rabies is transmitted when an infected animal bites another animal that has not been vaccinated. The virus in the saliva inters thru the bite entrance, and travels to the brain where is destroys the dog. There is no known cure for the disease yet, and it is almost always fatal, and the dog will most certainly die from the disease.
There are vaccinations available for humans so they do not get the rabies virus, but that is usually reserved for veterinarians, and people that deal in wildlife, or travel to high risk areas mostly.
If you take your dog to the vet after they are 4 months old, the veterinarian can usually give a low cost rabies shot, and make your puppy or dog safe, and protect others from the disease from spreading.
Lots of pet owners don't get around to getting their pets vaccinated, and that is just one more reason you should get yours done. It is a disease that will destroy your dog, and tear you apart. It is very easily preventable with a simple vaccination, and all states require it by law now.
There are 3 stages of the rabies disease that can affect your dog. Some signs your dog might be infected would and could include things like bite marks, or your dog licking a fresh wound constantly.
The disease would make some dogs that are generally good matured, would have a split personality, and turn violent and vicious. Dogs that are usually aggressive or mean, are now being timid and friendly and calm.
The disease spreads thru the nervous system until it attacks the brain and starts to multiply. There is no cure, and it is too late for your dog after they get the virus. Most vets would recommend uthanization prior to death, to save the dog from the pain and suffering. That alone is worth taking your dog to your friendly pet shop and setting up an appointment, or just walking in when they have a rabies clinic.
Some of the more unpleasant results at the end stage would include the dogs lack of muscle control in the neck and head. This would cause them to drool saliva, since they cannot swallow anymore, and it's almost the end for them. The only way to know for sure if your dog has rabies is after death. They can take a brain sample and put it under a microscope only after the dog has died, to see if it was rabies. They do have other tests, but it is rare to be used.
One of the best ways to keep your puppy or dog protected is use common sense. Take your pet to the vet for their vaccination. When you take your pet out on a hike, or along the river bank, or thru the hills and over the mountains, try to make sure you can keep an eye on them from wild animals. A dog is going to be a dog and investigate things, especially wild animals they find, and that is where the vaccination should of come into play already to protect your dog in the first place really.
37. Some Helpful Healthy and Tasty Homemade Dog Food Recipes
How to make your dog a Healthy Breakfast: Ok, so you have a dog and he is not just another little one running around, pawing you and asking you for a little more love and attention, he demands it!
As cute as it may seem, but as a dog owner, you play the role of just being more than that, you are indeed his parent, his sibling, his cousin, whatever relationship status you name it!
Today we would like to share with you a healthy breakfast option for your dog. Remember, your dog is a growing boy and you may not notice too much, but yes he is indeed growing and would need the best nutrition and care, sometimes more than your own kids.
We would love to give you this recipe and you would for sure love to serve this for your dog, so folks, gather your pen and papers and jot every word down, your dog needs a treat and you got to make one for him this morning.
A bowl of boiled chicken breasts
5 potatoes boiled
250 grams carrots boiled
1 teaspoon turmeric powder (kills the worms and heals internal infections if any)
Bay leaves, two only
Half a liter of water
Half a bowl of cooked rice
Instructions: On a slow fire add the chicken to the water and mix the turmeric and bay leaves. Allow it to boil for twenty minutes, till you see the oily surface of the broth. Now put in the carrots and raise the heat of the cooking dish. Keep stirring and watch how the chicken and carrots blend into one another.
Remove the dish off the fire and allow it to cool. This is when you take the boiled potatoes and mash them into tiny balls and allow them to submerge with the broth made. Your dog would surely love the new recipe and would beg you for more. Once it is lukewarm, pour the contents into the rice and add a little bit of honey if you please. Each of this cookery would last your dog for three meals or more.
Tips and warnings
I recommend chicken for dogs without bones; bones break into tiny splinters which rip the walls of the stomach. This can cause internal bleeding and sores, leading to death in some cases.
Turmeric should be used not more than a teaspoon in all cooking meals for humans and pets. It kills the worms and prevents further decay of internal injuries if any.
Honey is a natural appetizer, makes your dog eat well and helps him digest as well.
Conclusion: Folks, if you would like to try ground beef, or lamb, you can do so. But always remember for such meats, you should boil them twice, since most of it has a lot of worms hidden and can be harmful for the dog. Your dog is going to live healthier and love you more!
When your Dog Loves It Raw: Some dogs like Buddy wouldn’t want to eat cooked food, blame it on their natural instincts to love everything raw! No matter how hard you try to make him eat, he just won’t touch it. Understanding this predicament of pet owners around the globe, we have a healthy raw recipe which your dog would be thankful for, so we urge and encourage you to use this recipe!
Please be advised this is a tried and tested recipe, however, you should speak to your vet before you think of feeding your dog this new recipe I have for you. So please read on folks, your little baby wants the best nutrition available.
1. Pound of raw chicken or beef (ground to coarse
2. A bowl of veggies, carrots, cabbage, tomatoes and beetroot.
3. Half cup of raw liver or even gizzards would do, whatever is easily available.
4. Cider vinegar not more than half a cup, apple flavored.
5. Garlic pods not more than three.
6. A teaspoon of kelp ground fine
7. Half a cup of white curd
8. Three eggs boiled
9. A bowl of parsley, if you please
10. A teaspoon of honey and turmeric to add flavor and color
Instructions: Please take the veggies and chop them fine, know that dogs don’t chew all that much, they swallow. You should also know how your dog eats his meals, if he chews or swallows that is. Store the chopped veggies in the fridge for half an hour. This would help make it crisp and dogs love crispy stuff, it strengthens their teeth.
Next with the meat and liver, over here you can have a mix of raw bones and meat, however, I still insist on no bones, since bones can cause splinters when they break in the dog’s digestive tracts and can cause internal injuries over time. The mix of meat and veggies to serve is your take, you decide. On some days you can put 60:40 and other days 40:60 or a 50:50 as well, the choice is yours.
Add the embellishments on the mix, with chopped boiled eggs, apple cider, parsley etc. Toss it well and make it look yummy, serve at normal room temperatures. This meal could be for three whole meals in a day, so serve as you deem fit.
Tips and warnings: Raw meat enhances muscle strength and development for your dog. This also enables his gums and mouth to be stronger, since he would chew better. Since he would chew more, he would help the digestion process go well down within him. Our boys are the best natural raw meat lovers we could find around, so no worries there, but ensure you wash the meat well, especially if it comes as a stored or packed product. You should ensure the salts and preservatives are washed away, so wash the meat and bones twice.
When Your Dog Has Fussy Food Habits: Sometimes we wonder if teenagers are more stubborn at their eating habits or our pets? Never mind, that would always be a mystery unsolved. Today I would like to tell you about a very nice recipe which I think your King or Queen in your house would love to have.
You don’t need to run from pillar to post to find the ingredients, it’s all there in your kitchen, so please read on and be well informed on your dog's diet.
1. A bowl of chicken liver
2. A bowl of carrots chopped and smashed, boiled would be great
3. A bowl of potatoes boiled
4. Cucumbers not more than two
5. A teaspoon of turmeric
6. 2 bay leaves
7. 5 slices of bread
Instructions: On slow fire, you should take a liter of water and put the chicken liver pieces in it. The boiling should be done in fifteen to twenty minutes and you should, while the boiling happens, add turmeric and bay leaves.
Once the broth is made, take the liver out and keep separate. In the broth add the cucumbers and potatoes. Mix this well, adds to it the carrots, and keep stirring for ten minutes aggressively. I say aggressively, so that the flavors combine and the ingredients blend into one another.
Now take the chicken liver and run it in the mixer with a little more turmeric and make it into a paste. Add bread slices crushed into the mixer while the paste is being made. If you want you can add some mint and coriander, not too much, because your dog wouldn’t want to have it then.
Finally, add the paste into the broth and bring it back to the slow fire. This would be to bring down the levels of extra water and allow it to turn into a thick creamy pudding.
Serve it when it is lukewarm, so that his tongue doesn’t burn and yet the taste remains. Ensure you add a teaspoon of honey into her food at all meals. Honey is an appetizer and would help her eat well and absorb the nutrition at large.
Tips and warnings: If your dog isn’t eating too well, check with the vet, she could be having digestion issues. Don’t ignore just because he isn’t eating, there could be a reason.
If you feel your dog could be allergic to chicken liver, you could try this with ground beef or plain chicken breasts. I recommend no bones at all for the dog, unless specified by the dog’s health care expert. If you don’t want to bring the water levels down in the broth, allow the extra water to be put into another container and serve that separately as an in between snacking option, dogs love it!
38. How to Select Treats To Train Your Dog With
Dogs need to be rewarded the way we humans love being treated. Would you like someone hanging a treat over you, and then just patting you on the head for a good round of tricks shown? The answer is obviously a NO! The same thing happens if you do that to your pet, he gets de motivated and annoyed as well. He would not trust you the next time around if he doesn’t have an incentive to bank on.
You may have seen your friend or neighbor offering treats to their dogs for a good job done. But remember, your dog needs one, but maybe not the same treat as other dogs. Some dogs would love a certain treat, while others wouldn’t care for that treat as much as a different kind. They would certainly want more than what the other dog is getting at the moment. Now this is left up to the owner to figure out, you have to understand your dog’s likes and dislikes. Change the levels of the treat rewards for your dog, so that he understands why he gets what he gets.
Level One: Here you should give him a reward for the job he is willing to do, not for standing on his head or back flips. This reward should be a standard treat for all the goodness he does for you. You can consider this to be like his daily wage.
Level Two: Your dog would want this reward more than the first one, since it is for something special or a special occasion for which he would get this. This reward should be kept when he does something extra special while undergoing obedience training. Treat this reward as overtime for the little angel, he would appreciate it, and would be more motivated to work harder and smarter next time.
Level Three: This is for emergencies such as situations that would involve life and death for example. You should train your dog on how to rescue folks around in grave situations, or maybe even be man’s best friend in times of emotional need. Here the treats would signify higher amounts of love and dedication towards him. He would understand that this treat is meant for something serious and not just because he chased the next door neighbor’s cat off your property.
It’s not about the size of the treat: Now the size of the treat doesn’t matter here, it’s the intent which does. While handing out treats to your dog, you should pat him on the head, which will tell him he is worth the treat being given. It's now up to you on what treats you best think your little doggie should get.
The End