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Chapter 1: Shrug My Shoulders

 My name is Pakkusu Usagi. Everyone calls me Pax. I'm 17 and in high school, of course. That's not where I am right now though. I'm cutting class and sitting at a bar, downing my second bottle of sake. Don't worry, the bartender is a friend. I cut class because I'm depressed. I'm doing fine in school, but I'm alone. I'm an orphan. What happened I don't know. So I work part time at a local supermarket. Did you see the guy arranging the shelves? Yeah, that was probably me. I use my salary to pay my rent at a condo unit, which was pretty cheap considering I live in Berubiru Town, in the state of Nujaji. Nujaji is expensive to live in. Maybe if I make enough I'll move to Pansirubenia. That's enough about my living. The bar is where shit is about to go down.

So I'm looking at my bottle of sake and admiring my reflection. Wait. Did I say I was depressed? I am, but I give myself credit for staying strong. I look at myself. Bold green eyes, accompanied by eyebrows of a menace. My black hair revealed beneath green dyed undercut which was spiking upward into a ducktail at the back. Bangs dropping alongside my glum face. The glass bottle made it hard to tell but my tan skin was roughened, my white polo was tattered and dirtied, and my black suit pants was torn at the ends. I am a Street Fighter and I kicked ass... a lot. I look like some Weaboo Jones lookin ass bitch when he got a reality check. 

I said to myself "I'm one helluva mean green ass kicking machine in this God shat world we live in." Oh yeah, I forgot I was drunk. Don't do underage drinking, kids.

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