Take Care Of Cats


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How To Take Care Of Cats Properly: Know What Not To Feed Them

I was not a pet lover until I saw a very small kitten outside my apartment two years ago and he was soaking wet. I just could not bear that he was so small and alone, plus he was soaking wet and was definitely cold. I took him inside and to my surprise, he was sweet and was a jolly kitten indeed. From that time, I continuously try to become a good pet owner. I actually exerted extra effort of researching on how to take good care of cats. I would really like to help other cat lovers and that is the reason why I write this article. I will give you information on the food that you should not feed your cats and hopefully this will make your cute pets healthier and happier.


At first, I always give regular milk to my cat and I was shocked to know that it is wrong. That is the main reason why I started reading about the proper way of taking care of cats. If you also do this, you need to stop now. Regular milk that are for human consumption is not good for cats because the substance from milk will eventually crystallize on their kidneys. This will result in kidney malfunction and can be very deadly for your pet. There are helpful resources which will helps you to take a right decision for simple cat guide.              

Canned tuna

You may have thought that canned tuna that humans consume is also good for our cats. This is again, a wrong assumption. Fresh tuna may be okay for cats but the canned ones are not because the mercury content of canned tuna made for humans is not suitable for cats’ bodies. There are canned tunas that are made for cats and you can definitely give that to your cats because its contents are formulated specifically for them.

Chocolate in any form

Same with dogs, chocolates are not good for them even if they find it yummy. It can poison and ruin their entire body system because they will not be able to digest it. Cats and dogs do not have the enzymes responsible for digesting chocolates. So, do not even think of giving them even at least bite because you would not want them to be sick or poisoned.


Vegetables are not entirely bad for your cats; however, you can only give them small amounts of it. Many of the vegetables we eat contain chemicals like disulfides and sulfoxides. These chemicals may be good for us but too much of these can affect the transfer of oxygen to the red blood cells of our cats. So, if you always include veggies on their food, stop making it as a habit as soon as possible.

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