Where to get inspiration for an essay on Macbeth


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Where to get inspiration for an essay on Macbeth

Students often have the assignment to prepare an essay on one of Shakespeare's plays including “Macbeth”. The tragedy Macbeth is the only one in Shakespeare that depicts the transformation of a nobleman into a villain. Macbeth was at first a brave warrior, a loyal vassal to his king Duncan. But ambition creeps into his soul, a thirst for power. These feelings push him to a crime - the murder of the king and usurpation of the throne.


By his bloody actions, the usurper himself opens the way for the forces that must destroy him. Such is the meaning of Macbeth's words when still full of hesitation, he weighs the consequences of his planned assassination of the king. This is not about the "future" life and "heavenly" justice, but about earthly, real retribution. The eternal fear of rebellion compels Macbeth to commit more and more crimes, for he has “gone into the blood” so far that he is no longer able to stop - until, finally, the whole country and even nature itself takes up arms against him (“Birnam Forest”, moved, according to the prediction, to Macbeth).

The center of gravity of the tragedy
The center of gravity of the tragedy lies in the analysis of the emotional experiences of Macbeth, whose image, for this reason, completely overshadows all other figures in the play, with the exception of the image of his fatal assistant - his wife. At the beginning of the play, Macbeth is a brave and noble warrior who loyally serves the king. But in the depths of his soul lies the germ of ambition. Gradually, under the influence of circumstances, exciting impressions, and admonitions of his wife, ambition grow in him and after a hard internal struggle leads him to a crime. But, having made a decision, he no longer retreats to anything. He does not feel any remorse and, realizing all the horror of both what he has done and what he has yet to accomplish, he fights with desperate stubbornness to the end.
Write an essay about it
Sometimes it’s hard for students to write an essay on this play and they have no inspiration. There are a few ways to find inspiration for writing. They can find good samples of macbeth argumentative essay on https://writingbros.com/essay-examples/macbeth/ and find out the hook for macbeth essay. They also can learn macbeth essay topics pdf and find something useful.Another way to find inspiration is to read this play a few times. Students can find something they lost and didn’t understand during previous reading. A useful tip is to discuss this play with mates or teachers. Inspiration can come while this discussion. One more way is to watch a movie. Movies also inspire people. 
ConclusionPay attention to other features of the play. For example, the evil was embodied in his wife, Lady Macbeth, who, in her passionate desire to see her husband like a king, does not want to know any obstacles. Evil is also expressed in the fairy-tale images of witches. The stronger Macbeth's hesitation and remorse when committing the first murder, the more hastily he seeks to deal with all who might expose him. So, entangled in crimes, Macbeth turns into a bloody tyrant. His death is inevitable since all the forces of good are up in arms against him. The play is imbued with a sense of horror at the secret atrocity. Shakespeare reflected in Macbeth not only the seething passions and stormy political upheavals of the time, in which heroism often went hand in hand with crime but also the reassessment of all values, the crisis of moral consciousness, etc.
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