The View Of A 17 Year Old About Life


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Self -realization

As A 17 year old , Many view the life of A teenager to be Somewhat of A care Free ride that encounters no pain But only absolute joy.But THats not entirely true . YeT Many adults have This Same misconception that teenage life is Free from worlds problem, even though all adults went through the Same stage called adolescense once in their life time. Yes, I would agree that we teenagers do not need to worry about job, money , taxes, bills or even A world Economic crisis. Still we do have our own sets of problems that may not be as exaggerating as stock market crash But still do matter , as A teenager you Go through A lot of emotion from seeing the emotional and physical changes. But Wat really changes when u transcend from the childhood stage to A teenager is The emotions we encounter and the ones we keep in locked away from the world , unable to release It . Ik This sound to emotional But teenagehood is an emotional roller coaster ride that does not last forever , So you Either Enjoy the ride or Wait till It ends. THats A choice we all have ? Its mainly up to us. 

From our first love till the end of teenagehood , we Go through pain ,joy ,jealousy,anger,hate. Its everything that sums up Wat you as A teenager feeling. Its not the hormonal changes But Its the emotional changes that shapes Wat kind of an adult u will turn out to be. U could well end up being A criminal or lead A normal adult life that abide THe laws . See THats entirely UP to you. So me I am A teenager., I have Done Wat most teenagers would do. Screw A lot for some time. Same thing blah blah. Wat made me realize that During the few last years of My teenage Good. (17)Now.  I came to realize that I regretted few decision I made before , i mean  we all wish we could turn THe Clock back and  Restart , you cant. No one Can. That hit me hard , But Its life They say and honestly Wat Is life , i really cant understand , Wat is our purpose in This universe ?are we born to do somethjng that will matter ? Will we Remember all This After we die or will anyone Remember you After u die, not everyone is steve jobs to be remembered . Is there hell or heaven. We just have to wait till the end of our journey to find out. Idk could be in the next minute , an hour later , tomorrow , a month later or a year later. No one knows hence the most widely used term god knows is used to express or answer this. As a teenager. My religious family force me to pray to god. Which I used to do a lot younger but as I grew older  , I started to question who is god. Do he or she exist. And the only answer I got was it’s a belief that we humans made , but no one knows the truth not now , not even in the future as long we are still focused on this materialistic world we build on. Thank you 

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