Okie let’s start with introduction..
So name of girl is Zarah.. 13 years old
So this story is about this girl and her childhood like all about her life
It’s kinda emotional but kinda interesting too maybe..
So let’s get started..
But before we get in this story zarah learned a lot from this life lesson , she learned what is life , how to be strong , etc
It’s an reallife story ☹️☹️
Hope u all enjoy !!!

Once upon a time.. there was girl name Zarah ...
Well now she is school and when her friends talk about their childhood memories and she stay blank maybe she didn’t have one or maybe it’s be she was an silent girl sitting on the stairs with an notebook when she used to go out she used sit beside an light and stay there she think that’s an hope but when she was in her home is completely different and when she is in school a different person so she always smiles that’s the best thing no matter if she is crying she makes other people smile she doesn’t want anyone to hate her or be rude to her she was kind from her heart she used to say something or fight with someone if she is wrong or no she is the one who will say sorry to that person . She have seen a lot in her life a lot of problems she doesn’t mean that other don’t have ofc everyone has problem. Then after sometime she lost a lot that’s how she became a strong girl trying to control her tears keep them inside did u hear that quote “ she cry’s inside a room but when she comes out she behaves nothing happen” likes she has lot in her heart but can’t express it out. She wants to but she is scared to share anyt hing maybe that’s why ....
She even went in depression once but then she shared with her sister she felt kinda okay .. she couldn’t sleep at night she wanted to talk to people .. she lost her brother only when she was 12..