Mr Jim


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 Once upon a time, a little cottage called Baileys Home was burnt down, the owners of the house, Mr Jim and Mrs Jim were a fairly old couple. Luckily, Mr and Mrs Jim didn't get hurt, but their little dog, Sammy got injured. His tail got burnt off so they had no option but to give him to the vets where they could give in the treatment he needed 

A couple of years later Mrs Jim died of old age. Mr Jim was devastated. He couldn't eat or drink because he was so overwhelmed with grief. He also really missed Sammy, even though he gave him over to the vets 4 years before. 

Mrs Jim was the love of Mr Jim's life; they had been married for 70 years. 

Mr Jim had, had lots and lots of phone calls from people trying to tell him that they were going to come and remove the rubble, Mr Jim wouldnt allow it. He was sure that there was some trace of Sammy left; (he kept hearing barks) and he was going  to find it. "Sammy, Sammy" he would call whilst walking aimlessly round the large pile of rubble that was once his cottage. 

One day, Mr Jim heard a faraway bark, "Sammy, is that you?" A dog the colour and size of Sammy came bounding out of the forest surrounding the little cottage. "Oh Sammy, it's really you isn't it," Mr Jim cried happily. Sammy's reply was something like, "woof, woof'."

Mr Jim rebuilt his cosy cottage and he and Sammy live there happily ever after.

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