

Tablo reader up chevron

25th December 2017

 My name is Lucy, but let’s keeps it short; this is my only piece of paper. We’re moving. To a one room flat. When I say we’re, I mean mum and I. It’s the only place we can afford. I’m so worried because we think that it is all rotten, and we mustn’t use the lights until mum has enough money to pay the electricity bill. Our old house was nice, three bedrooms, a mother and a father. Mother and father divorced a week ago, father then threw us out and into the streets. Mother went to the council and she said they had a flat that had been emptied when it’s resistant won the lottery, mother called him a lucky beggar. He’s now moved into a mansion. If only we could do the lottery. We don’t even have any clothes apart from the ones we left in. To be honest, I was always scared of father, he would go out and get drunk and then come back home and shout abuse at use and the neighbors. He wouldn’t let me go to school. I had to make him cup after cup after cup of tea or coffee. I’m glad I can write on both sides of this A4 paper! I want everyone to read this and think what a horrible, horrible man he was. 

I’m glad we can move somewhere where he doesn’t know our address. 

Mum’s not well, she has a cold and moving into a house where we can’t use the heating isn’t going to be good for her. I will have to work extra hard at my paper round, which I’ll be going to in a minute so Mr Bailey (the owner of the news agents) can give me a pay rise. Then I’ll be able to by some blankets to keep us warm. 

As the title of this entry it Friday 25th December, you guessed it, it is Christmas Day but it won’t be very happy for me unfortunately. Mother was of course devastated when father said he wanted a divorce, he said mother wasn’t fit or pretty enough for him and he needed someone who was. It’s time to go for my paper round, to keep it short I’ll just say goodbye know.


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