Elemental Grounds ~ Ellen's Story


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 Sometimes it really sucks to have fire. All the others seem to be useful or just really cool. Like Crow's ice sculptures, Tarik's underground tunnels and Blur's forcefields. All I do is shoot fire and that. It's not that amazing but it's so hard to learn, practice and control. I can't aim very well with fire, it just spreads, or hits something else, I can't stand it sometimes. Also what sucks is being an elemental, we're like famous in the magic world but a complete secret to the mortals, or humans. We look exactly the same but some of us posses a power, most of us don't know if we have it yet but anyway. IF YOUR HUMAN AND YOUR READING THIS, JUST... DONT! Oops, I kinda already published it onto Tablo, should of thought about that. Anyway hopefully you humans are honest and trustworthy so you won't couintinue reading... Hopefully. 

Oh well. Might as well introduce myself, I'm Ellen, if your human... You won't know me but if you are magic, YES it's really me. If your human, you might want to know more about me.

 Well here it is: 

I'm thirteen, Tarik is my brother, I have brown eyes, ash blond hair, I'm somewhere between 160cm and 180cm, I think... Err... I have two cats and I'm typing this on my iPad (27%) in my bedroom and it's four o'clock, my favourite book is actually wrote by a human, it's Harry Potter and I don't like movies and my favourite food is lasagna.

How's that for a description?

Yes, yes, I know I'm terrible at writing, unlike Blur, who is perfect at everything. And I know what the magics are thinking; 'Can I get blurs aughtograph, PLEASE. PLEASE. PLEEEEEEASE!' Well the answer is no. Blur would be throwing air diamonds at me if she knew I was posting this thing on a human site, that all humans can have access to. She wants to stay secret, I really don't care much about our cover, I mean what's wrong with humans knowing about us? Will scientist really hunt us down and do experiments, I don't think so. Blur probably does. Anyway I guess, some humans are pretty weird - no offence. 

So far I don't think anybody has read this, it's probably not exciting yet, so I'll tell you more about us, the elementals, I know I shouldn't but anyway, Blur won't find out. I hope. 

About three years ago I lived in Australia, not knowing I was actually an elemental, let alone even have magic. I always wondered why I looked different from my parents. One day I realised, it was so clear to me, it was like... I can't describe it. And then about a month later they took me to the elemental all grounds and told me who I was. A bit like in Harry Potter. I suppose you've read that or watch the movies maybe? Yeah I really like them. 

And that's how I met my brother and cousins! It was really weird but now I feel like I've known them forever.

Oh sorry, I have to go... Some kind of alert from HQ I think, oh well... I'll be back writing later and promise to tell you about it.


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