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What Do Children Learn In Preschool? The Skills That Your Children Learn From Preschool

Preschool plays an important role in your child’s life. Whether you know it or not, having the best experience in preschool can change your child’s life forever.

The Preschool curriculum is one of the most important parts of your child’s education. In many countries, they think that Preschool is merely fun and games. But the child’s development starts in the preschool years.

If you happen to be curious about the preschool curriculum in your country, then you are in luck. In this article, we are going to write down some of the lessons that your child will learn in preschool. Who knows, it might just help you understand how to help your child learn, especially that the new school year is just around the corner.

Basic Academic Skills

One of the most important things that your child learns in the preschool curriculum is the basic academic course. Your child will learn colors, shapes, the calendar, the alphabet, etc.  Aside from the basic academic lessons, they will also learn some of the important values like cooperation, sharing, and sportsmanship with other students. These lessons will help your child grow and learn the basics before he enters the real challenge in the elementary years.

Values Formation

Although parents have been teaching their children values, teachers have to reiterate and confirm them with the child. In the preschool curriculum, the teachers reinforced what the parents have been teaching their children. The child also learns to apply the values they learned from their parents and teacher to their classmates.

Motor Skills

Another important part of the preschool curriculum that your child will learn is motor skills.  Physical activities will your child strengthen his body. The child learns to coordinate with his eye and hand coordination as well as his fine and gross motor skills.

Social Skills

One of the important lessons that a child learns from the best child curriculum is social skills. A quiet and timid child may seem to be a good child for many. But this type of child will struggle when he continues to be timid when he gets older. Thus, your child must learn to make friends with his class. This will help him communicate better and exercise proper leadership and rapport when he gets older.

Field Trips and Outdoor Activities

Lastly, the preschool curriculum also has mandatory field trips and other activities. These activities play a crucial role in a child’s development. They can reconcile what they learn in school hypothetically to reality. It allows the child to learn and experience the real things that they only see in school.  It allows them to smell, feel and touch the various things that they haven’t experience yet. 


Indeed, the preschool curriculum plays an important role in your child’s formative years. So before you start sending your child to preschool, make sure that you let your child explore the world with these skills in mind. That way, your child will be able to fit in before he starts preschool.



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