How to get rid of insects in the country


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Some bite painfully, others spoil the food and prevent sleep; Wasps, flies and drosophilidae, without them can not do any summer, but still possible to get rid of them.


Relatives of bees, but not like them. And it's not just about a slimmer and smoother body — wasps first attack a person (bees only when threatened), sting painfully and do it many times (bees die, releasing the sting). What if uninvited guests are circling the site? The main thing is to find and destroy the nest. Discovered b? Don't rush to destroy. Wait until late in the evening and only when the "owners" fall asleep, get down to business.

Take gasoline or Dichlorvos and spray properly on the socket from all sides. Now carefully knock the nest into the bag and throw it away. But be careful — there is a danger of being stung. Another thing, if the wasps settled in an inaccessible place. In this case, you need to spray chemicals into the hole where the wasps fly, and try to extract them. After that, tightly seal the move with glue that dries for a long time. There are also a lot of special tools for the fight with the wasps


The nasty buzzing is not their most terrible property: flies — carriers of diseases (tuberculosis, diphtheria, dysentery, etc.). Crawling on a sleeping person, they can provoke the development of idseases of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system. And sitting on food, make them unfit for food.

What to do? You need to start with a simple "sanitation" — regularly throw garbage, do cleaning with detergents, close access to food.

You can fight in the following ways

Malt vinegar. Pour it into a pot and bring to a boil — flies scatter from the smell But you should always be near the stove — vinegar evaporates quickly.

Trap. You need to mix rosin and castor oil (ratio 1:1) and stir for a couple. Once the substances melt, add honey or jam. Spread pre-prepared paper strips on both sides and hang from the ceiling.

Swatter. You can use a conventional fly swatter, it is good that, unlike other methods can be used again and again. In addition, at the moment there are already electronic versions and their cost is low.

Lavender. If a few drops of lavender oil to wipe the window frames and doorways through which flies fly it will help get rid of pests.


It is impossible to call these small yellow-brown individuals living and breeding in spoiled vegetables and fruits dangerous. Rather, they are simply obnoxious, as if to infest the house, then fly a pack.

How to get rid? In a plastic bag or plastic bottle to make a few punctures and put inside the ripe fruit (without peel) or pour a little sweet syrup. Now we wait. In a day, the trap will be infested with insects. You can throw!

In addition, midges can not tolerate the smell of geranium, garlic and camphor. With the help of latest it is possible to get rid of them within a couple of hours. Just warm up the camphor in a pan and carry the habitats of flies. A few more ways to get rid of drosophilidae here.

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