The Exofighter


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Wrestling is no longer popular, boxing has gone down with the times the world calls on a new form of fighting entertainment  and the Exofighter steps up to the plate to deliver the entertainment the people need.

"And Exofighter delivers the final blow and Charm is down!" the crowd roar their approval and the referee lifts up the arm of the Exosuit that covers Harry Marshalls body. His heart rate is steady despite the 5 minute fight he had just won.

This is his story to the world exo championship.

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Chapter 1 First fight

As a child Harry Marshall had been a real fighter no kid had messed with him for fear of getting beaten up so bad they couldn't walk.

In secondary school he had beaten up a teacher who had said his work wasn't of good standards , as a teenager Harry had got into a martial arts fighting club and had quickly progressed to the prestigious role of a black belt but in school their was still the bullies of the year group who wanted to harm Harry and walked up to him in the middle of the crowded field.

"come on you pussy fight us " they were determined to get a reaction out of him and they got the wrong one.Harry launched himself at them and raised his fist and caught the main bully on the chin knocking him clean out.  

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