Just Run!


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Chapter 1 The Experiment

As a boy I knew I could achieve great things but I didn't think I would be responsible for the start of the zombie apocalypse...

My life has not been easy not by a long shot, as a five year old boy I had the brain capacity of a twelve year old science had always been my favorite subject specifically chemistry my mum was forever telling me "Alex leave the chemicals alone",  at the age of 10 I had already made a chemical to cure a major disease plaguing north Africa this got me into Oxford university three years early. But then my life when downhill, I created a deceiving chemical that I thought could cure cancer.

The day that ruined my life came on the 12th of May 1976 the day of my birthday, I had refused a party and anyone coming to celebrate I turned away with vigour because I had found someone to experiment on. He had not come voluntarily but he was there lying on the pavement outside of Big Ben and I couldn’t resist it he may have been drunk but he would do. I knelt down and whispered in his ear "do you want to earn a few pounds to put in your pocket", he stirred, lifted his head and nodded ever so slowly and my heart sped up its beats. As he stood up he stumbled and revealed a knife under his ragged coat I stepped I and pulled it out "you won't need this where were going you'll be very safe" I supported him all the way through London in the dusk like a pair of drunk friends and then a police officer blocked our way.

"what are you doing ?"he asked, my hands shook and my heart became a freight train, my voice box shut down and I stuttered "we, we are going home my friend here is a little bit on the tipsy side so I wanted to get him home and off of the streets  officer so he doesn't cause any harm" he looks me up and down and ponders his reply before he answers,

"OK ,but makes sure you make him a cup of black coffee when you get home" I almost let out a whoop of joy as I gave the officer a wave and walked of with my test subject on my arm for support. As we got home I followed the officers recommendations and gave my new test subject a cup of cabinets black coffee I then took him down to my playground down in the basement I flicked on the light revealing my toys: Blades, Saws and many  drugs in glass cabinets I said to patient Zero "Want to sleep?" he nodded his head

"lay down on the table and you can sleep for as long as you want I promise, no ones going to harm you here" I said to him trying not to smile he walked over to the table and got onto it snuggling into the sheet I put on there to fool him. As he fell asleep I put down the restrictions to stop him from escaping if anything went wrong. I prepared the syringe with the chemical that could change my life and held it up to the light the fluorescent green liquid shimmered I walked over to patient Zero with my heart in my mouth and  pushed the needle into the skin behind his elbow and pressed the plunger releasing the drug into his skin,nothing happened I waited for a whole hour before his heart gave out and I undid the restraints to give him dignity in death then I left and went upstairs to record my results.

I worked deep into the night just as I was finishing up I  heard the first moan and  shuffling I thought it was just the wind rustling the rubbish in the outside alleyway and I ignore it I couldn't have been more wrong if I tried.  

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Chapter 2 The Dead Awaken

I heard the door break and hit the floor probably in pieces then the shuffling continued and got louder and louder so did the moans then it was there the monster I created but how ?,Patient Zero had died right there on that table I made sure his heart had stopped beating and his brain had stopped producing waves according to my machine which had always been accurate before.

"Good morning ,  how was your sleep?" I asked tentatively he didn't reply so I edged away slowly and looked closely at my test subject, his eyes were blood red and his pupils were so dilated he didn't have any whites , his skin was sweaty and very white these didn't seem to dead to my vision at first until I saw the hole in his shoulder crawling with maggots , festering with disease I then knew he wasn't alive and my chemical had infected him with some disease that had brought him back to life as the Undead then the phrase hit my brain a phrase of myths and television "Zombie" this then reminded me of the way that they passed on the infection through bites scratches and their blood I could remember this but couldn't for the life of me remember how to kill them. Then it happened he flew at me and almost bit me his teeth were a hairs breadth away from my right shoulder and I couldn't feel a breath coming from within him.

I  grabbed the nearest thing to me, a coffee cup and swung hitting the creature in the chest the cup smashed but didn't deter the zombie one bit and he ran out of the room I heard another door smash the front door this followed by screams and more gurgling and more shuffling. I ran to the  open doorway and peered out to see two creatures running around like headless chickens , Patient Zero had what looked like a raw steak hanging out of his mouth but then  I saw the massive chunk taken out of the second creatures leg which wasn't even bleeding and the blood wasn't even coagulating even though she had just been bitten I made a mental note of this. The second creature who I quickly named Sarah turned sniffing the air like a dog and then I saw what had caught her attention: a black male on the corner of the street in the darkness staring I almost called out but managed to stop myself just in time Sarah turned and ran and quicker than I could see and jumped 3 or 4 metres and landed on the man biting his head near his temple ripping the skin off of his face about five seconds later he began to twitch and convulse violently thrashing so hard he lifted of the floor. He then stood and also turned and sniffed the air he turned running off down the street towards central London this made my heart race.

I then turned and began to run in the opposite direction towards my mother and fathers house with Patient Zero right on my tail.

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Chapter 3 The Infection Spreads

I just kept running and running and running until I couldn't run anymore because I had the biggest stich of my life. I reached my parents house and knocked on the door, my father answered still in his work suit , as he worked as an extremely successful businessman, this benefited my mother majorly as I feel she married him for the money not out of love for him.

"Hello son what are you here for and at 9 o'clock at night as well ", his eyebrows formed an ark of curiosity I ran a million and one excuses through my head and decided to answer" I would rather talk inside its really urgent" I stepped past him without waiting for an answer and walked into the living room my mother was sitting there crocheting with a light purple wool and bone needles "Hi Alex what brings you here? "She also forms an ark of curiosity with her brows and I ponder a realistic reply

"Mum I have made a grave mistake,  I have changed the world "She laughed and replied sarcastically" I think your going off your rocker " my dad also laughed and patted my back "you need a drink I think " he walks  out of the room and I am left alone with my mother I go and sit on the arm of her chair and then she put her arms around me and hugged me tightly "believe me mum I have made a massive mistake"

Then I heard it my dad scream and then a sound of a body hitting the floor with quite a bit of force then the shuffling came and the moaning and the creature that had been my dad appeared at the door his brain was hanging from his skull blood matted his face giving it  a devilish look he raised his head and sniffed long and deep and then he ran at my mother not giving her enough time to get out of her chair before he lunged sinking his teeth into her flesh pulling his head from side to side like a polar bear on a seals carcass. She screamed a shrill long scream and then collapsed out of the plush ,  blood soaked armchair and fell thrashing I didn't wait for my father to get up I just ran from the house and there she was Sarah standing there drooling like a dog she growled like one as well she launched herself at me.  

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Chapter 4 Why am I not a zombie?

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Chapter 5 The Queen

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Chapter 6 What do I choose?

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Chapter 7 Aaron Sheppard and the boys

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Chapter 8 I've been bit

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Chapter 9 The rise of the zombie Queen

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Chapter 10 Who is it?

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Chapter 11 The Horde

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Chapter 12 Good news

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