How technology is changing China’s youth views on online dating


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Chinese Relationships in 21 century

Chinese youth are growing up in an uncertain, constantly evolving world. There may be 400 million millennials in the planet’s most populous nation, with one eye on international culture and the civil liberties revealed to them when they surf the Net, but there remains widespread pragmatism. Unlike their Japanese counterparts, who have wholeheartedly embraced Western culture, many young adults in China are more likely to respect traditions.


A society in flux


China has always been a country of contrasts. In this nation of one billion inhabitants, there are vast metropolises, and there are also rural areas that have been less impacted by technology. With more and more people relocating to cities, whole communities are developing, with individuals getting used to living in apartments. Concerns from recent history, such as the state one-child policy, are being superseded by a degree of political reform, the influence of the global free market, and newfound prosperity. Today’s Chinese are Internet-savvy, clued up on instant messaging via their smartphones, and ready to sign up to the international outlets similar to


Relationships in the 21st-century


The USA under President Donald Trump was characterized by increasing friction between Western and Eastern societies. The ruling Communist Party in China continued expanding its reach into tech areas, particularly cybersecurity regulations. On the American side, the administration issued executive orders against TikTok and WeChat, signaling a growing divide between the two nations where Internet access was concerned. But Trump’s loss in the presidential election of 2020 may be the precursor to a thawing in relations.


Pressure to conform


Whether Chinese companies continue diverging, there will be greater emphasis on what locals are looking for. One aspect of relationships that hasn’t changed is the pressure exerted on the younger generation when it comes to finding partners. Unlike Western society, where singles are much freer to get involved in seeking out prospective partners when they sign up for a choice of dating outlets, in China this can still be a family affair. It’s not just the immediate parents who feel obliged to try and influence matters. Extended families will frequently add their input, whether or not this is welcome by the subjects involved!


The demographic who often find themselves the center of matchmaking scenarios are females who have graduated. Where they would once have been expected to enter into child-rearing by the time they reached their mid-20s, now they are under intense scrutiny. More and more of these women are resorting to Chinese online dating agencies.


Further tech impacts


Technology can certainly play a part in allowing these women there to have a reasonable chance of connecting with a diverse range of prospective partners, but the question remains whether they are doing so because they want to or because they have to. Aside from online matchmaking opportunities, social groups such as China’s women’s Federation have taken matters into their own hands by arranging matching events for those citizens classified as ‘high quality, highly educated women.’ There is a lot of government influence behind these drives because educated women are regarded as prime candidates for heading successful family units. This is all viewed within the context of the country’s stability as a whole.


So how is this going to pan out in the future? This is a question not readily answered, as there are so many factors that will impact the way that technology continues to influence online dating here. As well as those 20-something females, some groups have been marginalized, such as China’s LGBT community. What can be said with certainty is there are interesting times ahead.


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