3 Apartment Security tips


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Chapter 1

Install a Security System

Your apartment may come with or without a safety system.  Talk to your landlord to search for one which doesn't need a setup that requires tearing the walls and a lot of wiring up if there's no system installed.

There are plenty of security methods to choose from, all offering distinct choices.  You may even find security systems which could be controlled via your smartphone or pc.

You can opt to have the lights all of the time, or, in case you're trying to conserve energy, for them to come on with motion stimulation.

You can invest some cash into clever sockets or smart light bulbs which allow you to control your lighting.

Also, if you are out of town for weeks or days, a good idea would be to install timers or any light to give the impression that someone is home.

There are even some apartment buildings which have courtyards, well-lit walkways, and parking locations.

If your apartment is accompanied by an outside light, you may begin turning it.  Appropriate lighting can help deter potential intruders.

If a light is burnt out, or you think an additional lighting could help increase the safety of your flat, be certain that you notify your landlord.

Keep Doors and Windows Locked

What is more, your sliding patio doors or doors need to have a safety bar for extra protection.  You can even talk to your landlord to ensure exterior doors and other areas are kept protected.

Most burglaries happen due to unlocked doors and windows.  Thus, be certain that you lock every window and door prior to going up to the rooftop deck or down to find the email.

If your locks are not giving you that feeling, you may choose to try and upgrade things.  For additional security, you can use a double-cylinder mortise lock. Luna smoke detectors.

Check if a landlord is interested in installing a smart or digital lock, if you would like to attempt technological options.  Because they make it impossible to get locked out keyless locks are great for those that are sharing their flat.

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