couples are incorporating into their sex play


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couples) are incorporating into their sex play

Using sex toys with a curved penis is something that more and more men (and couples) are incorporating into their sex play, and for good reason: sex toys can be fun and can add a new layer to someone's sex life, especially if it has become a trivial routine. Of course, some men are resistant to using sex toys for a variety of reasons - such as a fear that using them will make them less "real men" (which is far from true) or a fear that using them will bring about penis health problems (which are generally not a problem if used properly). And many men with curved penises believe that their excessive curvature makes using sex toys unfeasible - but that's simply not the case.


What kind of curved penis?


It pays to define terms, especially terms like "curved penis. The truth is that while many men have a perfectly straight penis when they have an erection, many other sports have erections that offer some curvature. For some, there is a graceful dip, or a slight tilt to the left or right, or a small tilt downward. This can make a man's penis more aesthetically pleasing for some women, and as long as the bend is not extreme and does not cause pain, then such a situation is not a problem.


However, sometimes a man's penis is bent so much that it does create problems. If it is bent enough to prevent penetration or cause pain during sex - even just in the erect state - then a man is usually diagnosed as having Peyronie's disease.


In Peyronie's disease, a bent penis is usually the result of a build-up of scar tissue on the penis, usually over a long period of time. This is usually the result of a traumatic injury to the penis. It can be a large trauma, such as being hit in the penis by a traveling baseball. But it can also be the result of many small traumas, such as the penis being handled extremely roughly during partner sex and/or masturbation.


Sex toys


Because an extremely curved penis may make penetration difficult or impossible, many men believe that sex toys are off-limits. In fact, many sex toys are still very much an option for men with a curved penis.


For example, penis rings can still be used, especially if he finds maintaining an erection to be a challenge. These rings constrict the blood flow to the erect penis and can often keep a man firm for a longer period of time.


In addition, a penis extender or sleeve may be beneficial for him and his partner. These are usually hollow silicone products in the shape of a phallus that fit over the penis. Some men find that these straighten their curvature (at least while they have them on) so that they can be more successful with penetration.


In addition, Peyronie's can sometimes cause loss of sensation in the penis, making ejaculation and orgasm more challenging. Using sex toys in the anus, such as anal plugs, prostate massagers, or dildos, can stimulate the prostate, which often helps bring many men to ejaculation and orgasm.


As always, men should always follow instructions when utilizing sex toys and consult a doctor if there is any reason why sex toys may pose a problem for individual men.


Whether their penis is curved or not, they will enjoy sex toys more if they can keep it in good condition, and this can be helped by regular use of an excellent penis health cream (health experts recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven to be gentle and safe on the skin). Make sure the cream of choice provides adequate vitamins - especially vitamins A, B5, C, D and E. And the cream of choice should also include L-carnitine, an amino acid with neuroprotective properties that help maintain proper penis sensitivity.


Visit for more information on treating common penile health problems, including pain, redness and loss of penile sensation. John Duggan is a professional writer specializing in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributor to numerous online sites.




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