How to talk to your partner about the use of sex toys


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How to talk to your partner about the use of sex toys

How to talk to your partner about the use of sex toys

In any type of relationship, it's important to be open and honest about everything. When it comes to sex, this includes your likes and dislikes. Many people find it difficult to talk about any sexual behavior beyond the basics. While you may be open to using sex toys and other sexual paraphernalia, your partner may not share your opinion.


The biggest fear for most people when approaching this topic is that they are somehow inadequate. They feel threatened by things they can't fully understand. You will receive questions such as "Why am I not enough?" or "Why do we need this, what we are doing is not satisfying to you?" These types of greetings. Your response to these types of inquiries will set the tone for your partner's response to the whole concept of using adult sex toys in a relationship.




It is often difficult to communicate our desires, especially those involving sex. We don't want them to see us as "some kind of freak," and we don't want to alienate our partners. Most people are uncomfortable with any conversation that involves sex and intimacy. Your partner needs to understand your intentions regarding the use of these sexual aids. They need to be assured that you will respect their boundaries and want you both to benefit from the experience. In order for sex toys to be an enjoyable and healthy experience, there must be honest communication between the two of you.


Prepare the presentation


As they say, timing is everything, and with this conversation, it could never be more real than now. The time and place to have the conversation is very important. Many people's first thought is to try to bring it up when they are intimate, but this always backfires. iff a break comes along, you should not bring up the subject either. Nor should you have this conversation when either of you has had a stressful day, are exhausted or are in a bad mood.


Do not engage in such conversations rashly or jokingly. Have the conversation in a neutral and private setting. Once you and your partner have moved beyond the first reason and justification, it's time for the two of you to set some ground rules and boundaries. Start introducing smaller sex toys as you both become more comfortable with the idea and more comfortable with each other.


Get into the habit of choosing toys together. You can purchase them from the comfort of your home and have them delivered to your doorstep. Open them together, play with them, and then make the opening of the new item an activity. Make sure you are never in a hurry to use lubricants to avoid scrapes or other discomfort. Forget the myth that only people with bad personalities and sexual deviants can use adult sex toys; people in all aspects of life are using sexual aids to expand their sexual play.


Anita Kearney is a trained counselor who specializes in helping others overcome sexual distress. She has been writing about relationships and sexual freedom for over 3 years. To learn more about using sex toys and to purchase some for personal use, please visit

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