Fly away


Tablo reader up chevron

Cheese and Rice

"Go fly away, and fluck off the mood.  I am sick of looking at your pitiful face,"  he said to me.

"Sugar cubes," Cheese why does this always happen to me.  I tried to make a really nice dinner for him and it came out like ship.   I don't understand I followed the recipe and I still burnt it to a crisp.  I wanted tonight to be special it was my last night with him until well who knows when we would see each other again.  He never comes my way and I am running out of money. 


Go fly away... I wish I could, I wish I could fly, if I could you would be the first person I would fly too.

It wouldn't cost me a dime and if the wind was blowing your way I would be there sooner.

Fluck off is all you ever say.  "Shake it off, calm down", you tell me.  "But we only have today as far as we know," I say.  "Will we ever live together?"

I don't want to leave I don't want to fly away.  If dreams were reality.

If love was all. If I could live in another country with out red tape holding me down.  If only we could be together for more than ten days my dream would be my reality.


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