My Heart Will Always Remember Episode 2


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The mystery

 I opened up the note, it was all cringed up. I took a second thought about reading the note. Then I made my final decision, I read the note. Inside it said:

Dear Mason,

I'm very sorry to say this but, you are in grave danger. Someone I know is after you. All I can say is good luck.

Yours Sincerely,

Daniel Relosa

Daniel Relosa was someone I knew, he was Angel's brother. He and Angel were both twins. Daniel was also a friend of mine. I tried to figure out who was it who was after me and why'd does Daniel know about it.

"Don't even bother listening to what he says." A voice spoke through alley in a low deep voice. I headed for the exit but I was blocked by a person. In which that person was holding a gun, in which that gun he pointed at my head. The last thing I heard was a bang of silence.

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 I woke up paralysed, I do not remember anything at all. My vision became clearer as I opened my eyes. The first thing I saw was a girl squeezing my hand tight. I had no clue who she was, when she saw that I was awake she wrapped her arms around me. I backed her off, I didn't know who she was and I was certain that she was a stranger.

"Why'd you push me away? It's me Angel." The girl confessed. This was a bit weird but I had no idea what she said. I couldn't understand anything. Another person came in with a white jacket and glasses, he told Angel that he needed to talk outside. I watched them, I saw in Angel's eyes, water coming out of her eyes. 

A few days after, Angel help me try to remember things like how talk, read and write. It only happened because when I was in hospital my whole memory was erased. It was really hard for her to teach me, but I eventually got the hang of it.

Then she tried helping me retrieve my memory. I remembered everything except the fact I'm friends with her. It really her made upset, every night I tried and tried to remember our friendship but it was useless. I wanted to keep remembering to keep her happy, but I never made it.

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