My Heart Will Always Remember Episode 3


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Meeting the killer

 The next morning, the police investigated the alley where I was shot from. All day they were asking me questions about what I remember about the alley and I told way too much. From day to day the police were looking for victims that may have been the suspect. They found clues: the warning note, a gun and a photo of me.

Finally they were down to two suspects, Daniel Relosa himself or Sam Sauit. Sam was my twin brother and I couldn't believe he was a suspect. The police compared the clues with the two suspects. Eventually they came and told me who it was. I could believe that it was him.

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Why did he do that

 Sam was the killer, he shot me. I just didn't understand why he did it. He was the closest to me, always there by my side. I just wouldn't accept it. I said to myself no it couldn't be, my brother shot me in the head.

I told the police I would like to see him. I asked him why did he do it. Was he mad at me or something?

"I grew jealous because of the relationship between you and Angel. That's why I tried to kill you. To take your place." Sam finally accepted. I couldn't hold anymore pressure, I left the station and finally went to Angel and accepted that I know remember her. Then we walked into a happily ever after.

The End 

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