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Anointing is an element,which is accessible by the senses,the sense organs can access, the five elements of the cosmic.They are fire,water,earth,wood, in China myths.akash,air,water,fire and earth as in Indian myths,So the anointing carries these elements.


Anointing can be said as a radioactive .for the body element is consists of 99percent of calcium,hydrogen ,oxygen ,nitrogen and consists of phosphorus,potassium,sulphur,and other elements to0.85percent.

The radioactive element found in nature are, phosphorus,hydrogen ,carbon,radon,uranium etc

Anointing is a ritual held to raise up the level of recognition of the substance

Anointing is an action of slowly and gently pouring out.Its action is felt gently or aggressively based on the substance strength.

Anointing is a substance,as it is atomic it deals with the interiors and causes changes inside.

It's like a liquid on the top of the substance.So the fluid flows from top to bottom.In some cases it was done on the bottom portion of the substance.


During the olden days man's communication was more of an artefact,he used his minds to talk in the stone art.In modern days we can see its imprint on a culvert or in any excavation projects.The art of carving his minds image in a stone and appreciating it to a higher level for its rememberance, paved the way for idols.Respect towards such imagery objects took it next, to idol worship.

Stone carved idols are robust and can withstand the wear and tear of the nature.So this material affinity in the human history still stands firm on its doing and going.

Human mind so peculiar to catch the visitations of different things of the heavens and off the heavens and casting the chase on that,brought forth idols of different forms alive before him.

So there came an order of priority in the idols.Maintenance of the idols is most of the time by water washing.As the idols are often a respectable icon,they were done with more care.


The care took by each of their owners differ,so it brought great adoration and curiousity among the fellow members.Later this passion grew and drew many overseers and seers and transformed this event to be a festival.

The taking care,the cleansing,the maintenance was named in a sacred way , as Anointing.

Anointing always depends upon the person doing it,the place where it takes place,the season and timing it's taking place.It also depends on the gifts given by the visitors.

Two Type Anointing πŸ‘ΌπŸΌπŸ™‡β€β™€οΈ. πŸ‘ͺ

Gods anointing,Man's anointing

God's anointing which no man has seen of it,heard about it and thought about it.The reason for it is,the vastness of its nature.So the nature of it,puts the availability to its astonishment.The availability of it is multidimensional in every facets of its originality.The observation of it is based on the sensibility it offers,mostly for a human,a two dimensional or a three dimensional can be fully cover able.

It carries the power,the fragrance,the character,the nature of God and also the characteristic of the place,he dwells in.God pours out his anointing on all of his creation.For the produce to be identified as the owner's,should reflect the owner's identity.

πŸ’žGod out of his love for his creations,put his maintenance career to his top priority.Anointing is a prior job in God 's schedule .If man has a heart to seek God ,the least heart of God can respond to it.When God comes to the seeker,his presence carries the anointing of his presence.As God is of higher order than human,according to Newton's Β law,the energy flows from a higher level to a lower level.Man becomes the receiver of God 's anointing.

πŸ“ΆAnointing is the flow from the higher energy to the lower energy level.In the electron energy level,the lower energy electrons obsorbs energy and lifted up to the higher energy level.The anointing level in human can be increased to put human to the new energy level.Every good and perfect gift is from the God above.So God is good and his anointing is good.

The frequent influence by his anointing will turn human to be good and perfect like him.

Anointing is at the atomic level, basically all matters exist in the states of solid,liquid or gas,the atomic structure has electrons in different energy levels.

The atoms are invisible ,so is the anointing,but the transformation of matter from liquid,gas or solid can be known,so is the level of anointing known from its transformation.🌦

πŸ’£πŸ’£Atoms when formed to a bomb great energy is released,for making a bomb a uranium element is bombarded with an alpha particle to carry out the chain reaction which in turn releases a huge energy before transforming into a new unstable element .this happens till it gets to stability, decays and dies.this is the fission reaction.

Still the fusion reaction releases more energy,in the universe the hydrogen atom combines with another hydrogen atom.πŸ’₯

Man's anointing is carried on to his creations.With his artistic skill he is able to create images of his mind,in stones and other materials.Apart from his time in spending for his life sustainance,like bread earning,shelter and clothing he spends time on his creations.That is the passion of one of his lifetime.So he anoints his idols by sacrificing his own to show his love.

The stone is a non living thing,the return he gets from it is the same thing,nothing.

He sacrifices his food,his drink,his money,his metals,his time for anointing .The most prominent things used for his anointing are milk,honey,fruit jam,ghee,herbs,money etc.From that activity he derives his dignity,his love,his passion,his recognisation,his joy,his peace,his character etc.

Here in the energy level diagram,the low orbital electrons are pounded by lower energy electrons send externally,which only can cause the electrons to vibrate for a time,but nothing more than that.

πŸ‘ΉπŸ‘»πŸ˜ΈπŸ˜»Demonic anointing, it carries more power than we could imagine.It doesn't mind about the nature of the human it's going to anoint.The withstanding ability and the beneficial aspects of the human.

The energy level diagram here is the unwanted pounding of electrons like a raging war on a stable electron and evicting it from the orbit.Β 

Such unwanted anointing makes the receiver and giver unstable.

In the atomic level the sound,the actions,the presence and the movement have their own frequency,turning to tune the environment in an electron level and impart changes.So caring mind on the things in us ,out of us and things for us helps in careful tuning of the today and tomorrow .

Good things,places,persons and good god gives good anointing.

Β Atomic anointing

Fission anointing and fusion anointing

πŸ’£Fission reaction:when a heavy element is hit by a stable particle it releases energy ,and it gives rise to another element and stable particle,they in turn collide and releases energy to form another element and a colliding particle.This reaction goes on,as a chain reaction and releases lot of energy till its decay and Uranium235 when it gets hit by an alpha particle i.e helium it gives rise to another form of uranium or plutonium element.As uranium is a heavy nuclei element when hit by an alpha particle it releases a large amount of energy.This emission continues till the element dies,which is the radioactive decay.Β 

Fusion reaction :when a light element get fused with its own,it releases energy and forms a stable element.then that element fuses and diffuses to give its own.this process releases lot of energy.

The hydrogen atom which has a single electron and proton,is a very light element.It cannot originate as an individual ,so in the space a single hydrogen atom combines with another hydrogen atom.This fusion releases a lot of energy.first deuterium and then tritium is formed.Both are are unstable and they combines with another hydrogen atom to form helium atom which is with its best stability .Now when this helium atom i.e the alpha particle when hit by a hydrogen atom it disintegrates to give hydrogen atoms.Then the process continues.

The anointing is of both fission and fusion types.

In the beginning the anointing over all of its creation is fusion reaction.The elements are light and don't have any interaction with the earthly.That is the automatic generation of its own energy by the individual element along with the gods starting element.No additional element it combines with,it combines with its own element which God has given along with gods starting particle.Thats how,there happens no aging.

When the sin entered the earth,the anointing is fission type.The elements became heavy,no more energy can it hold.The anointing from the alpha particle will only cause the death and a steady decay of the element,till it becomes a light element.The word of God is anointing,it's like a two edged sword,able to pierce and to divide the bones and marrows,the soul and the spirit.As the flesh is weak and the spirit strong,the anointing of God on our body can make us tired off.

The anointing action in the heavens is fusion reaction,it's originality is preserved,it's eternal.

The omega particle has the highest power to destroy the entire constellation on its existence .The omega particle is also called memory smart materials having memory alloys,which retains the original shape,after being acted upon.The memory alpha particle also retains to the alpha particle after completion to work as an omega particle.

God is the alpha and the omega,he is the starter and finisher of all things.

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God's Anointing

Anointing from God brings forth the character of God,if God wants a man to be anointed as a prophet he gives his prophetical anointing.If God wants to anoint a person to be a king,he gives his kingly anointing.

πŸ”πŸ”ŽGod's eyes moves to and forth to look for anyone righteous.If anyone believes in God ,it opens the gateway of anointing from him.It will further support and bring the anointing to believe in more God things,so that we could be of more faith.For without faith it is impossible to please God.Faith comes by hearing the word of God.Growing in this anointing brings us into more open portals.Filling us further with the knowledge ,wisdom ,fear of God.Further it opens up into the ministerial anointing .

God talks about his five fold ministry.Moving into this anointing by steadily growing in the fundamental anointing will strengthen one in the faith,knowledge and the power of the word of God.

Healing/miracles,evangelical,apostolic,preaching/teaching πŸŽ™πŸ“½,prophetic, are the five fold ministries God has given to the church.Its the five fold anointing for the church.Church is a place where believers of all kinds meet.πŸ’’β›ͺ️ πŸ₯

The five fold ministry God has placed with his anointing are in fulfilling all these needs.

So God has filled his house with these goodness ,with these anointing.

God anoints the persons with these anointing as elders,leaders and ministers of the church.πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘§πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§πŸ‘ͺπŸ‘©β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘¦πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘§πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘¦πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘¦πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘§πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘¦β€πŸ‘¦πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘¦πŸ‘¬πŸ‘­πŸ‘«

When this anointing overflows it becomes an evangelical and ministerial church,ready to serve the society.

For a steady growth of these anointing ,the oneness of spirit in the church is important.It has to be built with the love of God ,which transcends all differences,all understanding,but can built the church from nothing,deep from the hades,where its gates cannot prevail the church.

Anointing breaks the yoke and liberate a person.β›“βš”οΈβš’

It comes from the throne of God.It vibrates with the frequency of gods heart.The speed it flows ,it greases the way,it cools all the hot spots,it carries all the dross away and cleans its path.

The water from the waterfalls when it passes through unknown territory it carries all the richness of the land and displays its natures secrets.🎒

Likewise the anointing of God carries the fragrance,wealth and riches of the heavens and all the ways richness to the earth.

The heavens are of different levels.Mainly it has 3 levels,in the first heavens God has his throne Β ,in the second heavens God has given to be abode for warrior Angels and in the third heavens God has given as an abode to the personal,guardian angels.

All three abodes experience the strong presence of God.The anointing of God are strongly felt by those in these abodes and they knew about this anointing.

When God unleashes his anointing,his angels in the first heavens the serphim and the cherubs who were guarding the throne of God realises the anointing ,they were charged with the anointing of God.

The principalities ,the dominions,the rulers and the demons in the second heavens know about the worth of the anointing and the effect it would have on them.They will stand to block the anointing,but the fervent prayer of the righteous will allow the warrior Angels to fight on their behalf and release the anointing.

πŸ’ΊAs it comes from the throne of God ,it comes with authority and power on them.This makes to walk like prince and priests of God .

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Mans anointing

Man out of his love which is the energy particle has the ignition to start all of his process.

The energy particles energy is not stable at all moments. Sometimes it is at the higher energy level and sometimes at the lower energy level.

❀️The energy particle love has a flowability.what the man has in him it's able to carry it with the energy it has.

God has put his substance in the man which can be kindled with that energy particle .For the frequency of agape love energy particle is 528. πŸ’œ

God has given every substance in the body under the energy particle control. So everything in the human has connection with the energy particle.

As the energy particle love has the flowability and connected to every substance of the body,it pulls or carries everything on its way while it moves.❀️

Anointing from man

It's a culture in most of the world ,for elders and old people to bless their young and their children.

It's a belief that such blessings will bring good in their life.

These blessings are the flow of anointing from them.

It's out of love for the persons the goodness they have in their life,they let them flow.❣️

If a human gets angry the energy particle it's connected with,will yield itself to the highest frequency substance and disguises itself to be that substance and causes its flow.πŸ’”

The anointing now resembles the substance and the effects there of it shows on the receiver.

The negative effects caused by the anointing is sometimes known to be as curse,depending on the intensity of the flow of the substance.

Anointing on the idolsΒ 

Man build his own idols of earthly material .As they are non living,they initially carry nothing.But mans love for the idol to make it as something,can push on some of his energy to it.

As love for idols is basically against the will of God ,the anti God particles which have lesser energy level than God in an opposite way,but which always have greater energy when compared to the human can manifest on the idols,when he goes for an anti deed .πŸ“Œ

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