Matrimonial Covenant


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ย Once upon a time in a far distant kingdom there began a celebration which covered all wide worlds and universes.๐ŸŒŽ


Everything in the kingdom got on display and the worlds and the universes were all amazed of the splendour.The King of kings noticed one thing(love), that was displayed was lower than it was to be,so a plan of that redisplay came to his mind and at once it emerged in all the mind of every being of his kingdom.It was realised as a covenant, but they couldn't know the depth of the covenant and it brought great joy among all ,longing for the day of its manifestation.


Normally a covenant was made by spilling the blood,and mutual consent between the two parties upon certain concept.It's made one to another,one for another.As this covenant is binding two people it was called as a Matrimonial Covenant.If the covenant is violated,the member who has violated the covenant should face death penalty.


Once his majesty the King of kings made Serp the ruler of one of his world and he loved Serp and gave him full permission to all of his places.Serp was relishing in his love.His majesty the King of kings invited him to his place to show all the wonders of his kingdom.Serp was wise and beautiful and could understand all the wonders.When Serp travelled back to his world he narrated with such knowledge and understanding to all in his kingdom.

Every new day his Royal highness showered his blessings to all his kingdoms ,so everyone were happy and praised his royalty.Serp's kingdom were special ,for their praises were unique because of the wisdom of Serp

Serp was now invited often by his highness which made him happy for none of the other worlds and universes rulers were invited,so he came to know what others have not known.this made him proud of his position.When he came to his kingdom and narrated all this wonders they all praised him for the position.Now the praises of Serp also went high among the other kingdoms for his speciality in the King of kings heart.


His Royal highness noticed and he felt happy.Now Serps mind began to think differently,"I know things which his highness has not noticed and I was liked by other kingdom rulers too so why I can't get to the throne of his highness and rule the entire kingdoms".ย 

He forgot that the kingdoms and the rulers are bound with mutual loyalty to his highness the majesty.

This thought built up pride in him which went high and attracted some rulers and their inmates in support,but the eyes of his highness went against him and he pushed him out of the kingdom.

When he went out, he went away with his supporters causing so much damage to the kingdom.

His highness even though sad of this event was happy because more danger to happen was stopped.Serp and his supporters without a place to rule in, lived a hidden life,planning to wage war against his highness when time comes.

His highness, the King of kings thought that the time has come for the plan he once had, to be executed.He looked down at the Serp ruled kingdom which was void and irregular .He lighted it up and built a beautiful palace for him to meet with his counterpart .Now he put Adason as the ruler.Every day his highness came to visit Adason, in the palace, and enjoyed his friendship,Adason too was happy with his masters visit.All day Adason went round the kingdom and worked for his master and in the evening he met his master the majesty.His highness was so pleased and found that Adason needed a partner, so he gave Evelyn as his wife.Now Adason and Evelyn were so happy about their masters love for them.

They were warned by his highness of the condition ,that nothing should be used by them prematurely in their kingdom,for to have higher achievement they were instructed to have everything done in their own perfect timing.


With the new rulers Adason and Evelyn the King of kings established the ย covenant which once was brought out in the presence of his rulers.The kingdoms and its rulers were happy and wondered the day it was established.And they praised Adason and Evelyn on that day and they wished them for a good start, which is based on the covenant.

Serp and his supporters who went to hiding without no place to rule and live in,they heard about the new ruler in his old kingdom,and his Royal highness relationship with them.


As a first step forย raging a war against his highness, they decided to device a plan of capturing the kingdom which they once ruled.So now and then they sent spies to know about the ruler Adason and his wife Evelyn .

The report about Adason and Evelyn was encouraging to Serp and his supporters.For they found Adason and Evelyn to be weak and easy to be deceived.


Adason and Evelyn are very loyal to their master and they always wanted to please their master.The kingdom was in full harmony.Serp planned a disturbance in this situation .He sent one of his aid the crafter to Adason and Evelyn 's kingdom,the crafter came with the idea from Serp.The crafter gained appreciation from the citizens which came into quick notice of Adason and Evelyn.Every day his highness at the break of dusk in their unique palace had their get together .Adason and Evelyn reported of this misterious crafter on one of their meetings.Now his highness his majesty warned of distortions from any of his rules and laws which in turn might lead to problems.So Adason and Evelyn minded to be cautious .Serp and his crafter noticed that and changed their plans. Now the citizens were adoring the crafter,for everything they heard and saw was attracting so they reported it to Evelyn .Because of their daily report about the crafter she decided to meet the crafter herself.Serp and the crafter were waiting for this very time of that meeting.First Evelyn condemned the crafter for entering inside the kingdom without permission.So the crafter now humbled himself for forgiveness and explained of his unique collections which he had to display before Evelyn .Evelyn ย could accept this for his humbleness and his collections were impressive.So this new connection began to improve and new friendship started, without being aware of his plan to take away their kingdom rule.Now new the friendship consumed the time she used to spend with her citizens ,with Adason and mainly with his highness .The Royal highness and Adason and their citizens were sad about their development.


His majesty remembered the covenant made when Adason married Evelyn that they will be truthful to one another and they will always stay together in all things in all ways.Which his highness ย appreciated and honoured .Evelyn 's visit to her new friend without Adason is an utter violation of their matrimonial covenant.


Now Serp who has been there before knew all areas of that kingdom,made the crafter to invite Evelyn to their secret place, which know one knew.Evelyn curious to know something ,not knowing which is in her own kingdom accepted that invitation .For a day and a two,three and four and for a week the meeting went on with the crafter where Evelyn enjoyed her honor,there she was served with the best choice of her kingdoms produce, some prepared in a different ways with such skill ,which was interpreted wisely in taste,color,texture,flavour etc,so she invited Adason for this enjoyment every now and then,Adason immersed in his responsibility could not get time to go but decided that he will accept her invitation and join her new friend someday, not knowing the plot behind it.


At last a day came when Evelyn went early on the invitation to meet the crafters superior where she was given a welcome drink told that it was their custom to be followed with his superior.Evelyn being captured by their hospitality accepted in a goodwill and drank that drink which was made with prematuredly plucked fruits and knowledgeably juiced.When she drank half of that, Adason came in search of her and she gave the rest for him to drink,Adason drank that half and he requested to cut short the banquet for it was already time to meet his highness which was the daily occurrence .If Adason and Evelyn have not cut short the banquet ,the idea of Serp and his crafter was to take them to the main banquet where another special drink made up of another prematured fruit ย available in that mistery place, but which was permitted to be drunk only in his highness place. Serp used to have that drink often before.He knew having that drink in a place other than his Royal highness is offensive .


Now Adason and Evelyn having drunk the welcome drink made from prematured fruit against the warning of his highness went to the usual meeting palace.Before entering the palace they remembered the instruction of his highness and now found guilty of overruling his highness covenant,now they were afraid of their friend and covered themselves with the screen partioning their private room and their friends meeting room.

Serp and the crafter making Adason and Evelyn to disobey his highness instructions, now rushed to their place and claimed to his highness,who came to meet as usual, that Adason and Evelyn were his slaves for they disobeyed him.

Hearing that Adason and Evelyn tearing their clothes for the sadness of yielding to the wicked plot ย and forsaking their good friend.His highness can only stop them not taking Adason and Evelyn with them. The greatest thing was they have sold their ruler ship to Serp and his supporters on that wicked plot.

The ruler ship is based on the covenant made once in the King of kings place in the presence of all his kingdoms rulers which as a shadow made between Adason and Evelyn while getting married as a matrimonial covenant,which states "being truthful to one another and involving both of them in all things in all their ways".

Due to the shift in the ruler ship his highness was not able to meet Adason and Evelyn as usual, but they were kept in the watchful eyes of his highness,for the protection of Adason and Evelyn was threatened.Serp and his supporters were in joy that their attempt to wage war against his highness, was progressing.

Now his highness, was sad for he was unable to meet his friends Adason and Evelyn in person.As the covenant was violated it has to be done again with the blood.


Now when Adason and Evelyn longed to meet their friend his highness, they used the blood of the animals which they owned out of long hardship and sweating,they burnt the animal with its blood along with the wood from the fruit tree.It made a way for his highness presence which comforted the couple.


His highness had always worried about the loss of the ruler ship.As a result of the prematured fruit drink their health was not sturdy,as days went on it began to vane.So his majesty blessed them to have offsprings,the couple blessed his highness for his blessings.The offsprings were not as Adason and Evelyn,as their first love couldnot be fully passed on to their offsprings.His highness had no change in his love as a friend.So some of the couples offspring went against his highness and followed the ways of Serp and his followers.

Now Serp and his fellows defiled the kingdom along with the disobedient offspring,his highness found the lost kingdom was damaged and released filthy smell which needs immediate cleansing ,so he sent the waters from his kingdom to clean the lost kingdom,in that cleansing the unfriendly wicked offsprings were killed.Only those who were in ย his presence by burning animals on the wood of the fruit tree were kept safe by his highness.

Now his highness out of his great love,compassion and friendship attitude decided to give his undefiled blood and redeem the lost kingdom for the couples offsprings .His desire was so good and it was in alignment with the covenant once made in the presence of all his kingdoms,which was a shadow in the lost rulers life.

His highness came to the lost kingdom as one of the lost ones.

Serp and his followers now thought to make use of the opportunity and capture his majesty who has come as the lost son.His highness,the lost son was captured,beaten,smitten and killed for his friendship by Serp thinking that there came an end to his highness.


The undefiled blood his highness spilled redeemed the lost kingdom to the couples offsprings and the covenant was renewed.Now Serp and his followers were chased out of the kingdom by the offsprings.The war continued between Serp and the couples offsprings until the judgement day of Serp and his followers.Now the lost kingdom gave praises to his highness, as it was done in the days of Serp ruler ship .All the kingdoms were once again happy and renewed by the good King of kings.The lost kingdom was no longer a lost kingdom.It became the son kingdom.The King of kings and his kingdoms lived there after for a long period.

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