Life in Verse

When I was Just a Little girl
When I was just a little girl
I rarely got to eat
My clothes were torn and dirty
And my shoes di'nt fit my feet
We lived in poverty and debt,
with times of absent lighting
Cold baths meant shaking cold and wet
To background noise of fighting
My father such an angry man
Mother tiptoed round in Fear
And We kids dared not to rock the boat
Held our breath when he was near
Mum was just a simple thing
No schooling left her dense
She chained smoked like a chimney sweep
And Swore …. so much you easy took offence
There were many times of hiding... too
Behind the sofa … flat to floor
From aggressive men called ‘collectors’
Who thunder banged the door
I found everything confusing
It made no sense at all
From the language they were using
To the endless drama squall
I tried hard to be a good kid
Practiced manners, studied hard
loved the sharing of my learning
To find it tossed out in the yard
So I became a people pleaser
And cooked and cleaned age 8
But that didn’t work well either
He’d chuck the food ….. and smash the plate
Father with his temper, of crazy scary rages
Would shout, punch doors and break our things
Incensed ….. his blow ups ran in stages
Our Mother often copped it with a fairly hefty smacking
We’d hide away, try not to hear
the sound of old brittle bones … when cracking
It wasn’t safe to say a word
Just tolerate, accept, abide
Give No Show of your emotions
Keep those feelings locked inside
But nothing lasts forever
Soon Mother left and ran away
Took my little sister with her
Where she went -she didn't say
Then Twas only 6 months later
When Father too abandoned ship
Took my little brother with him
While I was on a big road trip
I came home to find a completely empty house
Everything I owned was chucked out
A chasm that was quiet as a mouse
Neither of them had wanted me
At only 15 years of age
I couldn’t work out what id done
Their moods I couldn’t gauge
Feeling lost and lonely .... fearful sad
Thinking boy I must be really bad
What to do, Now where can I go
Think Pam think, ok I know
Mother always liked that song
Walk tall … and look the world right in the eye
Well That day I grew, and did just that
And I didn't stop to cry
Now that was 40 years ago and
I've done such a lot since then
Worked hard and raised a family
And I began my life again.
No Greater Love
There is no greater love my love
Than what I have for you
Its honest, pure and full of joy
Its unconditional too
My heart smiles when I see you
Appreciation fills my soul
The freedom joy and passion
Creeps in and makes me whole
I have so much in life with you
A peace you cannot buy
All this and more I feel for you
In togetherness we lie
I climbed the highest point today
I climbed the highest point today
my body bathed in morning sun
the rocks, the trees, myself and life
No separation all the one
I sit and contemplate my life
so much beauty here to see
my legs and feet hang off the edge
feel energy rising up through me
I close my eyes and feel the wind
teasing playing havoc with my hair
I feel at peace, my soul is love
And with you all I want to share
with so much sadness pain and angst
In a world that's full of fear
I meditate on peace and love
for my friends both far and near
for the rest of humankind
I send you healing too
my wish is such that I could give
All you would want for you
Hi, I think this has great promise with a little editing could improve the rhythm and meter, there are words that are not needed. I hope you take these words in the helpful. supportive and comradery way they were meant
Interesting read!