How to translate medicines


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 How to translate medicines

Any medical translation has to be accurately done because a mistake can be extremely costly, which is why translation companies should be certified and compliant with the medical regulations on translations. Below are ways on how you can go about translating medicines; 

 Extracting text form format.

You should take the portions of the drug you want to translate and note them down from the very first letter to the last number you can see. You also need to be careful to note down the correct dosage and correct time to avoid  having complications as you move on.

Use every available resource.

No matter how odd they seem, mediation names  around the world differ. For example, you might be able to cure a headache in India with ibuprofen, while in Poland you will need abfen. People selling over the counter medicines in the country may offer a lot of assistance in helping you translate. Use PickWriters to get the correct translation for all your medicine from professional translators. You can get other related services such as translating medical documents or records.

Review the ingredients you noted down.

In order to avoid confusing two drugs that may seem alike, you need to check the ingredients. In some countries, due to the name difference, the drugs will differ. For example in Britain they use the drug Ambyen to stabilize patients with erratic or simply irregular heartbeat while in the United States the same drug name is used to help patients sleep. Mistaking one for the other might kill a patient.


You need to ensure your medical translation is clear and straight to the point. Avoid any unnecessary wording or complex expressions. Each type of style you use has its own target group. If it is medicine that is meant for the old, write it in a way they can understand and so forth. Everything you translate from the leaflets to the instructions should be readable to nonmedical persons. 

You should be careful on how you express adverbs and the joining of nouns. You have to be extra keen because in some languages, a hyphen or comma placed at the wrong point could mean an entirely different thing.

Multiple people editing

You may make the translation, but you are advised to entrust the translation to multiple medical professionals. This way, you will be proofreading as well as correcting through sets of fresh eyes.

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Once you begin using this website, it becomes like second nature to your translations. It takes videos, audio, news and even talks and customizes them into your personal teaching tool. The materials are within reach, which means you don’t have to keep taping on words. They ensure that behind every translation is an explanation and example, plus they remind you when to review your vocabulary.

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Its Spanish dictionary has been scientifically proven to be an effective translation tool. It allows users to learn Spanish while translating. Duolingo integrates learning and fun. It makes you aware of important words through game levels that require your full attention.

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