Grinding Gears


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Chapter 1

The clock ticking in the square couldn't be any louder, even the chatter in the tavern couldn't drown it out. I rested my head on my fist and knocked back another rum, it had been a long day and the trail for Silverheart had run dry. He is a feared pirate, destroying towns and murdering innocents. I had been on his trail for a long time but before I could get close he destroyed my copper warhorse, I'm now stuck in the worst part of town waiting for him to be fixed. And I am sure those good for nothing dwarves are going to extort me out of my last bounty.

"We don't get many bounty hunters around these parts," a young barmaid said walking over to me.

"If you're here to get a story out of me you're not going to get one," I told her, "go bother someone else." She didn't approve of my bad attitude I could tell by the grimace on her face.

"I can see why you all travel alone," she said and walked off. I huffed a laugh and poured myself another rum.

"I don't have a choice," I replied, she was out of earshot. I threw my boots onto the table knocking the candles off it the wax pitter-pattering on the floor, the mechanism on my knee hissing as it relaxed, the hinge was still fairly stiff but I hadn't the time to sort it out but at least it wasn't rubbing anymore. A group of rowdy youngsters walked into the tavern adding to the noise, I reclined back into my seat rocking back on two legs and placed my gloved fingers over my flintlock. They were children of wealth they didn't know what it was to be on the streets fending for yourself and sleeping in leaky buildings, with a brothel next door.

The lights flickered and fizzed over our heads, "someone's not paying their electric bill," I chuckled into the mug of rum. I took my feet off the table, threw a couple of coins onto the table, stood, stretched, adjusted my hat and made my way out of the tavern. My leg squealed and hissed, my days of sneaking around were over. The bitter wind bit into my small figure even my heavy coat was no match for it, I made my way to the Dwarves workshop. I leant on the threshold and the smoke from my pipe announced my presence. "How much longer am I going to be stuck here?" The dwarf with the bronze goggles turned to me and pushed them up onto his forehead.

"Another day or two," he said.

"Great," I said pushing myself off the threshold and walking away back onto the snow-covered streets, barging a couple holding hands out of my way.

"Excuse me!" The man exclaimed.

"I wouldn't," I said turning and moved my coat out of the way flashing him my flintlock. He said nothing and kept walking. I huffed a laugh and walked to my hotel room, I unlocked the door and walked to the bed. The sheets were still damp and a new puddle had collected on the pillow. "I guess it's the couch tonight," I threw myself on the edge of the bed and sighed. I took the pouch off my belt and began to count out the coins I had left, there was just enough to pay for this warhorse to be fixed. "I need to find and kill Silverheart soon."

The loud clock chimed midnight, "I guess it's time for sleep," I threw my coat off and hung my hat on the end of the bed. I grabbed the scratchy blanket off the bed and threw it over myself attempting to get comfortable on the couch, but the springs nestled in between my ribs. I tossed and turned all night, only when the birds were waking up and my bones ached I reluctantly got up. "Is it morning already?" I placed a hand on my head, "I've gotta stop drinking!" I stretched and began the day. The cube the dwarves had given me still sat lifeless on the side. I walked out onto the balcony and leant on the cold metal. I looked around the dreary city.

The dirty air filling my lungs. The chimneys expelled dirty steam into the atmosphere, what Silverheart saw here I didn't know. A few men in the street tipped their hats to me but I ignored them. The clouds darkened and the sky rumbled the streets were soon wet with rain and I retreated inside, grabbed my coat and headed out onto the streets. My hat protecting me somewhat from the water, but my coat grew heavy with the moisture. I stalked into an alleyway that took me to the shipyard, many airships were being repaired and readied for their maiden voyages.

The dwarven cube vibrated and glowed in my pocket my horse was finally ready. I walked straight to the workshop, placed the last of the coins down and led my copper warhorse out onto the street. Hauled myself onto his back and galloped out of the city, his hooves tinging as he moved. I watched as the city became smaller in the reflection of his mane, we slowed down to a trot as we approached the remains of what was once a village. A few dead pirates lay amongst the villagers and I knew immediately that Silverheart had been here. "We're back on the trail," with a gentle tap from my boots on his sensitive sides we walked through the village. We followed a trail of destruction all the way along, it only dampened my soul further. 


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