A writer among the many dreamers, and a socialist among others.
A wise write once told me “ You live once, but you can live twenty times over with the words you weave.” It was a twister at the time. How was it possible to live twenty times over with just words? Every riddle has a code and every time the code is always tougher to figure out than the riddle itself. I found that the code was not in the words of the riddle, but in the weave of it. A sentence woven like a thread can stream out a world that no one has ever thought of, or pondered before. In this way, we are not living just once, but weaving through our lives over, and over. A web can be spun,but the web has thousands of intricate little lines,and this is what living is. It is not to live once ,and only once. It is to realize that our imagination can take us to live in ways that were never possible. A woven path of twists and unknown turns everyday, but yet we always come back from the words to face the people we love. We realize that in this moment it is our story being weaved, and our story can be written, and changed just like words. “You live once, but you can live twenty times over with the words you weave.
My blog: http://www.diaryoffantasticdiscoveries.com/