Loveie History


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How Loveies got created

 In the Big Bang, in was 75% stars, 24% energy, but 1.11111% Loveie magic. Over the billions of years, it ran into Earth. One day in winter, Sam stepped in the magic and all of a sudden he had tons of cool gadgets. When he ordered a animal on Amazon, he gave them awesome powers.

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One problem

 As the technology improved, Sam’s mind got more sophisticated. But then he faced a challenge: school. But let’s skip that to the end of Sam’s first grade. A pandemic called COVID hit, and they went to the fun colony of Loveie Land, Lenox… but it wasn’t fun; they were there for too long, and the economy started to drop. But winter break was much worse. For another COVID break, they went to Washington DC. For the first week, thing were going good. But then, the economy dropped a little. By online school times, the economy dropped to a billion, and then a million. At the end of November, horror broke out.

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The Loveie Revolutionary War

 The horror was the Loveie Revolutionary War. It started at the Loveie Revolutionary War I.  If Max won the war, he would get almost half of Loveie Land to himself. The first attack was the Lambie Sled. ‘Vanilla Jr. was driving with a blaster in the back. And he was also carrying a blaster in the front to blast people. Then he nuclear bombed the battlefield. That happened other times, and Sam ended the war with a speech. He said “ You don’t get your prize, because you broke some laws. But you still can rule it; and everyone rules a little of something.” But that was just a preview to the real war. Once they got to New York, the economy got back to normal. But it then sparked the Revolutionary Wars II and III. They were basically Max and Sam fighting over territory, but were much more massive than the first one. The Loveie Revolutionary War IV were that Loveie Land got that Oakbrige was evil. The guy Farin is an evil robot, and there are monsters there. The nice people were actually slaved people from Loveie Land; and eventually Loveie Land won; and Oakbrige became a bombing factory.

In the fifth, the other countrys and states thought Loveie Land was evil, and bombed the parking lot, witch later turned into a battlefield.

In the sixth, Sam shrunk Max’s territory to a tiny bit of Loveie Land; (only about 500 feet). In the Loveie Revolutionary War VII, it was again Max and Sam fighting over territory, and was voted to be the bloodiest part of the war. A Loveie days later, a news program said that the war was over.

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The aftermath of the war

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