

Tablo reader up chevron

Chapter 1

In The Beginning.

How did i come up with the title to this book? Well, i have had a long and hard struggle with things in my life, i have had a lot of bad things and horrible things happen to me that most people would have just given up a long time ago, but i have learned to live with the mantra of this too shall pass, so i figured i shall use this as the title of the book i use to tell my story. I grew up not so unlike any other child in a small village in the countryside of England, playing with my friends from dawn until dusk, going to school, being called a nerd and being picked on by the popular girls because i lived by my own rules i carried a briefcase instaed of a backpack or a bag to school, why because my uncle had given it to me because he had used it when he had gone to University so it meant something to me, but they didnt understand that they just saw me as the weird kid with the big framed glasses and the briefcase who always got the A's in class. 

Yeah i guess i was a nerd, but what does that matter? Nerds make the world go round, if it wasnt for us nerds the popular kids wouldnt have their cell phones and sports cars and high rise apartments, but they dont look at it that way when they are young. Anmy way getting off topic here. My life got interesting id say when i was around 14 when i had my first boyfriend. I remember him so fondly, it was a very volatile and toxic relationship now that i look back with an adults eyes, but then i was young and in love and he was my first love, so i was blind to everything. We ended up being stupid when we were 15 1/2 and i got pregnant, this began my life going down hill for a while. My mom was terrified it would make things worse for her because she was going through a very bad divorce from my step father at the time, my boyfriends mom said i could go live with her and raise the baby with her, then came the words i thought i would never hear my mother ever say to me. “No, She is having an abortion because thats best all around, besides i am too young to be a grandmother and too pretty to be one too.” And that sealed my fate. She was determined. I tried running away from home, but being a small community i was brought home, so my first heart break was i lost my child, then my mother had no sympathy it seemed because i would cry about it and she would tell me to hush and get over it it wasnt the end of the world there will be more babies. 

Then the next thing that happened was my boyfriend cheated on me with my best friend because she told him i had cheated on him with someone else, which was not true, but he believed, then we really never got back together again. My mom finally got divorced from my step father and moved away but i could not live with her after she had done to me what she had done, so i moved in with my grandparents. I finished school as best i could. Then my mom told me she was moving to the United States and she wanted all her children to go with her. So she packed me up and moved me down to where she was staying and i moved into basically a broom closet with my youngest brother. We moved to the states and i had hoped it would be better all around.

Nothing was better, the school system didnt understand the English education system and the exams grading system to pass school so they put me back in high school for a year. A year of torment. My youngest sister spent the year telling everyone i had been basically a whore and had had 4 abortions and would sleep with anyone and that i was beating her up after school, so i was constantly being tormented in the halls and on the school bus ride home. My sister was one of the popular kids. I know, I know this sounds like a poor poor me story, but it will have its good parts too, dont worry. 

I ended up graduating with a 4.0 anyway as well as holding down a part time job. Mainly so i wouldnt be at home for all the fighting and carrying on that was going on at home. My mom and my sister were always fighting and arguing and to this day they do not talk and my sister accuses my mom of things and my mom accuses her of things and neither will back down. My youngest sister would just stay in her room and not come out and my brother being disabled would just lash out in temper because he had no other way to express himself. When i wasnt working or at school i was babysitting. And that was the hardest because my sister would sneak out or she would start fights with me and she would do stuff to get me in trouble, because she knew my mom would take it out on me because i was the oldest first because i should know better than to let them do it. It had always been that way ever since i was a small child. 

My new step father was a kind man and soft spoken and generous, he would do anything for us 4 kids and for my mom, but my sister would just be so bad i think she could make a saint lose his religion some times. After i graduated i was working as a security guard, i was 18 so most normal 18 year olds dont have curfews well, i  did and it was 1030pm. My mom knew i worked the 4pm to 12am shift and wouldnt be home until 1230am, but every night i worked past 1030pm i would come home and find the door locked and if i called to get let in i would get the same answer sleep in your car you knew your curfew was 1030pm. Even though i was working it didnt matter, she always thought the worst of me that i was out running the streets. All because i had made a mistake when i was 15. A couple of times when it got below zero and she had told me to sleep in my car the neighbors had called and said i was out sleeping in my car and called the military police because it was military housing. So they came and asked me what the deal was and i told them so they woke my mom and dad up and told them that i couldnt be left sleeping outside. That didnt matter to my mother. Every pay my mom was  at the door hand out waiting for my pay check too. I got an allowance from it for gas and just enough to get some food and my sanitary items for the week.

After a year of this i had had enough, i walked into the Air Force recruiters office and asked how soon i could be gone, she said not long, we started the paperwork and then months started to go by, so i told her forget, i went to the navy recruiter, who only wanted to sleep with me, so i get mad and walked in the Army recruiters office and told him the issues and said i want to be gone in less than 3 months make it happen, so he got right on it. I was gone to basic training in 5 months. 

Basic training for me was hard, i had no muscle to speak of and i did not run ever so i had trouble passing the physical fitness tests, so i worked out at night when i was supposed to be asleep on my push ups and situps. I gained alot of upper body strength and could max the push up and sit up parts of the test, that made me proud of myself. Up to this point in my life i had felt like my life was a waste and not worth living, and here i was achieving something for the first time. I felt so proud and happy. I couldnt believe i had this amount of strength in myself after all i had grown up being told i was fat, ugly and never amount to anything. The run part of the fitness test started to get easier, i wasnt falling out of the runs in the morning or evening like i was in the beginning. I had made friends, which i had never done before, i had always been a loner. I had always had maybe one or tweo people i talked to, but here i had people who counted on me and i talked to regularly and who looked to me to help them when they needed it. I felt like i was someone. Until i called home. Then my mom would tell me all that was going on and she would make out like it was my fault for leaving and that i was a bad person for leaving her like this. My step dad though he always was encouraging and happy to hear from me and was supportive of me and glad to hear of my gains. He even made the trip and wore his Air Force uniform to my Basic graduation and drove me to my Army School in Maryland.

I was going to be a heavy track vehicle repairer in the Army. So my school was going to be 6 months long. I was going to be there from November to April. The school was not that difficult as i had been doing mechanics before i had gone in the Army, it got hard when we started getting into the turbine stuff for the M1A1 Abrams tank, but i soon picked that up. While i was there i met a really nice guy and we went on a couple of dates when we had free weekends and one night we were watching tv laying on the bed not doing anything or even touching and there were 4 other people guys and girls in the room and a drill sergeant came in the room and he said we were doing more than that. So he sent it to the Senior Drill Sergeant and they gave us UCMJ action for it, So i had a company grade which would go away as soon as i left school and wouldnt be on my record. I would have to do extra duties because of it, and no amount of me telling him or anything made any difference. I did my 2 weeks of duty and on the last night of duty i was told by the senior drill to come into his office and clean his office, that wasnt part of the extra duties, but i went in anyway because he was my senior drill sergeant and i didnt want to get in any more trouble.

He told me to clean his desk, so i started to clean his desk. As i was cleaning his desk he came up behind me and grabbed me from behind and bent me over the desk and raped me right there in his office, i was crying and he kept saying if you scream it wont matter no one is around to hear so shut! So i just shut up and kept thinking if i was still and didnt scream it would be all over soon. After he was done, he told me i could leave and he was taking the last two days off of my extra duty, so i didnt have to come back the next night but if i screwed up again id get more of what id just got. So i went back to my barracks room and took a shower and went to bed because i knew i couldnt tell anyone and and besides if i did who would they believe me a small e-2 or him an e-7. I didnt go out with or hang out the guy or any one else again for the rest of my time in Maryland and just went to class did my time and moved on to my Unit. I felt so depressed all the time Like there was something wrong with me, like bad things must just be attracted to me. Then after a month at my unit i was watching TV when i saw that the drill sergeant who had wrote me up and 6 others p[lus the senior drill sergeant had been accused and found guilty of raping at least 8 known School students like myself. I felt i should have come forward then and told my story but i dont think it would have made any difference their lives were over with 8 convictions and their careers were over so what would my story do to help things. 

At my unit i did meet alot of great people in my unit and my sister unit. My room mate was awesome, she was a big black girl who was gay, and i remember the day she told me she was. The night before she had saved me from yet another Abusive attack from the guy i was dating he was drunk and had come looking for me and she had told him to leave and not come back or her and her friends would mess him up for good. Anyway, i was just getting up when she sat on the edge of my bed and said i just wanted to let you know i am gay, but dont worry youre not my type, b ut my friend thinks youre cute, but i told her youre not that way. I said ok, i had an idea, but thanks for telling me. We had a really good friendship. I could tell her thngs and she would tell me things and she would try to keep me safe from things. And would tell me if she felt i shouldnt go out.

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Chapter 2

My Military Nightmare.

In July 1994 i had just gotten back from the field for 45 days and me and my platoon mates were in the barracks drinking and partying and having a good time. We always did when we came back from long trips to the field like this. We trained hard and partied harder when we were in the military. Especially those of us who supported and were in the 1st Cavalry Division at Fort Hood in Texas. I loved my time in Texas. I loved my unit and i really loved being in the Army and doing my job. When i first got to the unit i was in the Supply office of 15th FSB and i hated that and was always being hit on by the two older NCO's in the office, but they were harmless. I just laughed at them and was polite. I wasnt from the city like most people and had not been around alot so alot of things i didnt know about. I got crash courses in a lot of things though. 

After about 6 months in the Supply room i asked to be sent to a maintenance support team. Which i was i ended up supporting 2/12 Cav. It was an Armor unit, all tanks. It was my dream, i loved tanks and working on them, it was what i had been trained for and what i had signed on for. At first i was one of two women in about 2400 men when we went to the field then she got pregnant and was sent to the supply room and i was on my own, didnt really bother me i knew by now how to handle myself and these guys knew i wasnt to be messed with. I had no problems out of any of the 2/12 guys while we were in the field or when we were in the rear (home base if you will) because these guys were like family to me and so were my platoon mates or so i thought. I mostly hung out with the 2/12 medics because they treated me more like an equal than anyone else did. Some of the Tank guys would hang out with us and we would go to the soldiers club and drink, but not many. Some days i would just hang out at my barracks and be around my unit friends. 

After a long weekend of partying before we had to go to the field for 45 days i was in my room packing my duffle bag for the trip when one of my platoon mates said hey come on up to the squad leaders room and hang out for a bit youll have time to do that tomorrow, it was sunday night. We were leaving on the Tuesday morning. I always liked to pack my stuff a day or so early so i was ready because you never know when they would throw a surprise inspection or alert in on us. I was like nah i am just gonna finish this and go to bed. He just kept saying come on its just the squad leader and us the squad getting together for a drink or two in his room, it wont be long promise. Now, this guy was new to the squad and i really wasnt too sure of him because he really gave me the creeps some times. And right now all my senses were telling me to not go anywhere with this guy especially not to the squad leaders room with him and just a couple others from the squad. I had heard from a couple of the supply clerks who had gone on dates with him that he took what he wanted when he wanted and was rough and then told everyone they were easy and gave it up. 

I did not want to become another victim like i had in Maryland and i really didnt want anything to drink. So i told him no again and to leave. He did. I thought nothing of it, until about an hour later when i was walking to the day room to watch tv and i had to pass their room and they all yelled my name. I turned and said hey, they told me to come in and have a drink i said no. They said well just come in and hang out then. I could only see three guys in there and the creepy guy wasnt in there and two of the people in there were friends so i thought why not. So i walked into the room and as soon as i did the door was shut. Next i saw two more guys coming out of the bathroom, and the creepy guy was one of them. My mind was screaming to get out of the room. I turned to go to the door, but one of the guys stood in front of the door and i couldnt get to it and he locked it. I now knew i was in trouble. Sit and have a drink i was told. I shook my head no. If you do itll make this a whole lot easier to do and accept. I still shook my head. All that was going through my mind was, why me? What did i do so wrong? Why was i being punished so much? Had i done something so wrong in my life that God had to punish me this much? And in these ways? Before i could even think i had an arm around my neck and one on each arm and one on each leg and i drug to the floor. Where i was raped on and off by all 5 of them anally, vaginally and in my mouth for 4 hours. They hit me, they choked me, they laughed at me and the creepy guy and the end even peed on me before they thre my clothes at me and told me to get out and called  me a whore. I had been verbally abused the whole time. They told me if told anyone what had happened i would disappear and they would make that happen. And that no one would believe a whore anyway. I cried and ran to my barracks room. I got some clean clothes and my shower stuff and medical kit because my eye was bloody and swollen and my lips were all swollen and one was split open. I was sore and swollen and bleeding in other parts too. So i went and cleaned myself up as best i could then i took a long shower and changed. 

I then went to bed. My room mate, we will call her Tracy, came home from a date with her girlfriend around 3am. She heard me crying and turned on her lamp by her bed and came over to see what was wrong. I tried not to let her see my face and tried to tell her nothing was wrong but she knew all too well something was wrong. She pulled the cover off of my face and saw it which by now was even worse and said ill be right back. Her girlfriend was a medic in the sister unit to ours. She brought a bigger medic kit than i had and she did a really good job of patching me up and asked if i had any other wounds anywhere else. I told her no. She said if i did i should tell her because of infection. I said just give me some cream for it. She did and she said i should turn the creeps in. I told them both not to tell and told them why and what the guys had said to me if i had told. They both tried to get info on who they were but i wouldnt give it up. I am very good at keeping secrets. 

The next morning i looked horrible so i just ate some of my food that i had in my barracks room and didnt leave my room the whole day and night. But the Tuesday morning i had to go down for PT with the company and THEM! I walked up to formation and people were looking at me especially from my platoon, the guys were smiling and laughing. I just looking at the ground, totally defeated and depressed. PT seemed to last forever, then after PT, the platoon sergeant came to me asked to speak to me in the commanders office. I was like oh God what now what do i say? We go into the office and the command is sitting there with the first sergeant and my platoon sergeant and i walk in and they look at me and their eyes get real wide, but they say nothing. 

My platoon sergeant told the command Private Baker was here like he asked. The command asked did i know why i was there and said no. He told me that he had gotten a very disturbing phone call from my mother the day before. I was like my mother, what about. He told me that my sister had told her that io had sexually abused her as children and now my mother wanted me punished for it if it was true. So she had called my commanding officer and told him i had molested my sister as a child. I thought could this week get any worse. I told him i had no idea what she was talking about i had never touched nor would i ever touch my sisters or brothers in any such manner. He said ok he had to check and do his duty as my commanding officer. He then asked what happened to my face, i lied and said i was out and a girl at a bar thought i was talking to her boyfriend and used my face to let me know not to although i wasnt talking to him. He said oh ok. He also said that he was starting a deduction from my paycheck each month of $100 to my mother for unpaid debt for when i lived at home and i hadnt paid it yet for a car they had bought me. I told him i had paid that debt off before i joined the military and he said that she had sent him proof of the debt. So now instead of $600 a month minus $100 for GI Bill i was now only getting $400 a month to live off of and i had to get insurance to drive on. I felt like my life was over. 

We shipped out to the field at 0900 that morning. I had my truck all to myself and my thoughts. Which usually didnt bother me because i liked my own company on convoys out to the woods, but today just wasnt a good day to be my own company. We set up the location in the field and i had to help set up the GP Medium for the guys to sleep in, i used to sleep at one end of it with them to get heat from the pot belly stove at night because it would get cold and i didnt feel threatened by them but now i wouldnt sleep in there if you paid me a million bucks. So i get my truck all comfy for me to sleep in at night. My Sergeant came to me asked why i wasnt sleeping in the tent and i said i just didnt want to sleep in there with the guys anymore, it wasnt a good time right now. He said ok. The guys who had raped me would made lewd remarks to me under their breath and gestures to make me feel uncomfortable. So much so that i would stay in my truck when i wasnt on guard duty or working. Eventually my sergeant noticed and came asked what happened and if there was anything going on that he could help with and i said no, i just feel like being alone. I know he could see through that having known me for a while but he couldnt outright ask and he couldnt just accuse anyone without me saying so. So it was a long 45 days. 

When we got to the rear again. I asked for a transfer to a different team. They asked why and i said i had my reasons and i couldnt go into specifics. They said without specifics they couldnt give me what i wanted. I tried and tried to get off that team. Then the creepy guy that had peed on me get caught trying to force another girl to have sex by her room mate and beating her up and was arrested by the Military Police. He left the team and unit shortly after that. I still couldnt work well or with these guys. I rarely came out of my room when i was in the rear. I was losing weight and looking ill. i wasnt my happy self any more. The 2/12 medics still tried to get me to hang out and sometimes i would. Then one day i was working on a Hummers engine fixing a head gasket in the bay when i looked up and noticed a guy keep walking around the bay i was working in. It was making me uncomfortable. One of my medic buddies came over and i pointed him and asked who he was. He said he was the driver for the major of the unit. I said well hes making me uncomfortable keep walking around looking at me. He said oh its cos his hummer is in services over there, so hes bored plus hes probably never seen a woman mechanic before.  I was like well that doesnt mean he has to be rude and stare. My friend just laughed.


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Chapter 3

Married Life Begins.

That night it was a friday night and i wasnt planning on going out or anything when my friend the medic we will call him Dave, came over and told me he had someone for me to meet and we were going out. So, i got dressed and we walked the short distance to the 2/12 medic and command drivers etc barracks building. We went up 3 flights of stairs and sitting in an open doorway was the guy from the hummer bay, in his PT uniform and sunglasses in almost dark. Dave walked me over and said Sara this is We shall call him Mike, I said nice to meet you. Why do you have sunglasses on in the dark? He said i dont know i always have them on. Dave Said we are going to the Soldiers club do you want to go with Mike? He was like no im doing laundry. So i was like id like you to go, i mean you were obviously interested in me today you walked around the bay of the hummer i was working on 5 times at least. Mike said he didnt recognize me and he was just curious because he had never seen a woman mechanic before. I told him he should go with us it would be fun, especially on a friday night, he had all weekend to do laundry.

So Dave and i waited with a couple more of our friends down in the parking lot by Mike's truck. About 15 minutes went by and i told Dave i didnt think Mike was coming and we should go on without him. Dave said no Mike had been talking about me all day he would be here, then about 5 minutes later Mike showed up. We drove to the Soldiers club there on Fort Hood. Mike and i sat all night listening to music and talking by writing on napkins and passing them back and forth. At the time i thought  it was kind of cute and a different way to get to know each other, but now i think it was weird like a lot of things Mike did. Mike and i became insuperable when we werent at work after that, if i wasnt sleeping in his barracks room with him he was with me in mine. We got along great and he was fun and a nice guy and i thought someone i could actually see myself opening up to and actually settling down and getting married to and having children with. 

The weekend at the end of April Mike was staying with me in my barracks room because all my roommates were gone because we had been given a 4 day weekend because on the tuesday we would be going out to the field again. He asked me if i was sure i wanted to get married and if i was then we should get married on the coming Monday before we go back to the field. About 2 months prior Mike had put an engagement ring on my finger in my sleep he said to see if would fit. And then had asked me to marry him. Well that Monday May 1st him and his two friends went down to the courthouse and we got married. The Judge that married us was an older gentleman and he was funny. He made everyone at ease cos i guess he could see i was nervous and after we were married he told me he had one piece of advice for me to follow, that his wife told him he should pass on to all the new wives. I should get me a cast iron skillet, so when the husband gets out of line i could put him back in line real quick and he laughed and said it had worked for him for 50 some years. I left the courthouse happy that day thinking all my bad luck was gone. I had crossed into a new happy period in my life and all would be better and life would be better and i wouldnt have nay more hurt or heartache. Boy was i wrong!

The next day we went to the field and most of the guys that had raped me were all gone except one and he was now married and had a baby daughter and had tried numerous times to apologize and had said it was the alcohol as well as peer prssure that had made him do it and he had nothing against me and he hadnt wanted to hurt me. Whenever i siad then why did you? He could not come up with an answer. Just more of the same excuse. I had tried to put it in my past and block it from my memory as best i could. I did this field trip and then me and Mike moved into our first apartment together, we got furniture and our first pet a fish. I tried to be a good wife, i had not been taught by my mom how to cook, id been made to do chores mainly housework so i could do all that stuff, but cooking i couldnt do, so it was all trial and error a lot of error, but i did my best. No one can fault me for that. I never gave up trying. In the end i got the hang of cooking a few recipes down and hamburger helper down. I could bake though, i learned i could bake and cook a mean Turkey dinner. But it was never good enough for Mike. He always found fault in everything i did. I didnt gain weight for fear of becomming too fat, he always made mention of how fat i was becoming. So i was always aware of everything i ate and i was always working out or buying the latest workout dvd's, or buying the latest weight loss pill. I got me a cat for comfort from the humane shelter because i was getting any affection at home from Mike. The honey moon was over before it began. We had more fun before we got married and moved into our apartment than after. 

Sparky was my cats name because he was just too darn smart! He could open treat containers  by himself, he could open doors by himself. He knew when i was upset and he knew when i needed someone just to sit with me. Mike was always more interested in sports than me or anything else. In 1997 he went to Bosnia, while he was gone i started the process to get out of the Army because my time was up because i wasnt a US citizen and they wouldnt let me re-enlist if i wasnt, so i chose to get out and become a mom and work in the civillian world. I put on a brave face to world about our marriage because everyone thought MIke was such a wonderful guy and that he was so kind and the salt of the earth. Truth is in the first 2 years of our marriage he was, after that and him going to Bosnia he wasnt. When he came back he was a differnet kind of person. While he was gone, i was working and i would work 3rd shift maintenance at a milk bottling factory, well if he couldnt get me on my cell he would call the factory looking for me, if i wasnt there or at home he would call our neighbor and so on until someone got me the message he was looking or me. He was so possessive and controlling. I couldnt do anything without his permission. I couldnt go anywhere without telling him where i was going or with who. And if he didnt know them then he would call me every 5 minutes while we were out. 

I lost my job in the milk bottling factory because of his constant phone calls to the factory and my boss. So i started looking for a new job. I found one as an Army contractor as a mechanic. This seemed to be ok with him because he knew the people i worked for and with. So he had spies as it were on me at all times. Although if i got too friendly with anyone he automatically accussed me of cheating. My whole marriage he followed me places and accused me of cheating on him. Even when i was in the Army and had no opportunity to cheat he accused me of cheating. After a year working in the bays at the main service section they moved me to one of the company bays for a couple of years. This seemed like a good move because i would get to work on all kinds of vehicles and i enjoyed that but this annoyed Mike because i no longer was where his spies could see my every move, so the accusations of cheating got ever more worsened. He accused me of cheating with two of the company soldiers and even looked them up in the phone book and told their wives and their wives called the company command who asked that i be removed from the maintenance team. Even though nothing had gone on, so back to the service bays i went. 

While at the service bays there was an african american man called lets say Eric, who did not think women should be mechanics and he always made comments and was always sabotaging my jobs and was always telling the boss i was not working when i was. I was always early to work so i could eat before work, i always was early back from lunch and i alwasy left late so i could make sure my bay was cleaned up. But Eric just kept pushing and pushing until one day i snapped at him in the break room and said why dont you just die! He said and how should i do that! I said i dont care! I finished work that day thinking nothing more of it because i hadnt done anything wrong like pointed a gun or said i will shoot you or anything like that and no one else would say i would do that or say that right? Next morning i come in to work and i have my backpack full of books because i am getting my degree in criminal justice so i study on my breaks and luch break now, Eric sitting there grinning like cheshire cat and we have our morning meeting and i am asked to sit in the office. Im like ok what for. Im told no reason just do it. I go in sit down and think nothing of it. Certainly dont think i m about to get searched and arrested and paraded through the motor pool like a freak show! 

After about 15 minutes 4 military police officers come into the office and ask my name and social security number i tell them and ask them what this is about. They ask if thats my back pack i told them it was and it was just my school books. They asked to search it, i asked again about what. They said to just co operate. I said tell co-operate about what first. Then they told me that Eric had complained that he felt in danger of his life because i had pointed my fingers at him in the shape of a gun and told him that i wished he was dead and i would do the deed myself. I laughed. The military police officers looked at me and told me it was no laughing matter. I told them i never had or would do or say anything like that and Eric was 3 times my size, why would he be scared of me. If anyone was scared of anyone i was  of him because all he does is harass me. I said i did say i he should die, but i didnt point my fingers in the shape of a gun and say i would do it. So they searched my back pack found nothing searched me found nothing. Then put my in hand cuffs and instead of taking me through the building the short way to the other side where they had parked they paraded me all the way around the building past open doors they could have went through and evrything. I was humiliated.

I get to the police station and am put in a small room and an investigator comes in the room, she smiles at me and asked if i wanted anything to drink. I shook my head no and just looked down at my handcuffed wrists. She unhandcuffed me and said she didnt think i needed those anymore. She asked what happened. I told her i had no clue, i was bewildered. So she read the complaint against me and told me what the charge would be if found to be truthful and how long a sentence i would get if prosecuted. I looked wide eyed. I had a 3 year old at home i couldnt go to jail for up to 5 years for terroristic threatening. I started to cry at the thought. What kind of mother am i? What had i done so wrong now that this curve ball had been throw at me? Should i just become a mute in public? The investigator and i talked for what seemed like hours and we got to the bottom of it and she realized it was just a vendetta against me by him and two of his buddies. Because everyone else she had talked to had backed me up and said that wasnt me. I also had to talk to a psychologist and they said it was not something i was capable of and or would do. So i was driven back to work and everything was dropped. I told me boss because it was 2 oclock and he wasnted me to go back to work still for an hour and a half and i said after my day i dont think i am going home. I went home. All Mike could say that night was well you have abig mouth and you are always running it to the wrong person now maybe you will think before you speak! 

The next day i went to work and all i could hear were snickers and laughter all around me from the guys i work with, then when the morning meeting was over i went to my tool box to open it and start my day, on top of it was a pair of hand cuffs and note that said better luck next time, hope you enjoyed your stay! I took it to my boss and said he better do something, all he said was he couldnt tell who put it there so he couldnt do anything. So i went and got my truck and loaded my tool boxes up and quit my job right there and then.


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