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Top 10 signs of depression in women 

Depression is a real but often misunderstood mental illness that can be easily treated with medication and psychotherapy. Sometimes you may think that you or a loved one has a clinical depression but they are not convinced that it can be separated from what sometimes feels blue.

Sometimes feeling blue, beloved, or hopeless is the norm in human experience. There is nothing wrong with feeling this way from time to time, especially in response to certain events in your life - such as a death in the family, a romantic breakup, poor status, or lack of progress in the workplace. To be This is not depression.

Depression is not always caused by anything. When someone is just living their life, especially when nothing is being done, and suddenly they can't work, it can kill the person. It doesn't matter. The black holes in which they find themselves are getting bigger and bigger day by day and there is nothing they can do to stop it.

Not everyone who is depressed experiences every symptom. Some people experience some symptoms, many. The severity of symptoms varies from person to person and also varies over time.

10 Signs of Depression

Here are ten signs of depression in women.

1. Persistent sad, restless, or "empty" mode

2. Feelings of hopelessness or despair

3. Feelings of guilt, carelessness or helplessness

4. Loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies and activities that once occurred 5. Enjoyment, including sex

6. Low energy, fatigue, or feeling "slow"

7. Difficulty paying attention, remembering or making decisions

8. Insomnia, waking up early in the morning or falling asleep

9. Loss of appetite and/or weight or overeating and weight gain

10. Thoughts of death or suicide or actually attempted suicide

Some people may also experience some permanent physical symptoms that do not respond to treatment, such as headaches, digestive disorders, and chronic pain.

A person who suffers from a major depressive disorder (sometimes called clinical depression or major depression) loses interest in a permanent mood or daily activity for at least 2 weeks. This mood must represent a change in the individual's general mood.

Clinical depression affects every aspect of a person's life. It doesn't usually go away on its own, and it's not the person's fault. The end of stress is hopeless, the pain without any relief.


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