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The harsh brambles whipped past Dan's face as he ran, each one threatening to slow him down.  He could  smell his own sweat, mixing with the metallic scent that came from the blood running down from his forehead and drying across his cheeks.

Keep running.

His stomach churned again and his body threatened to betray him to be sick, he couldn't afford to stop.

At least you're alive. That one though ran in a constant loop through Dan's overloaded brain, that and 'Keep running'. He took a sharp turn around a tree and continued running, the vines scratching at his bare feet, slicing along them and allowing the blood to run free. 

"You loose... now run" The man had said as calmly as if asking for the time, all the while Ethan's crimson blood seeped through his fingers, the gash in his throat agape like a third eye and his head lolled lifeless against the back of the chair. Dan had run, he'd left his friend behind, all the while Ethan's disembodied screams echoed around his cranium. A patch of brambles scagged at Dan's feet  but he continued to run after recovering from a stumble, his limbs flailing and crying out for a break.

Keep running, Don't fall

Dan's mouth formed the words and he chanted them breathlessly in time to his feet pounding on the  overgrowth. How could he run, just leave his friend in the hands of a madman? So pathetic. The admission didn't slow him down, nor did it make him brave a glimpse over his shoulder. Ten minutes head start, The man had said and Dan was determined to put as much distance between himself and the hotel. He should have listened to Ethan when he said there was someone outside the window.

He should have listened. And now Ethan was dead and Dan was as good as dead. Dan's lungs burned and his legs protested . He had no clue which was he was running as long as it was away. The dark leafy canopy above swallowed the moonlight and the trees all looked sinisted, as if any moment the man would step out from behind one of them,smile, and say 'Game Over' just like he had Ethan.

Suddenly his forehead slammed into a low hanging bough of oe of the trees. A whomp and a thump.

Dan staggered but remained on his feet, his vision blurring and his head pulsating in pain

Don't fall, Keep moving, just run!

His feet obeyed despite the dizzy spiral swimming inside his head and threateng to throw him off balance.

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