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Caden Wren had fallen off rooftops more times than he cared to count. His hands scrape down the rough slope, fingers seeking purchase in the dingy green gutter. He thrashes out, trying to grope his way up the wet tiles. He ceases his movement as raised voices reach his ears, between the ambience of the city he could pick them out easily. Heavy footfalls, synched shouts, the clatter of rifles. Puppets was the only word he could think of to describe them, genderless humanoids clad in heavy grey cloaks and thick, black leather soled shoes that created the heavy footfalls he had come to associate them with.
He cranes his neck, wet blonde hair falling shaggily over his forehead as he watches the street below, a crowd of seven or so puppets marching past, shoving civilians aside in their quest to find him. Once they’ve past he turns his attention back to getting down from the roof. He could jump the four metres down but last time he did it in the rain he’d broken his leg so that was out of the question for a second time. He grunts with the effort it takes to swing a trouser clad leg up and let it find footing in the manky guttering. From there he swings himself up onto the tiles of the roof with a huff of exertion. He makes his way gingerly up the roof, finding his way down easier that it had been to get up. Once his feet connect with the cobblestones he raises a hand to shove his hair back from his face, surveying his surroundings before setting off. The blood on his hands had begun to congeal, oxidising beneath his nails and in the creases of his palms; It was messy, that was for sure but it had to be done and he had been the one to do it. Do what was needed for the people. He hurries through the streets, head dipped against the rain. Luckily the streets are empty so his path is not questioned. He checks every corner before rounding it, it was likely the puppets were still searching for him, even though he’d never be suspected.
It could have been any glitch in the city and they were probably searching the seedier areas first, still, he had to play it safe.
In the fourth quadrant he slips his key shakily into the lock of the flat, letting himself in quickly and shutting the door behind him. Lights out would be shortly and the last thing he needed was to be caught up for disobeying laws.
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