Common foods you should never give to kids


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# 1

Feeding a kid or even a teen is a stressful job. Many food companies always have a solution in helping this stressful work. They provide you with some kid friendly food that is very delicious and they tell you the food is good and healthy for your kid. You will be surprised by some of the foods you should not feed on your kids. They include:

  • Apple juice

I know many people believe that apple juice is good and healthy and you do not understand how it is possible that it found its way here. One of the reasons why apple is not a good food to feed on the kids is that it contains a lot of sugar which can contribute to high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and obesity. Children below two years should not consume sugars at all. Instead give your kid an apple that will help her or him with the fibre and other nutrients.

  • Honey

Honey is sweet and loved by everybody mostly the kids and this is understandable. However, Honey to kids is said to be dangerous and this has been proven as in because some honey contains botulism which can lead to the paralysis and which in turn can lead to death.

  • Soda and sports drinks

Soda adds nothing to kids but liquid calories in the kid’s body. Research conducted by experts revealed that sodas are responsible of causing diabetes obesity and high blood pressure. One bottle of soda contains more calories than your child’s body needs

  • Packaged lunch

Assuming you have packed for your kid some cheese, crackers a soda and some dessert your kid having that as a lunch can led to him or her being infected by the obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes

  • Breakfast cake

Most kids’ love cakes in the morning but do you know that the amount of sugar contained in the cake can lead to serious health problems? Some of us know this but still continue giving our kids such foods this puts their life at risk

  • Granola bars

Granola bars are usually crunchy candy and they contains a lot of sugar content In them they also have high levels of fructose and fructose can lead to high blood pressure obesity and diabetes.

  • Frozen finger foods

Frozen foods such as fish and chicken are much loved by kids but they should be avoided as much as possible since they may contain high levels of sodium and also saturated fats as well as preservatives which can lead to the bad health of the kids. The fats can also lead to obesity. In conclusion it is good to give the right foods to the kids in order for them to live a healthy life.

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