6 Fun Date Ideas to Win Her Heart Volume 1

6 Fun Date Ideas to Win Her Heart Volume 1
By Kym Kostos
© 2014 by Kym Kostos
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.
ISBN: 978-1499555257
In my 35 years of dating since I was fifteen years old, I have had my fill of good dates and bad dates. I am pretty sure we have all had those dates from hell that we tell our friends or ones that we just soon want to forget.
So, what about the ones that turned out perfect? Don’t have too many of those? Don’t worry, because in this book I will give you some ideas and dates from start to finish for fun first dates, romantic dates, creative dates, indoor dates, outdoor dates, cheap dates that are easy on your wallet and even a date for those who are miles apart in a long distance relationship.
Guys always want to impress a girl and sweep her off her feet, but sometimes have no clue as to where to start. Females by nature are great planners, especially when it comes to events, dinners, parties, and yes, even dates. Why? Because we pay attention to detail and that is what is the most important thing.
Details tell a girl how you feel about her. Simple details to intricate ones, either way they are signs of what you really feel about the girl. If you take a lot of time planning a great date, that tells the girl that you are interested in her and want to get to know her better, especially if it’s a date that allows you two to talk and get to know each other better. Girls love dates like that!
Taking a girl out, tossing a burger down her throat and taking her to a movie is just plain boring. That’s something you do AFTER you have won her heart and even then, it’s questionable. Whatever happened to the courtship of dating?
When you take the time to plan and give her a date to remember, it shows that you care and want to impress the girl. You don’t have to have a lot of money either to do this.
In fact, the best date I ever had was when I was younger in my teens and the boy who was interested in me at the time, planned a first date for us for the daytime. He packed us a lunch in a picnic basket and we went to the lake and had our picnic.
Afterwards we took a romantic walk around the lake and he picked wildflowers for me during our walk. He held my hand for the first time as we walked. We talked about our childhoods and what we wanted for our futures and we really got to know each other. By the time we were done with our walk, I had a bunch of different wildflowers.
After our walk, we went back to the car and he went into his trunk and pulled out two fishing poles and a tackle box with bait. He also pulled out a shopping bag, but wouldn’t reveal what was inside.
We sat by the lake fishing all afternoon and talking to each other and getting to know each other better. During our time fishing, he pulled a blank photo album out of the bag and said it was for pressing the wildflowers he had picked for me. He also pulled out a camera and took some photos of us with one of those instant Polaroid cameras, which I also added to the photo album.
That night, I went home and looked at our “date book” that I would add things to as time went on. Eventually it filled up with movie and concert ticket stubs, various photos of us and other things we had done on dates. It was a memory that I would cherish forever.
Even though our young love eventually fizzled out, I always held that day in my heart and mind and will never forget it. I still have that photo album to this day. And to think, the whole date didn’t cost much at all, just a lot of thought into it.
In this book, I will guide you through the carrying out of a great date by sharing with you my guidance from beginning to end. Preparation, items you need, time frame, planning and how to deliver the perfect date to that girl you are trying to make your girlfriend or for just those guys who want to add some fun and romance in their relationship.
With my ideas and guidance, you will melt that girl’s heart and in the process steal it away like a thief in the night!
Chapter 1 – Fun First Dates
As the saying goes, you only get one chance to make a first impression. The same goes with a first date. You’ve finally had the girl of your dreams agree to go out on a date with you. Be different. Don’t be the typical boring date that she’s been on so many times over and over again.
Get her attention and keep it!
My first date idea is to make it a “Mini Date”. Show her the “mini” side of you and at the end of the night; show her that you have a big heart. Theme dates are always fun and hard not to forget.
What you’ll need: Rent or borrow a Mini Coupe from someone (optional depending on your budget), one dozen miniature roses (real ones or silk ones), miniature teddy bear or animal that you know she likes or collects, miniature golf course or create your own mini golf course in your backyard. For your meal you can make at home or her place; Mini pizzas - English muffins, pizza sauce, mozzarella cheese and if you can find out ahead of time what kind of toppings she likes on her pizza (be sneaky about it if you can) get those too. If you want to be really cute about it, you can buy some of those mini cans of soda as well. For dessert; Teddy Graham mini s’mores or make your own mini s’mores with mini graham crackers, mini marshmallows and miniature size chocolate bars. You will need a fire either on the beach, at a campsite or in your backyard or if you have a fireplace or even a couple of candles will do. And last, but not least, a big piece of red construction paper cut out into the shape of a heart.
Date preparation time: Give yourself at least a week to get this date planned out and to make sure all the details are perfect. Rent the Mini Coupe or borrow one from a friend. Order the mini roses, buy the mini teddy bear or her favorite animal, get the ingredients at the grocery store for the mini pizzas and s’mores and your mini sodas if that’s what you have decided on as well. Secure your fire location (for making the s’mores) or buy some candles and secure the location of the miniature golf course or create your own inside your home or in the backyard.
If you need to create your own mini golf course, it doesn’t have to be elaborate. You can pick up some plastic golf clubs and balls at a toy store and create your own small mini course. In Chapter 2, I go into detail on how to create one from scratch.
Also, of course, the red construction paper. Go to your local art store and find the biggest piece of red construction paper and cut out the biggest heart you can on the paper. Put the heart in your room or a safe area, you will need it later, but just don’t show your date until I say you can.
Time frame: Depending on your schedules, this can be done anytime and if you are taking her to a mini golf course, make sure you know the hours of operation. You don’t want to show up and have it be closed for repairs or not open during the time you need it to be.
Date night!
Whether you decide to have her arrive at your place or you are picking her up, make sure you are on time! Let me reiterate that once again… Make sure you are on time! This is a very important detail when meeting someone for the first date. It shows that you respect them and that you realize their time is just as important and valuable as your own. Never be late for a first date. Remember, first impressions!
So, let’s say you have the Mini Coupe and you’ve decided to pick her up at her place. You’re on time, you have the miniature roses and miniature stuffed animal. You knock on the door and she answers looking as beautiful as ever. Give her your gifts you have brought her. When she accepts them with a smile, tell her that tonight there will be a theme, you can tell her the theme or make it fun and see if she can guess the theme during the night.
You’ve decided on taking her to the local miniature golf course where you play a fun game or two of miniature golf, letting her win of course. You don’t want to come across as a macho egomaniac on the first date. No, you will have time for that later on in the relationship after all goes well on this date. Wink, wink.
After your golf game and you have had the chance to get to know her better by engaging in conversation throughout the game. Ask her questions about herself during the game. Share parts of your life with her. Get to know each other. That way, when it comes time to leave and go back to your place for mini pizzas, she will feel comfortable with you.
So, now you arrive back at your place. You’ve both worked up an appetite and are hungry. You tell her that you are making mini pizzas for dinner and you take her into the kitchen and pull the ingredients out.
How to make mini pizzas:
By now you have already bought the ingredients you want for your mini pizzas. Pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees. Split the English muffins. Buying the fork split ones are the easiest to use. Pull out a cookie sheet and place the mini pizzas on the cookie sheet. Toast the English muffins to as crispy as you want them, keep an eye on them so you don’t burn them! Once they are toasted to your satisfaction, add pizza sauce, cheese and ingredients on top of your English muffins. Place them back into the oven and bake them for about 10-15 minutes. Keep an eye on them so they won’t burn. Let them cool before serving. Pull out the mini soda cans and enjoy your mini meal!
Now if you want to add a romantic touch, have a candle lit table waiting to eat on. Use mini candles and even have a mini sign made and taped to the wall that reads, “Jake’s Mini Pizza Place” (You can substitute Jake for your name!)
After dinner, say you have a fireplace and decide to go and sit in front of the fireplace. If you don’t have a fireplace or available fire pit, then use the candles to burn the marshmallows for your s’mores. Just be careful not to burn your place down!
How to make s’mores:
Take your mini chocolate bars, graham crackers and marshmallows. Melt the marshmallows over the flame. Say you decide to use a candle. You can use a kabob skewer (metal or the wooden disposable kind) to put the marshmallows on to get them nice and melted. Put the melted marshmallows on the graham cracker; add the mini chocolate bar and another graham cracker on top, so that you have a little sandwich. You’ve just made a mini s’more. Can I have some more please?
At the end of the night, this is when you pull out the big heart and say, “Tonight’s date theme was mini, but I have a big heart just for you!”
Chapter 2 – Be Creative!
When dinner and a movie have become the boring cliché and you want something different and fun, that’s when you put on your creative thinking hat!
As I mentioned in Chapter 1, I will tell you how to create your own miniature golf course either in your house or in your own backyard. But, before I do that, I also have another creative idea.
The Mystery Date
On this date, about a week or so before your actual date, you let her decide what the date will be without letting her actually know!
What you do is, during the week ask her questions that don’t give anything away. You can text her, e-mail her, call her, etc… This will keep her wondering and it will give you an idea of what you can plan.
For example, I created a list of questions below to give you an idea.
1.Public or Private? This question can decide if she wants public transportation or private transportation.
2.Blue skies or white ceilings? This can determine if she wants to be indoors or outdoors.
3.Green or blue? If she chose blue skies from question 3, this can determine if she wants green grass, like at a park, or if she wants blue, for the ocean or a lake.
4.Yellow or red? Or you can use any colors to determine what type of flowers you are going to get her.
5.Hot or cold? Hot, meaning coffee or cold, meaning ice cream.
6.Light or dark? This can determine a date that takes place in the daytime or nighttime.
7.Funny or Romantic? If you are planning on renting a movie for the date, this can determine what genre. Or it can determine something else.
8.Spicy or Plain? Can determine what kind of food you will be eating or a restaurant you will be going to. Spicy can be a Mexican or Indian place and Plain can be a hamburger or pizza place.
9.Exciting or Content? Exciting can be a sports game or event and Content can be watching a quiet sunset and listening to music.
10.Friday or Saturday? Will determine what day/night you will plan your date night.
So, now that you have the idea of what kinds of questions to ask, based on her answers you plan the date out. We’ll work off the questions I used to give you an idea.
Her answers were; public, blue skies, green, yellow, cold, light, romantic, plain, content and Saturday. Remember to keep them written down so you have something to work with!
So, your date is on a Saturday, you plan a picnic with sandwiches, chips, fresh fruit, etc… at a park that is about an hour away, so you decide that for public transportation you will be taking a train there. At the park, there will be concerts going on all day playing different genres of music like jazz, big band and chamber. This is romantic music, as she had chosen. (Remember, you have to be flexible and apply her answers any way you can!)
Nearby is a lake and you take her for a walk after your picnic and you see lots of different flowers around. You see yellow daisies and remember that was the color she had chosen. So, you pick her a bunch of yellow daisies and hand them to her. As you walk back to your picnic area, you notice an ice cream stand and remember she chose cold over hot. So, you buy her some ice cream or frozen yogurt. (Some of us like to count calories!)
As evening nears you notice that the sun is setting and ask her to watch it with you, feeling happy and content about your day you have spent together.
On the way home on the train, tell her how her answers determined what kind of date you were going to take her on. I bet she will give you bonus points for creativity!
Miniature Golf Date
Now, as I had promised, I am going to tell you how to create your own miniature golf course for a creative date idea!
How to build your own simple miniature golf course that will make her smile and remember your date forever!
Materials You Will Need:
Golf clubs and golf balls of different colors. If you can’t find different colored balls, buy white ones and paint them different colors or use colored markers. You can find a kids toy golf set at a toy store or online. I Googled “kids toy golf sets” and found some online at Toys R Us for under $15 and that includes the golf clubs and balls. I am sure there are some cheaper ones on Ebay if you search awhile. Get the plastic kind of clubs because they will present more of a challenge! If you have extra time and are good with wood, you can make your own wooden golf clubs and use colored ping-pong balls. It just depends on your time and skills.
Construction paper of all colors.
Black thick markers.
Paint of different colors and paintbrushes
Items for making obstacles, such as Legos to build towers, etc…
Sturdy plastic cups
After you have raided the toy store and art store, it’s time to start building your miniature golf course! Depending on how many holes you want, I would say about 8 – 10 holes is good, unless you have a huge backyard and can create more. Make sure you have your clubs and balls, if they need to be made, make them now, if the balls need to be colored, color them now too and put the clubs and balls to the side.
Use your construction paper to make the signs for the holes and you can even make flags too with the paper. Use the cardboard to make narrow bridges as an obstacle for the balls. Legos and other items or toys you find can also be used as obstacles. Set up your obstacles, but don’t make them too hard, but a little challenging is always fun!
Next, you can use the sturdy plastic cups as the hole and lie the cup on its side, or you can cut the top of the cup off and use the open ring as the hole as well. Once you have your course set up, give it a go and see how well it works out. Work out any kinks or issues to make sure it’s perfect for when your date arrives. Once that is all done, then you’re ready for the next step. Now that your mini golf course is built, you will need other items for your date.
What you will need: Buy or make tickets like the ones they have at arcades when you win games, a stuffed animal or some kind of fun prize you can win at an arcade, hot dogs, hamburgers or pizza – food you find at an arcade and drinks.
Date preparation time: Give yourself enough time to create the mini golf course and test it. Buy or make the prize tickets, prize and food and drinks you will be serving.
Time frame: A daytime date usually works best for this date.
Date Time!
Your date arrives at your place. She has no idea what you have planned. You told her to dress casual and you decided to go to a costume shop and rent a silly golfing outfit, complete with a hat with the fuzzy ball on it! Of course this brings her giggles and smiles.
You take her hand and lead her to the backyard and hand her a golf club and let her pick out the color ball she wants. For the first round of golf, you let her win every game. After each game she wins, you give her a ticket. At the end of the golf game, you tell her that she needs “X” amount of tickets to win the prize you have for her and she just happens to have exactly that amount! You give her the prize you had picked out earlier for her. If you want to wrap it for added excitement, by all means do!
After your game, you decided on making hamburgers (or veggie burgers) on the grill and you bought some chips and sodas. You have a little picnic outside, since it’s a nice day. After your meal, you challenge her to another game of golf and have a good rest of the date!
Chapter 3 – Romantic Dates
Is your girl complaining that you aren’t romantic enough? Has she turned more into a “gal pal” than a girlfriend or wife and you want to add some spark back into the relationship? Show that special someone that you really do love her and care about her or if she’s a potential special someone, these are ways to dazzle your way into her heart. Careful now, they can be very effective!
Any guy can fork over some dough and take a girl out to dinner at a fancy place. But, it takes a special guy to cook dinner for his special girl. Even if you don’t know how to cook. I will walk you through on how to make an easy, yet romantic dinner for your sweetheart. She will be bragging to all her friends about how romantic and talented you are in the kitchen!
Romantic Dinner Date
What you will need: Candlesticks, candlestick holder or holders, soft romantic music, book of romantic poetry or romantic poems that you have written yourself, white Christmas lights, flowers in a vase, ingredients below for the dinner of your choice.
I am going to list three different simple and easy recipes here to choose from. One that can be used with ground beef or ground turkey, one for a vegetarian, and one for seafood.
#1 - Dinner with Ground Beef, Chicken or Turkey
Appetizer - Mini quiches
Meal - Stuffed Bell Peppers
Dessert - Frozen yogurt with a hard chocolate shell and strawberries
For the mini quiches: you can find a box of these at the grocery store in your frozen food section. Just bake and serve!
For the dessert: buy either strawberry or vanilla frozen yogurt, fresh strawberries and chocolate topping that hardens when drizzled over ice cream or frozen yogurt.
To make: Add a scoop of the frozen yogurt in a bowl or ice cream dish, slice up some strawberries and add around the bowl or take a couple of the strawberries and dip them in the chocolate and let them harden in the refrigerator and serve on the side. Drizzle some of the chocolate that hardens over the frozen yogurt and wait until it hardens. Serve for dessert!
Stuffed Bell Peppers Recipe
1 pound ground beef, turkey or chicken
4 red or green large bell peppers
½ medium yellow onion
½ box of Rice a Roni either beef or chicken
8 ounce can of diced tomatoes
Salt, pepper and garlic powder to taste
1 Large tomato
1 cup of water
Square oven safe baking dish, a disposable foil one will work just fine.
What to Do:
Pre-heat your oven to 350 degrees
Cut off the top of your 4 bell peppers and clean the inside out of seeds. Make sure you keep the bell pepper whole. Wash thoroughly.
Chop your 1/2 onion into very fine diced pieces.
In a large skillet cook the pound of ground beef, ground chicken or ground turkey and then add the onions while cooking. Also add the salt, pepper and garlic powder to your own taste.
In a pot, prepare your Rice a Roni using the package directions.
After your ground meat is cooked then add your diced tomatoes and Rice a Roni.
In an oven safe baking pan line the 4 bell peppers, open end up, and fill with the ground meat and rice mixture. Do not use a cookie sheet! Add the cup of water to the pan to prevent sticking and to keep your bell peppers moist. Take your large tomato and slice into four slices and add one slice to each of the top of the bell peppers. Bake for 30 minutes and serve.
Some Tips: Have the mixture for the stuffed bell peppers all ready and the bell peppers stuffed before your date arrives. Cook the mini quiches right before she arrives. As you have appetizers, then bake the stuffed bell peppers. Try doing a test run with the bell peppers a few days before the actual dinner!
#2 - Vegetarian Dinner
Appetizer - Refreshing Salad
Meal – Baked Butternut Squash Pizza
Dessert - Fresh Fruit Bowl
Refreshing Salad Recipe
Fresh Spinach (in a bunch or pre-packaged)
1 Package raspberries or strawberries
1 cup chopped walnuts
2 cups of shredded carrots
½ cup raisins
1 Bottle of Raspberry Walnut Salad Dressing
What to Do:
Mix, veggies, raspberries, walnuts and raisins together in a bowl. Add salad dressing to taste and mix together. Serve in a bowl or on a salad plate.
Fresh Fruit Bowl Recipe
And any other fresh fruit you like!
What to Do:
Mix all fruits in a bowl. Top with whipped cream (optional). You can even buy fruit bowls already made at your local grocery store.
Baked Butternut Squash Pizza Recipe
1 butternut squash peeled
1 pound package refrigerated pizza dough
1 small yellow onion diced or sliced into rings
2 tomatoes sliced
1 tablespoon cornmeal
½ cup fresh ricotta cheese
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 ½ teaspoons sea salt
¼ teaspoon black pepper
1 tablespoon fresh thyme leaves
What to Do:
Pre-heat oven to 400° F. Slice the squash into 1/2 inch thick slices, then quarter each slice. Place the squash and onion on a baking sheet. Drizzle with the olive oil, add the salt and pepper, and toss. Cook about 20 minutes. Remove and put on a plate.
Clean the baking sheet and sprinkle on the cornmeal. Follow cooking directions on pizza dough and place the dough on the sheet. Scatter the squash and onion mixture over the dough, add sliced tomatoes, sprinkle with the thyme, and spread the ricotta cheese. Bake until golden. Slice and serve!
#3 – Seafood Dinner
Appetizer - Shrimp Cocktail
Meal - Fish Tacos
Dessert – Chocolate Mousse Pie
Shrimp Cocktail Recipe (Make the day before)
1 pound cooked shrimp, tail off
15 ounce can petite diced tomatoes
12 ounce bottle seafood cocktail sauce
12 ounce bottle chili sauce
2 large lemons
1 bunch cilantro
2 tablespoons mesquite BBQ sauce (optional)
What to Do:
This tastes best when made at least one day before serving.
In a large Tupperware bowl with a lid or a disposable plastic container with a lid, add the seafood sauce, chili sauce, BBQ sauce (optional) and diced tomatoes.
Slice up lemons and squeeze juice into separate bowl. Make sure you take out all the seeds! Then add juice to cocktail sauce mixture. Stir very well to blend. Wash, drain and add shrimp. Cover and put in refrigerator.
Wash cilantro very well. Pluck each cilantro leaf off the stems and add to a bowl. When you get about a cup of cilantro leaves, add to shrimp cocktail mixture. Stir again very well. Put lid back on and let sit for at least a day. Stir well again before serving. Serve in a chilled bowl.
Chocolate Mousse Pie Recipe
Two boxes of Jell-O instant chocolate or chocolate fudge pudding
2 containers Cool Whip
1 already made graham cracker crust
1 chocolate candy bar
What to Do:
Make at least day before or morning of date.
Follow directions on Jell-O pudding box to make the pudding. When pudding is done and set, add one container of Cool Whip to pudding mixture.
After mixing thoroughly together, fill in crust with mixture. Let mixture set in crust for a couple of hours. Add second bowl of Cool Whip to the top of the pie. Shave chocolate bar on top of Cool Whip. Cover and store in refrigerator until ready to serve.
Tip: Ready made graham cracker crusts usually come with their own plastic lid. Check for it!
Fish Tacos Recipe
Tilapia fillets (6 fillets equal 12 tacos - one dozen)
1 package corn tortillas (one dozen)
1 Bag shredded cabbage
Beg of limes
Bottle of tartar sauce
Bottle of taco sauce (Use your favorite taco sauce – I like to use Ortega Taco Sauce)
Oil or Oil Spray
Baking sheet
Frying pan
Aluminum foil
What to Do:
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
To make fish taco sauce: Add 1 tablespoon of hot sauce to every 2 tablespoons of tartar sauce. Adjust to your taste. More hot sauce for spicier, less hot sauce for not too spicy. Squeeze lime juice in mixture to taste. Set aside fish taco sauce in a bowl in refrigerator to keep chilled.
Slice up limes and set aside in bowl.
Coat both sides of the tilapia fillet with the oil. Bake on foil-lined baking sheet for 13-15 minutes if frozen. If not frozen, cook for about 7-8 minutes, then check to see if fish falls apart at touch.
Heat up a frying pan and lightly coat with oil. Heat up corn tortillas. Keep them on a plate in foil to keep warm.
When fish and tortillas are done, add fish fillet to tortilla. I cut them in half length-wise because they are too wide. Use your discretion. Add shredded cabbage. Serve with fish taco sauce and lime slices on the side.
Date Night!
Now that you have three different easy dinner choices to fit anyone’s taste, you can even mix and match the menu options if you want!
Date night is here. Your date arrives and the appetizers are ready to serve. You have a table set with napkins, plates, glasses, silverware and candles. You are using cloth napkins, real silverware and real plates too (not plastic ones!).
You have romantic music playing in the background. If your girl likes 80’s music, you’re playing 80’s love songs. If she likes jazz, you have on some romantic jazz. If she likes classical, then you pull out the romantic classical music. You get the idea.
If you don’t have any of the music she likes, then during the week prior to the date, you should buy some CD’s to fit HER music taste, or download them online, if it is different than your own. Remember, tonight is about her and romancing her.
If you’re old enough, you bought a bottle of wine. Remember: white wine with poultry and fish and red wine with red meat. You offer her a glass of wine before dinner. This will relax her and you as well!
Your dinner comes out delicious and she is really impressed with your cooking skills and never knew you had them. She compliments you on the dinner and you clean up the kitchen as she is listening to the romantic music you have playing.
Once everything is tidied up in the kitchen, you sit next to her on the sofa. It’s a chilly night and you put on a fire, if you don’t have a fireplace, you can get a DVD of a fireplace going and play it on your television!
You bought a book of romantic poems and tell her that you are going to read romantic poetry to her as the fireplace is going and she is sipping her wine still. You even decided to buy some scented candles and light them around the living room, careful that you don’t burn your place down!
You’re on the sofa cuddling, reading her romantic poetry, fireplace is going, and romantic music playing and your tummies are full of a delicious meal you made for the both of you. Life couldn’t be better!
A Starry Night Date
What you will need: Astronomy book with a map of the stars, observatory location, picnic dinner, name a star certificate for your loved one.
Preparation time: Shouldn’t take too long. Give it some time for ordering the registry certificate for star naming.
Time frame: Evening
Find out where your local observatory is and what hours they open and close. Call or visit your local grocery store or favorite place to eat and order a “to-go” dinner for two that you can pick up on the way to the observatory. Obtain a picnic basket with plates and utensils. You can order one online that isn’t very expensive. Just do a search online for “picnic basket”. Candles and holders for your candlelight dinner. Order a book on astronomy from Ebay or check one out at your local library.
Naming a Star Registry
I did some research on this and even though you aren’t actually naming a star “officially”, it is still a fun novelty. Like buying one of those Academy Award Oscars on Hollywood Blvd. at a gift shop and having your name engraved on it for Best Actor or Best Actress. It’s just something fun to have. Besides, if Nicole Kidman can order one for Tom Cruise and call it “Forever Tom”, why can’t we?
Some facts about naming a star: Only professional astronomers can give stars names and numbers, according to Space.com. These are issued by the International Astronomical Union. Therefore, star registries hold no rights to name a star, since the IAU never sells star names or licenses.
Even though star registries do not have the power or authority to officially name a star, it doesn’t mean that to name a star doesn’t have any worth to it. As I mentioned before, it’s a novelty.
So, does this mean star registries are scams? No, not really. When you name a star, it is trademarked amongst their star name publications. When you register a name for a star, you get a certificate and a map of your star. Remember that any honest star registry will never make any claims to having official authority to name a star for you.
With that said, do some research online and find a registry where you can name a star after the love in your life! If anything, it will bring a smile to her face.
Date Night!
You ordered and received the certificate and map of the star you named for your special someone. You’ve received your picnic basket that you’ve ordered or borrowed. You ordered your dinner for the evening and you will pick it up on the way to the observatory before you pick up your girl for your date.
With picnic basket and the romantic dinner on board, the astronomy book, the star name registry certificate and map, you are ready for a romantic night under the stars!
You set up a picnic at the observatory or outside, lay the blanket out, light the candles and pull out your dinner and begin to feast under the stars. You open your book and point to the stars and constellations that you can see with the naked eye. You even see a couple of planets because it’s such a clear night.
When dinner is over, you hand the certificate and map of the star you had named for your sweetie and you tell her that you are going up to the observatory to find her star, which makes it even more exciting for you both. Note: Name her star something very romantic with her name in it.
You enjoy the rest of the evening watching the stars and when you see a shooting star together, you both make a wish to stay together forever!
Chapter 4 - Long Distance Date Night
Even though you are thousands of miles away, or even hundreds of miles away, you can still plan a date night together. With today’s technology, it really isn’t that hard.
I was in a long distant relationship at one time and my boyfriend and I were 1,600 miles apart. It was Thanksgiving and we wanted to spend it together. We both agreed to make exactly the same things for dinner and even though there was a two hour difference, we timed everything just right.
We were on the phone and we ate dinner together. He didn’t have a web cam set up at the time, so we made the best of it on the phone. After dinner, we watched Christmas Vacation together. We both had it on DVD and synchronized it perfectly. It was an enjoyable evening.
When Christmas came, we had set up our web cams to watch each other open each other’s gifts on Christmas morning. So, even though you are long distance, anything is possible! We even slept all night together with the web cams on!
Believe it or not, a lot of people end up meeting on dating sites and they are not always in the same city, or even country. So, how do they have a date together? Well, don’t fret, I will tell you exactly how!
The Long Distance Relationship Date
What you will need: Computer with a web cam on each end, site for a florist in her area, name of a restaurant that delivers to your special girl, poetry book or poems that you have written for her.
Preparation time: A week to order the flowers to make sure they are delivered exactly when you want them to be delivered, if possible. Locating a nearby restaurant that delivers to her. Ordering a poetry book or writing your own poems.
Time frame: Depending on how long distance you are. Go by her time schedule for dinner time.
Date Night!
Try to synchronize it so that her dinner shows up the same time as yours does. If you ordered Italian food for her, you order Italian as well for yourself. Have her light candles on her end and you light the same candles on your end. As you are eating dinner, flowers are delivered to her. You know sunflowers are her favorites, so that is what you had delivered to her.
You continue to enjoy your meal together and talk on the web cam, as if you both are in the same room together and there isn’t any distance between you.
When dinner is over, you read romantic poems from the poetry book, poems that you have already selected or you read poems that you have written for her. Even though you are miles apart, it doesn’t mean your hearts have to be distant. Enjoy each other’s company no matter what the distance is and when phone calls are just not cutting it anymore!
So, now I have given six dates from start to finish in this book. In Book 2 I will cover six more dates that include indoor and outdoor dates and dates that are inexpensive or cheap, when your wallet is tight.
I hope you enjoyed this book and found it useful. See you in Book 2!