Goldendoodle Dog Care and Understanding Book

Goldendoodle Dog Care and Understanding Book
By Joan Cricket
Goldendoodle Dog Care and Understanding Book
Copyright © 2012 by Joan Cricket
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.
ISBN: 978-1-300-38629-2
1.The Characteristics of a Goldendoodle Puppy and Dog
2.What You Should Know About Puppy Teeth
3.How to Select Treats To Train Your Dog With
4.Some Helpful Tips for Raising Your Goldendoodle Puppy
5.Are Rawhide Treats Good for Your Goldendoodle?
6.How to Crate Train Your Goldendoodle
7.When Should You Spay Or Neuter Your Dog?
8.When Your Goldendoodle Makes Potty Mistakes
9.How to Teach your Goldendoodle to Fetch
10.Make it Easier and Healthier for Feeding Your Goldendoodle
11.When Your Goldendoodle Has Separation Anxiety, and How to Deal With It
12.When Your Goldendoodle Is Afraid of Loud Noises
13.How to Stop Your Goldendoodle From Jumping Up On People
14.How to Build A Whelping Box for a Goldendoodle or Any Other Breed of Dog
15.How to Teach Your Goldendoodle to Sit
16.Why Your Goldendoodle Needs a Good Soft Bed to Sleep In
17.How to Stop Your Goldendoodle From Running Away or Bolting Out the Door
18.Some Helpful Tips for Raising Your Goldendoodle Puppy
19.How to Socialize Your Goldendoodle Puppy
20.How to Stop Your Goldendoodle Dog From Excessive Barking
21.When Your Goldendoodle Has Dog Food or Toy Aggression Tendencies
22.What you Should Know about Fleas and Ticks
23.How to Stop Your Goldendoodle Puppy or Dog From Biting
24.What to Expect Before and During your Dog Having Puppies
25.What the Benefits of Micro chipping Your Dog Are to You
26.How to Get Something Out of a Puppy or Dog's Belly Without Surgery
27.How to Clean Your Goldendoodle 's Ears Correctly
28.How to Stop Your Goldendoodle From Eating Their Own Stools
29.How Invisible Fencing Typically Works to Train and Protect Your Dog
30.Some Items You Should Never Let Your Puppy or Dog Eat
31.How to Make Sure Your Dog is Eating A Healthy Amount of Food
32.Make it Easier and Healthier for Feeding Your Goldendoodle
33.How to Clean and Groom your Goldendoodle
34.How to Trim a Puppy or Dogs Nails Properly
35.The 5 Different Kinds of Worms that can Harm your Dog
36.How to Deworm your Goldendoodle for Good Health
37.What You Should Know About Dog Rabies
38.Some Helpful Healthy and Tasty Homemade Dog Food Recipes

1. The Characteristics of a Goldendoodle Dog
The Goldendoodle dog is not a purebred dog, but a mix of two purebred dogs. They are a mixture of a Golden Retriever dog and a Poodle dog. The Golden section comes from the Golden Retriever and the Doodle is from the Poodle name.
The 2 most common ways that breeders produce Goldendoodles are 50% Golden Retriever and 50% Poodle mix. Second is 25% Golden Retriever and 75% Poodle mix, which is mixing a Goldendoodle with a Poodle. In the 1990s is when people started to cross breed Golden Retrievers and Poodles. The purpose was to create an eye seeing guide dog that was hypoallergenic also for its owners.
Goldendoodles can weigh anywhere from about 30 to 45 pounds depending on what size the parents were. A standard Goldendoodle usually weighs 30 to 45 pounds. Miniature Goldendoodles weigh about 15 to 30 pounds. Some standard Goldendoodles have weighed up to about 100 pounds at times. The standard height for a male Goldendoodle is about 24 to 26 inches. Standard height for a female Goldendoodle is about 22 to 23 inches, but the height can still range depending on how big the dog’s parents are. A Goldendoodles life expectancy is roughly anywhere from 10 to 16 years.
They come in various different colors. The most common colors that they come in are black, red, white, Carmel, cafe, and silver.
The Goldendoodle has two kinds of coats depending on how it was bred. The first kind of coat is shaggy and the second is wavy, or they are a mix of both shaggy and wavy. Their coat undergoes 10 to 15 coat changes up to the age of about one year old. Once their coat has been fully developed, they don't need that much grooming to their coat. They only have a single coat, so they do not shed very much. It is a good idea to clean their ears frequently to stop ear infections. Trim their nails when needed. Brush their teeth, trim their beard, trim the area under their tails and belly, trim the hair around their eyes, and brush them regularly to keep them healthy and looking good.
The most common health problem that a Goldendoodle could possibly run into is Hip Dysplasia, which causes problem at the hips. They are prone to ear infections too because their ears hang down. It is a good idea to take your Goldendoodle to the vet for monthly check ups to make sure they don't get any of these ailments.
Goldendoodles need a normal amount of exercise just like most Golden Retrievers and Poodles do. They should be taken on walks daily for about 15 to 30 minutes if they don't have a yard to play around in at home. They are very easily trained, but it is best to start training them when they are young puppies.
They love the company of humans, so they'll do what ever you're doing, whether its playing around outside, or laying down on the couch. They are very good around people and are very sociable and can adapt to new situations easily. They are very loyal dogs and are great around kids, which makes them an excellent family dog to own.
2. What You Should Know About Puppy Teeth
There is no doubt about it, puppies are going to chew on things! Dogs will have 28 baby teeth, and 42 permanent teeth. When a puppy is roughly 2 to 3 weeks old, their baby teeth start to come in. All their baby teeth should be in place by roughly 8 weeks of age.
The puppy’s new teeth are very tiny and sharp, and will hurt your fingers when they get a hold of them. Most mothers will start to wean their babies at 5 to 6 weeks old.
Your puppy’s baby teeth will start to come out around 8 to 12 weeks of age. By roughly 8 months old, your dog’s permanent teeth should all be in. You should make sure that all baby teeth are out, so that a tooth does not get left in, and another one comes in and crowds the space, and also gives your dog pain. You would need to visit the vet if you see this happening.
Your puppy is going to want to chew on something, just like a real baby, their teeth are coming in, and they want to relieve some of the pain. It is good for them to chew, to help the teeth come thru. You would want to get some appropriate chew items to help them.
You could start to train your dog to have their teeth brushed. You can pick up doggie tooth supplies at your local pet store usually, and get down and dirty and brush your doggy’s teeth. Rawhide chews are an excellent source of good tooth hygiene, as they are good for your dog’s teeth, and can help take off build up plaque, and dogs usually love it also!
A lot of puppies and dogs end up getting human food usually from the weakest link in the family. If your dog is under the table, they usually will go to the person they think will mostly likely give them some food scraps. If you do, just remember, chocolate and some nuts can kill your dog, never give chocolate. Raisins can be just as deadly for your dog, do not give, they can shut down your dogs kidneys, so be very careful of these products and your puppy or dog.