The Showgirl's Play Toys

The Showgirl's Play Toys
By Candy Kross
© 2014 by Candy Kross
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.
ISBN: 978-1507862353
Chapter 1
I stepped out of the shower and Jeremy was standing in my bathroom waiting for me with a nice soft warm fluffy towel, right out of the dryer, just like I loved them. He wrapped the towel around me and dried the water off my naked body. I had just taken a long hot shower and my body felt invigorated. Jeremy was my assistant and sometimes lover, when I needed him. He did everything I told him to do. He worshipped me, so to speak.
“Dry my back really good.” I said to him. “Last time you missed a couple of spots and my dress had a water spot on the back and we can’t have that now, can we?” I liked things to be perfect and sometimes, I could be a bitch about it when I wanted to be.
I was a dancer for one of Las Vegas’ top dance shows. Yes, I was a showgirl. I’ve been playing the lead for a long running show, so my face was everywhere. I had men throwing themselves at me because of my beauty. I don’t deny it either. I am a drop dead gorgeous woman, I won’t give you my age because then that would take the fun out of the fantasy of learning about a showgirl’s life.
But, then, you see, I am not going to go into detail about my life as a showgirl, I am going to go more into detail about my life as a beautiful woman who loves to have sex with random men. Tonight was no different than any other. As usual, Jeremy is here at my beckon call. He has been for years now. He pampers me, takes care of my needs in every aspect possible.
“Would you like the Chanel No. 5 sprayed on this evening, Miss Taylor?” Jeremy asked.
“Bring me the Notorious.” I wanted to make an impact tonight when I went out. At $3,500 a bottle, you couldn’t possibly go wrong.
“Yes, Miss Taylor.” Jeremy replied.
You see, Taylor is my first name, but Jeremy hadn’t reached that level yet as to call me strictly by my first name. Sure, he has seen me naked on many occasions, hell the guy has even bathed me and stuck his cock in my pussy, but he still hadn’t reached that level of where I would allow him to call me only by my first name.
“Will you be wearing a Versace tonight, or would you prefer the Dolce and Gabbana?” Jeremy asked me.
Hmmm… good question. I thought about all the designer clothes I had in my closet and even though those were two of my favorite designers, I decided on something else that would look extremely flattering on me. “Get me the red leather corset dress.” It wasn’t created by anyone that well known. I had bought it at a little boutique on the strip and I just love how it hugs every curve on my body and lifts my breasts up like they were floating on two clouds defying gravity.
Jeremy went and found the dress inside my huge walk-in closet. He knew exactly what I was going to wear underneath. My red lace panties and thigh high stockings with garters. I love stockings with that seam in the back, you know, the one that goes up the back of the leg? They are so sexy. Jeremy picked out my red leather stilettos.
While he was picking out what I was going to wear that evening, I was applying my make-up and styling my hair. I liked to do my make-up and hair by myself. I was particular about it. I made my eyes up to look like big cat eyes and added some dark eye shadow to give that mysterious look. My eyes were green and my hair was a dark auburn red and very long down to the middle of my back. I then added my dark red lipstick. “Perfect.” I said out loud.
Jeremy walked over to me and looked at me. “You are absolutely gorgeous and stunning, Miss Taylor. Any man would be so lucky to have the honor of being with you tonight.” He said to me with that look of admiration that he always gives me.
Jeremy always got me ready to go out. I knew he was in love with me, hell, what man wouldn’t be? He knows that he would never be anything more than a sex toy, something to amuse me when I was bored or didn’t want to go out and attract a man to bring home and fuck senseless.
Jeremy knew that the only type of relationship was an employee / employer relationship and sometimes I would let him lick my pussy and fuck me. But, I saved that for the wealthy men I spread my legs open for, the very wealthy and handsome rich men. And, fortunately for me, they were in abundance, especially at a high stakes casino like Caesar’s Palace on a Friday night.
Tonight the show was blacked out. It had been running for over a year now and had been very successful. But, doing two shows every night, seven days a week was just so tiring and I needed to get out and have some fun.
I sprayed my body with the Notorious and slipped on my panties and stockings. Jeremy helped me with my corset dress and laced me up very tightly. My waist was cinched in and my breasts seemed to want to jump out and say hello to everyone. Nice thing was, they were natural. Most showgirls get breast implants, not me. I was blessed.
I stood in the mirror and admired my hourglass figure. Damn, I looked very hot. Then again, I always do. I slipped on my red leather stilettos and grabbed my purse. Jeremy will drive me tonight to where I want to go. I had a red S-Class Mercedes Sedan with black tinted windows. I had to leave some mystery when I arrived at places.
Jeremy drove my Mercedes around to the front of my seven bedroom mansion. I bet you are wondering why I need so many bedrooms for just myself, aren’t you? Well, I do like to have parties and entertain a lot and it’s just much more convenient and easier when my guests can stay over. Each bedroom has their own bathroom and in their bathroom is their own spa bath and a separate shower with four shower heads in each shower. I like my guests feeling pampered, just like I do.
As I walked outside the front door to my mansion, Jeremy was already waiting for me with the Mercedes. He opened the door for me and I got inside. It was a nice warm evening, as it usually is in Las Vegas. Perfect weather for wearing a corset dress. As we pulled out of my driveway, we headed towards the strip where everything was happening.
I’ve lived here for years and it never ceases to amaze me pulling onto the strip and seeing all the wonderful and beautiful lights from the casinos. It makes me feel alive and that is exactly what this city is, alive. Alive with fun, entertainment, beauty, wealth and very handsome men. A girl could get lost in all the excitement and partying that goes on here. I know I do at times.
Because of my busy schedule with the show, rehearsals, hair, make-up and manicure appointments, spa appointments, meeting with my personal trainer five days a week for my workout and of course setting aside a little free time for myself, I have not been in a relationship for quite some time. I prefer it that way though. I do my own thing and I still get to have great sex with different handsome and wealthy men.
Jeremy pulled in front of Caesar’s Palace and the doorman got out and opened the door for me. “I’ll let you know when I am ready Jeremy, so stay near.” I said as I walked inside the casino. I could hear all the slot machines and voices. I loved that noise. It was a sign that people were having fun and enjoying life, even though they might be losing their asses and money. That was the beauty of it.
I took the elevator to the high roller’s area. I passed Lady Godiva’s Chocolatier, oh how I loved the Godiva chocolates. I had received so many boxes of those from different men. The truffles were my favorite.
I approached the bar and the bartender recognized me, they all do. How could they not? I mean my face is plastered all over town on billboards advertising my show. “Hello Miss Devine.”
“Now, how many times have I told you? You can call me Taylor.” I informed him smiling. Of course Devine wasn’t my real last name, it was a stage name.
“My apologies Miss.. I mean Taylor.” He said and went to mix my drink.
I always ordered the same thing, so the bartenders always knew what to serve me; a dirty martini with extra olives. There was something about sucking on an olive after it had been soaking in a glass of alcohol. By the time he had made my martini and served it to me, there was already a handsome man sitting next to me offering to pay for my drink. It never failed.
“You look very familiar.” He said to me.
“Oh I do?” I said. Like I haven’t heard that line before. But, I humored him. “So, any idea where you have seen me before?” I said as I sipped my drink.
“You’re in that show, aren’t you?” He said smiling and pleased with himself that he remembered.
“Have you seen it?” I asked out of curiosity.
“I have. You were amazing and you are so stunning and beautiful.” He said.
“Well thank you.” I replied.
We talked awhile and I soon found out that he was a designer for a lot of the shows that were playing in Vegas. He was also very wealthy, I could tell by his Zenith Captain Winsor Watch, which goes for about $75,000. He definitely had my attention.
I purposely leaned into him when I talked to him, revealing my cleavage. I could tell he noticed right away. His eyes fell upon my breasts and I looked down at his pants and his cock was hard. He impressed me for the second time that evening. He had a nice big cock. The only thing I noticed was that he was older than me, a lot older. I usually prefer much younger men. But, since he was obviously a wealthy man, I was willing to make an exception. After all, everyone does have their own price.
After a few hours of talking, I went back to his mansion, which was about five times as big as mine. He had a Jaguar, a Mercedes, a Bentley and a Ferrari all parked in his driveway, as his chauffeur went through the security gate in his limousine. The guy was loaded.
His butler opened the door for us and I walked inside. The first thing I noticed was the crystal chandelier hanging in the foyer, which was probably the size of my own house. The foyer was connected to a ballroom. I was already impressed.
We went into the lounge where he had a fully stocked wet bar and he made me a dirty martini, with extra olives. He then came over and sat next to me. We talked a little more and eventually we started kissing. For some reason, I wasn’t as turned on as I thought I would be. I mean, he was handsome, wealthy and obviously he liked me, but I just wasn’t that into him as I thought I would be, not even all liquored up.
He could tell I was hesitant about kissing him. He held my face in his hands and said, “I know I am a lot older than you and you are so beautiful. I feel so lucky that you even came home with me. I really enjoy your company and any man would be happy to have you.” He then paused and continued, “Move in here with me.” He said just like that. “I will take care of you.”
I was shocked. I had only known this man for a few hours and already he wanted me to move in with him. “But, what about my show?” I asked him. I mean, I did like doing the show and being a showgirl. I loved all the attention.
“You can continue or stop. That’s up to you. I just know that I want you here with me in this mansion. I have everything in the world, but I don’t have a beautiful woman to share it with. You don’t have to love me, I will have enough love for the both of us.” He added.
It sounded very tempting. But, I still wasn’t sure.
He continued to plead his case, “I will please you sexually and you can even have sex with other men. I would never deprive you of anything. As long as you are happy, that’s all I want.” He said to me staring me in the eyes in a loving way. He then took my hand, “If you want to, you can even marry me and have access to the millions of my dollars and anything your heart desires.”
I was speechless, but I wasn’t stupid. An opportunity like this only comes once in a lifetime. This would guarantee me financial security for the rest of my life. “Yes.” I said smiling thinking about all those millions.
“Really?” He asked me with a surprised look on his face.
“Yes, I will marry you and I will move in here with you.” I said smiling.
“Oh my god! This is amazing!” He said with a big grin on his face. “You have no idea how happy you have made me!” He kissed me on my cheek.
Several weeks had gone by and I had moved into Nathan’s mansion, we got married and I pretty much had the run of the place. When I wasn’t busy with the show, I was shopping almost every day. It was so nice not having a spending limit or a budget. I just walked into a boutique or store and bought the things that I liked and wanted, without ever looking at the price tag. I bought dresses, jewelry, purses, shoes… you name it. I had kept my Mercedes, but Nathan bought me my own Bentley included with my own personal chauffeur.
Everything seemed perfect. Nathan was a great guy and let me do what I pleased. But, there was something I was missing. A big young cock. I was craving one. Nathan was okay in the sex department, but he didn’t have that long lasting vitality in the fucking department. He would get tired easily, because of his age and the fact that he worked a lot running his companies. I found out later that he had other companies besides the costume design ones.
One night on my night off, I was relaxing at home and I was fantasizing about a hot young cock inside my pussy. Oh god how I wanted and needed to get fucked like I used to. Nathan came home and I figured that I would try to coax him into having sex with me. But, he had a long day and said he wanted to eat, and relax and cuddle with me while we watch a movie on our 150 inch wide screen T.V.
I had an itch that needed to be scratched and Nathan could tell. “Baby, why don’t you go out and have some fun like you used to.” He said to me with a smile.
“What do you mean?” I asked him. Hoping that he meant what I thought he did.
“You know. How you used to pick up young guys and fuck them good and hard like you deserve.” He was still smiling.
At first I wasn’t sure if he was joking or teasing me. So, I had to clarify. “You want me to go out and find a young guy to fuck?” I asked him in my sweetest voice.
“Would it make you happy?” He asked.
I didn’t have to think twice about it, I knew exactly what I needed and getting fucked would make me more than happy. “Yes, it would darling.” I replied. “You wouldn’t mind?” I asked Nathan.
“I am here to make you happy, you want to have fun tonight and I can tell you are horny. I can’t satisfy you tonight, but I still want you to be satisfied. Nothing would please me more than for you to get fucked deep and hard and then come home to me happy and used up from fucking all night.”
In a way I was stunned. But, I was also very excited and happy. I had to decide what to wear and then I got an idea. Jeremy was no longer around to get me ready to go out, I had let him go when Nathan had his own staff members start to take care of me. “I want you to get me ready to go out tonight.” I said to him as I straddled his lap.
He thought for a moment and replied, “I think that would be a magnificent idea!” He said with a bigger grin.
We went upstairs to my big walk-in closet filled with dresses from every hot designer that was available. I had a separate closet for my shoes and purses. A few days ago Nathan had returned from a business trip in Paris and had brought me back a lot of sexy lingerie, panties, bras and stockings with garters. I went to my drawer and opened it and told Nathan to pick out my panties, bra and stockings for me to wear for that night.
He picked out a silk and lace pair of panties with the matching bra that went with it. He then pulled out a pair of black silk thigh high stockings with satin garters. He laid them out on the table for me in the closet.
Nathan then walked into my closet and pulled out a tight pink and black silk dress with a plunging back and cut low enough in the front to see a good amount of my cleavage from my ample breasts. I hadn’t worn that dress yet, it was still in the plastic wrap from the boutique where Nathan had bought it for me the week we had met. It was the first dress he had bought for me on his own and brought it home to surprise me.
I thought it was ironic that I would be wearing the first dress he had bought to go out to lure a young hot guy to fuck me. The whole outfit was perfect. Everything I was wearing, Nathan had bought for me as a surprise, including the matching silk stilettos.
After picking out what I was going to wear for the evening, Nathan led me to our shower. The shower stall was bigger than the biggest bathroom at my old mansion I used to live in. There were six showerheads on a circle. Nathan stripped my clothes off of me and kissed my neck. He had a gentle touch. He then stripped off his clothes and opened the glass shower doors. He led me inside and closed the doors.
With the touch of a button, the showerheads began to gently spray our naked bodies. The shower was state of the art and was set at the perfect temperature that I loved it in. No hassles on trying to find just the right temperature by turning the handles for several minutes. There was a button that was preset already.
As the warm water fell onto my skin, I felt Nathan behind me, caressing me. He picked up the large sponge and began to soap it up for me with my lavender scented bath wash. When he had the sponge soaped up enough, he then began to rub my back with it in circular motions. It felt nice against my skin. He was so gentle.
He worked his hands all over the back of my body and then turned me around and began to wash first my breasts, then let the water wash the soap off. He leaned in forward and kissed each of my breasts and gently planted his lips on my nipples and sucked on them each for a moment, making them even harder than they already were from the water.
He then moved his hand down to my flat stomach and began to rub in a circular motion. Nathan then moved down to my pussy mound. He got down on his knees and spread my legs open. For a moment, I thought he was going to lick my pussy. I had already been horny, so my juices began to pump and I became even hornier than I had been originally.
Nathan soaped up the sponge some more with the bath wash and began to wash my pussy in gentle caressing circular movements. He paused on my clit and applied a little pressure when he was at my clit. I wanted to get fucked so bad at that point.
He then moved down my inner thighs and washed them. Once he was done washing my body, he rinsed my body off. Nathan reached over and picked up my shaving lotion and sprayed the foam on my pussy. He took my razor and began to shave my pussy for me. He took his time like he was working on a piece of art that might break if you touched it the wrong way.
“I want your pussy fresh, clean and shaven for your lover tonight.” He said, speaking for the first time since we had entered the shower. “When he licks your pussy, I want it to be the best pussy he has ever had. When he smells your pussy, it will be the sweetest he has ever smelled. When he fucks your pussy good and hard, your pussy will be waiting for him to dirty up.”
Once he was done shaving my pussy, he shaved my legs and armpits. I felt so fresh and clean. We then stepped out of the shower and he wrapped my white fluffy robe around me. He had it pre-warmed for me in this little box that he had been warming our robes up in. I loved having a warm robe wrapped around my body when I first would step out of the shower. It was a reminder of the lap of luxury that I had already grown accustomed to.
I slipped on my slippers and we walked out to where my outfit was waiting for me. I loved to get ready in layers, so I handed Nathan my bottle of silky lavender lotion. He first rubbed it on my back, then all the way down my thighs and calves. He squirted more lotion into his hands and worked on the front of my body, massaging and lingering awhile on my breasts. He was caressing them and rubbing them very gently.
“I want your skin to be extra silky smooth and soft for your lover tonight.” He said.
He worked his way all over my body, not missing an inch. Once he was done, he then slid on my panties then my bra over my body. My bra was the type you attached in the front. “For easy access for your lover.” He said as he attached the clasp.
He had me sit in the armchair in my closet and he then slid on my stockings, making sure they were secure in place on my thighs. He then stood me up and slid on my garters and attached to the top of my stockings. “You look perfect.” He said, pleased with himself.
I walked over to my vanity table where my make-up and hair brush were. I lightly applied some pink lipstick, some eyeliner and mascara. I didn’t need much make-up, I was blessed with very fine features and cheekbones. I was a natural beauty.
Chapter 2
I decided to put my hair up in a French twist with strands hanging from the sides and strands of hair cascading over my face. Once my hair and make-up were complete. Nathan then lifted my dress up from the table and had me step into it. He pulled it up and zipped me up. The silk dress clung to my body and showed off my sexy curves.
I stood in front of my wall mirror in my closet admiring myself. Nathan was also admiring me as well too. “You are absolutely gorgeous.” He complimented me. I slid on my stilettos and grabbed my matching black silk hand bag.
“You should go to Caesar’s where we first met.” He said as he walked me to the front door. My chauffeur was already waiting for me with the door open to my Bentley. Nathan kissed me on my cheek so as to not smear my lipstick. “Have fun tonight baby.” He said and waved as I got into the car.
I arrived at Caesar’s Palace and my driver dropped me off in the front where the doorman opened the door for me. He had recognized me and said, “Good evening Miss Devine.” I smiled back and walked inside.
I did exactly what Nathan has said. I went straight to the bar where he and I had first met. Hey, I got lucky there many times before. I walked up to the bar and sat down. It was my favorite bartender. He knew what I wanted and began to make my dry martini for me with extra olives. When he brought me my drink, he said, “The young gentleman over at that table is buying.”
I turned to look at who he was talking about. Sitting at a small table alone, was a tall muscular hot young man with dark hair. I smiled and nodded to thank him for my drink. He then got up and walked over to me and sat at the bar next to me.
“Thank you for the drink.” I said. “My name is Taylor.” I introduced myself.
“Everyone knows who you are.” He said with a smile. “My name is Steve.” He leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. His lips were very soft, yet strong. I immediately imagined how those lips would feel sucking on my pussy. “Why don’t you come up to my suite in the penthouse?” He said directly.
Now that’s what I like. A hot guy who is up front and blunt. Who doesn’t beat around the bush and just goes for what he wants without all the unnecessary chatter and one-liners. “I would love to.” I said.
We went up to the penthouse suite. It was absolutely beautiful with marble everywhere. It was like a miniature palace. I felt like a princess. We went into the parlor and there was a bottle of Cristal chilling in the ice bucket and a bowl of strawberries. He poured us a glass each and then made a toast, “To a night of pure pleasure.” Now, I like that kind of toast.
After I drank some of my champagne, he took my glass from me and picked me up and carried me into the bedroom. I felt light as a feather in his arms.
Steve laid me on the bed and began to kiss my lips. I could feel my thighs heating up in flames and my pussy began to steam with moisture. My heart was racing.
Steve kissed my lips, then down to my neck. It sent shivers up and down my spine. I felt like a school girl in high school out on her first date with the hot high school quarterback.
He worked his way down to my breasts. He then sat me up and unzipped my dress and slid it over me and dropped it to the floor. I was so caught up in the moment, that my $6,000 silk Versace dress being dropped to the floor didn’t bother me at all. I was too much into the moment.
Steve then unsnapped my bra and that was tossed to floor as well. He kissed my breasts as he held them in his hands massaging them. He kissed each of my nipples and then gently sucked on them. This, of course began to drive me even wilder than I already was.
He slid down my stomach planting kisses on my stomach gently. I knew where he was headed and I wanted him to get there as soon as he could. When he did arrive at my pussy, he stopped and got up. He took his clothes off and left the room for a minute and then returned. I was curious as to what he was doing.
He had brought back one of the large strawberries that was in the parlor. He spread my legs open and slid the strawberry into my pussy. It felt so good feeling the cool strawberry enter my hot and steaming pussy. Steve then got down between my legs and spread them wider and began to eat my pussy and the strawberry at the same time!
I could feel the squishy strawberry inside my pussy along with Steve’s tongue moving around the inside of my pussy. It was all I could do to contain myself. I don’t know if it was because I was horny, or because his tongue felt so good, or even the strawberry inside my pussy, but I was close to having an orgasm already.
I felt my hips thrust forward as his tongue went deeper into my pussy. He was wiggling his tongue around and fucking my pussy with it as he slurped the strawberry juices out of my hot wet little cunt. My pussy lips were swollen and my clit was pulsating. I felt myself begin to buck my hips a little. I didn’t want to seem too eager, but oh fuck… what the hell?
My orgasm was coming over me like a tidal wave of pleasure engulfing my body. I began to tremor, then shiver and then as if without warning, my body began to spasm as I came harder than I had in a while. “Oh fuck! Oh fuck!” I yelled out as I came.
Steve continued to keep his tongue inside my pussy and then he slid a finger inside too and was rubbing my clit with his finger as well. This enhanced my orgasm further and Steve continued to pleasure me until my orgasm subsided. I was breathing heavy and hard. My chest was rising up and down as I tried to catch my breath.
But, before I could, Steve got on his knees on the bed, slid both his hands under my ass and lifted me up. He then slid his cock inside my pussy and began to fuck me mercilessly. His cock must have been almost ten inches big! My pussy welcomed his large cock inside and squeezed it with every muscle it had.
He fucked me really hard for a while and then pulled out. I saw his cock and it was also thick as well. He flipped me over on my stomach and lifted my ass up and spread my pussy lips and forced his cock once again into my pussy in a doggie position and fucked me hard and deep.
The penetration was intense. His hands were grabbing my hips and he was thrusting his cock inside of me. I could suddenly feel another orgasm beginning to come on once again. Every time he thrust forward I would thrust back to get even deeper penetration. He was fucking me and I was fucking him back. I wanted to cum so badly again.
“Ahhhhh.. Ahhhhh!” I yelled out. “Fuck me! Fuck me harder! Harder! Pound my pussy Steve! Pound it harder! That’s it! Ahhhhh! Ohhhhh fuck!!!!” Then I came harder than I had the first time. I could actually feel myself squirting all over Steve’s cock.
He just kept fucking me, even though I was orgasming. He fucked me harder and harder. I didn’t know if he was about to cum or not. He just kept on fucking me harder and deeper. Then he stopped and pulled out. He hadn’t cum yet.
He flipped me around and held his cock in front of my face. “You want to suck my cock?” He asked me.
I hungrily took his cock inside my mouth. It tasted like my pussy juices and strawberry. It was very sweet. I took as much of his cock as I could inside my mouth and down my throat. He had such a beautiful cock. It was all I could do to not want to take it all down my throat, if I knew I wouldn’t choke or gag.
He pumped my mouth for a while and then he pulled out of my mouth and laid on his back on the bed. “Ride my cock.” He said.
Riding a cock was my favorite position. I loved being on top and controlling how fast and deep the cock went inside of me. I eagerly climbed up on top of him and took the head of his cock and put it at the opening of my pussy and lowered myself onto it. Steve’s cock slid right into my dripping wet hot pussy like a knife through butter.
I began to ride him and slide my pussy up and down and fuck him good and hard. I got into a good rhythm as my titties were bouncing up and down. I could feel his balls slapping against my ass as I fucked him harder and harder.
I was grinding my pussy onto his cock and my clit was rubbing up against him as well. I leaned forward and he took my breasts in his hands and began to squeeze them and play with my nipples. This drove me insanely wild and I began to bounce up and down faster and faster.
This must have sent his hormones in a rage because soon he began thrusting up inside of me and bucking his hips. His body tensed up and then he let out the loudest and deepest moan I had ever heard come from a man before. Then, I felt his hot cum begin to shoot inside of me and fill my pussy.
When he was done cumming I slid off of him. His cock went semi-hard. I rolled over on my back onto the bed. We were both breathing very heavily. I thought it was one of the best fucks I have had in a long time. There was nothing like fucking a young hot stud with stamina.
With his cum still in my pussy, I got up and gathered my clothes. I didn’t want to stay the night, as tempting as it was. “Thanks for the good fuck.” I told him as I left him on the bed. I walked out of the penthouse and called my driver to bring the car around for me.
On the way home, I could feel Steve’s cum inside of my pussy beginning to drip out. My panties were soaking wet by the time I got home. When the car pulled into the driveway, the front door opened and it was Nathan. He had a big smile on his face.
He hugged me and kissed me and we walked inside our home. We immediately went up to our bedroom and he began to undress me and ask me questions.
“Did you enjoy yourself?” He asked me.
“I did, very much.” I replied.
“Did he fuck you really good?”
“He fucked me very hard.”
“Did he have a big enough cock for you?”
“His cock was huge and more than enough.”
“Did he make you cum a lot?”
“I came several times.”
After I was undressed, I was about to walk into the shower to wash up my pussy and body. But, Nathan stopped me. “Wait, let me clean you up.” He said.
“What?” I wasn’t sure if he meant he wanted to get into the shower with me or if it he meant something else.
“I want to clean your pussy up.” He said.
He took my hand and led me to our bedroom and gently laid me on my back. He spread my legs apart and began to lick my pussy!
“Your pussy tastes like strawberries and cum.” He commented as he stuck his tongue back into my pussy.
He licked my little cunt clean.
“Steve sure came a lot inside of you.” He said.
Then I thought for a moment. How did he know Steve’s name? I had never mentioned his name before. “Baby?”
“Mhm?” He replied.
“How did you know that his name was Steve?” I asked curiously.
“What?” He looked up at me.
“I never said what the guy’s name was who I fucked tonight. How did you know it was Steve?” I asked more sternly.
Nathan stopped licking my pussy and sat up. “I knew you wanted to be fucked hard by a younger guy. I know I don’t please you as much as I would like to. I had one of my assistants find me a young and hot stud to fuck you.” He began to explain.
“You paid him to fuck me?” I asked.
“Not money. The penthouse you were in tonight, I took care of it for him to stay in for a week.”
“You screened men for me to fuck?” I asked.
“I did. I wanted you to have the best baby. You deserve the best of everything.” He explained more.
I thought about it for a moment. Wow. My husband found a guy for me to fuck and took care of everything for me. He must really love me to want to make me so happy. I don’t think anyone has ever done something so nice for me before.
“Anytime you want to fuck a young hot guy, you tell me and I will arrange everything. I love you so much and I just want you to be happy in every aspect of your life. I never want you to need anything. Leave everything up to me.” He said in his loving voice.
From that night on, anytime I wanted to get fucked by a younger guy, Nathan arranged it all for me. I would come home from being fucked really good and he would clean me up and make sure I was happy.
Sometimes he would come home from a business trip to Europe and bring me a sexy one of a kind dress and tell me that it’s for me to wear to my next fuck date. He would buy me panties, bras, stockings and sexy lingerie to wear to fuck other men. Other men that he had hand picked for me because he said I only deserve the best. I always would meet them at the penthouse, which I found out later that Nathan owned. Nathan was definitely the best husband any girl could ever have or want and I was fortunate to have found him.