How Important Is Homework to Student Success?


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Student Success

In this sense, it is quite common to observe to carry out the activities brought from the school. Therefore, the encouragement and interest of the family are essential. Also, the school also needs to develop challenging activities. In this way, it encourages children and adolescents and collaborates in the learning process. 


It is a challenge for teachers to think daily about relevant homework. Mainly, they are adequate and help in learning the programme content.


For parents, this is an unknown: many times, it seems that there is too much of a task. Other, less. In this sense, there is the feeling that it is wrong for the child to need help in performing the task. For students, it is difficult to understand the importance of homework. Therefore, it can generate conflicting feelings.


There are those perfectionists, who do not admit of error and who seek to do what they imagine the teacher wants to see. On the other hand, others make it a pretext to have the presence and attention of the parents. However, there are those who forget to do or take the lesson - finally, those who always leave for later and end up without time. But in many cases, the task is drawn from letter because there is an established routine.


The importance of homework


First of all, it is crucial to understand the importance of homework. This is a significant part of the school learning process. Students can try to find more about assignment writing in a Google or students can test their strength and try to do their homework on their own. Even if they do not do it well enough, there is nothing wrong first to ask for help from their parents.


According to the educator Eliane Palermo Romano, in her text "Homework - what is this practice?", The tasks are "an opportunity for self-learning, self-knowledge, reflection, expression and personal growth of the student."


For this, continues the author, "it is necessary to rethink two ingrained beliefs: that the homework is aimed at the student to learn what was worked in class, doing repetitive and mechanical exercises; and the belief that the compulsion of the daily lesson generates responsibility and habit of study. "


Working with creative school activities


Activities should be original, dynamic, interesting and challenging. Only in this way will they make sense for the student and awaken, through the stimulus, the taste for study and reflection.



Awakening the conscience and the critical sense


This is what the History and Sociology teacher, Monica Perolli Broti, does. For, your tasks are never repetitive and go well beyond question and answer exercises for memorization.


The Importance of Studying a New Language


In elementary school, the English Language teacher, Juliana Navi do Nascimento, also uses new resources to mobilize students, making them understand the importance of homework. For this, it promotes games, games, and competitions.


In one exercise, for example, students had to come up with a series of questions and answers that would challenge rival groups."This is a way of studying, since, to ask coherent questions, they will have to understand the subject," says Juliana.


In addition to development in the learning process, another goal of homework is to awaken in the student the responsibility he or she must have for one´s growth. Therefore, teacher Marcia Regina Teixeira Garcia, who coordinates the area of English and teaches for High School, always offers, in addition to the systematic lessons, several optional activities.


She publishes a series of exercises on the school´s website, all with introductory explanations and feedback templates. It does who wants. "I explain to them that the advancement of each depends on how much they do for themselves. I give you free exercises to show that they cannot be passive in their learning, "says Marcia.


Parents´ help


The director of Early Childhood Education says that eventually, parents will be able to accompany the child on tasks, reinforcing the content learned. However, letting him do it alone and, if necessary, with some explanation.


So, wanting to help, it is possible that the family even confuses the child. In order to enable family experiences around the children´s academic lives, teacher Denise Diogo also requests tasks that require the direct participation of the parents.


In practice


Recently, in order to learn concepts of temporality and to work with the effective memory and the identity of the little ones, each one brought from home photographs of three distinct periods of their lives and the families´ reports. Parents have realized the importance of homework, seeing it as something that goes far beyond school achievement.

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