Pros and Сons of raising and educating children at home


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Pros and Сons of raising and educating children at home

The question of raising a child at home or giving in a preschool, everyone decides in his own way. For some, the fact that they can not be sure of the quality of care and vigilance of outsiders is important. Others believe that such an approach to upbringing will give the child more opportunities for development, both personal qualities, and their harmonious existence in society. But, as in any matter, there are both positive and negative sides. Our team from Writix service decided to share these sides with you:


To the obvious advantages of upbringing at home, you can safely say:


1. Home environment positively affects not only mental development but also the psyche in general. After all, many children often do not want to go to kindergarten. And children are sick at home much less often, unlike a kindergarten, which is important.

2. Parents do not need to worry about how well the food and care for the child are organized, because it is personally controlled.

3. Each child needs an individual approach and no one can organize a better school and classes than parents.

4. The child's personality develops calmly and systematically, thanks to the receipt of parenting.

5. Children learn to contact adults, help and participate in everyday activities.


But, home education is not only solid positive moments. Cons, there is still:


1. Not all parents are able to withstand a child, much less several 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. When a child is in a kindergarten or school, parents psychologically rest and even miss the child. And when they are constantly together, fatigue, irritation and the desire to be alone can accumulate. This concern not only parents but also children. Therefore, if you decide on home education, you need to refine your personal boundaries, find time for yourself and teach your child self-employment. And it does not have to be a tablet, Siri from iPhone, computer or TV.


2. In some situations, parents are forced to remain with the child, and upbringing turns from enjoyable duties into unbearable. In this case, it is worthwhile to hire a governess for a child of preschool age and a tutor (or several) for a student studying remotely or out of school.


3. The bulk of children still go to kindergarten or school rather, so it can be difficult to organize communication with peers in the morning. But if you drive a child on the basis of mugs, sections (swimming, yoga, dancing, chess, martial arts, etc.), then the companionship is easily replenished with peers. In addition, walking in the evening on the playground also fills a gap in communication. Moreover, teaching at school or kindergarten, the child communicates only with his classmates or classmates, and the "home" child has a greater choice.


4. For the first time, it can be difficult for parents to tune a child to systematic training, the child can be distracted, disobey, refuse to engage. This happens in the kindergarten and in the school, but there will not be a ceremony with the child, but at home, you can choose an individual approach, the right motivation and the right words.


5. In the financial plan, adultery and training can also be very costly, but you are always free to choose what and how to teach the child to be devoured.


So, as you can see, in-home education there are pluses and minuses, nuances that need to be considered. For some, a kindergarten and a school are hell, where children are broken, equalized and spoiled, for others it is an opportunity for a child to be like everyone else. In any case, the choice is only for the parents. You do not need to listen to other people's advice, because it's not their child, they do not know him. All children are different and one type of education for all cannot be applied. Moreover, some children quickly adapt and trust other adults, not only mom, dad and their family members. But others, after they were identified in a kindergarten, are locked in and believe that they do not need parents, they are not loved, they were abandoned. In such cases, the consequences can be very serious.


The approach to such a responsible decision should proceed not only for reasons of convenience. It is worth seriously weighing all possible consequences. But, the best way out is to discuss with the child, because this is his life. And, despite the fact that parents make a decision, the opinion of the child should be taken into account. When a child understands that he also has the right to express his opinion, he feels more mature, and this is another step in the development of his personality. And this approach to parenting arouses the confidence of the children and teaches them to value consent in the family.


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