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In this birdcage that I am in,

I realized how dull my world is,

I saw the birds flying beyond my reach.

Why, why, O why can’t I reach?


That world beyond this colorless cage,

I want to get out of this dull world,

I can just get out of this world, yet…

Why, why, O why should these shackles bind me?


These shackles which are as heavy as the earth,

Even though I am already outside that colorless cage,

I can’t fly with them with my pure white wings.

Why, why, O why can’t I join them?


Now, walking aimlessly,

In this unknown world,

Dyed by its beautiful colors.

Why, why, O why can’t I fly above?


My pure white feathers,

Turned rainbow colored feathers,

Then into pure black feathers.

Why, why, O why did this befall upon me?


The shackles that bind me,

Now much more brittle than as can be,

Broke itself apart.

Why, why, O why could I not see?


Those feathers covered by the shackles,

My remaining pure white feathers,

I’ll protect them with my life.

Why, why, O why didn’t realized it sooner?


Those shackles that bound me,

Those shackles which had protected me,

I say to you…

“Thank you”…


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