Alterac Valley in WoW Classic has many battleground quests to complete


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Chapter 1

Alterac Valley in WoW Classic has many battleground quests to complete, either for gear, reputation, or turn-ins to provide tactical advantages such as summoning Faction Lords or activating an Aerial Assault. In this guide we will explain how to activate every assault and troop upgrade in Alterac Valley through quest turn-ins, as well as highlight which quests provide notable gear and reputation increases.


Alterac Valley (or AV) is a sprawling 40 Alliance vs. 40 Horde instanced battleground for levels 51 through 60 and 61 through 70. The battleground hosts a battle between the Horde’s Frostwolf Clan and the Alliance’s Stormpike Expedition. Players fight over various graveyards, towers, and other resources while attempting to assault the enemy General, whom is deeply entrenched in the enemy keep. AV hosts a variety of PvP and PvE objectives to supply ample ways for any player to get into the fight.


First and foremost, from an efficiency standpoint, it is always preferable to lose quickly, and thus be able to gain some Honor and enter another Battleground, rather than have extremely prolonged games. This is doubly true in Alterac Valley, as games can be extremely long when some conditions are met. The main condition that will cause your games to last forever, is having too many defenders relative to attackers. This will cause both sides to enter a stalemate, and should be avoided at all costs, if you have efficient Honor farming in mind.


Similarly, most sub-objectives are not worth pursuing from a Honor farming standpoint, as they have marginal impact on your ability to win Alterac Valley (Cavalry, Air Strikes, and Mine Supplies), or take too long (Ivus and Lokholar). This means that your main priority should be assaulting Towers, Bunkers and offensive Graveyards, followed by taking down the enemy faction boss. You should also have a small team of defenders (preferably stealth classes) whose only goal is to retake those important map objectives once most enemies move on, gaining your faction valuable time to attack their own objectives. Stay tuned to and we will be the first one to inform you all the latest. Besides, our website also offer Cheap World of Warcraft Classic Gold for players.

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