Escape from Tarkov give players huge compensation for server issues


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Chapter 1

The developers Escape From Tarkov, BattleState Games, provide in-game player 1 million rubles as an apology for the problem server. The team is not ready for a boost in the player base and as a result, the servers were overwhelmed by a significant community of the game. The developers also hosted the event Twitch that allows viewers to receive free drops to watch the flow of people who are playing Escape From Tarkov and participate in the event. indie, story-driven MMO FPS is available exclusively for PC and Mac now.


The problems of the server exposed to a lot of players over the span of this past weekend. Players reported crashing and the message "403" error en masse, because many of them are experiencing problems when trying to login server. On February 10 BattleState Games tweet acknowledging the problem server and apologized for the inconvenience.


Of course, the players feel frustrated by this experience. Some players even affected during the middle of the raid, causing them to lose priceless teeth with no way to get it back. This server problem also comes on the heels of the economic crisis in the game due to the influx of new players to play the game. Many players called to reset the server to Tarkov, however, most likely did not foresee this problem. In addition, our site has a large quantity of safe <a href="" title="EFT Roubles For Sale"><strong>EFT Roubles For Sale</strong></a>.


Battlestate apologize further and stated that they are working tirelessly to enhance the gaming experience. They noted, however, that it is not always up them to fix it, implying that other companies could be responsible for the problem server. "We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience and understanding," they conclude.


If you have not checked it out yet, you can pre-order Escape From Tarkov now and get instant access to the closed beta. No microtransactions in Escape From Tarkov, but today there are four editions, three of which will secure you an extra gear and greater savings in the beginning. In-game currency as the ruble is used to purchase weapons, ammunition, mods firearms, drugs, and many more, either through in-game NPC vendors or player-run flea market.

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