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Maybe it's poetry, or they're rants; thoughts tangled together trying to escape my lips all at the same time. I have too much to say, I thought I should write it down, answer some things, clear up mumbled words I said behind my own back. Finally write down the answer, the meaning to that dream I had last night, or, get lost once again in the web of those same images; during R-E-M, the pictures that float behind closed eyelids and THERE... there it is. My lips move and form a new question; lets start from the beginning, shall we...?


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A boy once told me tea was best made with milk, I told him he was crazy, he told me he'd make me crazy. Honey, maybe if I put sugar in your tea, soothing to the throat, you'll swallow your words and call me by my name as you pour milk in mine.

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Do you see it? Do you see the way you smile? I do, spreading to the corners of your eyes, to the vines around us all, the earth holding your heart; stone, glistening as rain drops splatter. The thing is, I've been staring at you, my vision seems to blur the longer I stare; white, pale, a ghost standing right in front of me and I can't see you entirely, especially around all these people in black.

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