The Man With The Bloody Finger


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The man with the bloody finger

 One day a man was eating his dinner then the phone rang. DUN!DUN!DUN!He answered the phone it said ‘I am the man with the bloody finger I will see you tomorrow. The man was so scared. 

The next day the same man got a phone call.It said ‘I am the man with the bloody finger I will see you in an hour’. The man was so scared. 

In an hour the phone rang again it said ‘I am the man with the bloody finger I am at your door’. The man was more scared than ever. 

Suddenly the door bell rang. The man opened the door and saw the man with the bloody finger said ‘I am the man with the bloody finger ........


The man was so relieved that the man with the bloody finger wasn’t going to kill him. 

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