Tina And Topsy The Terrific Twins


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Tina and Topsy the terrific twins

 Tina and Topsy are twins. They are both terrific in their own way. When you put them together they are terrific at fighting. Both twins are equally as terrific as each other. Here is a list of what each twin can do.

Topsy can:

1.Play the recorder while standing on the table with her eyes closed 

2.Eat her homework and blame it on the dog

3.Pretend to be Simon Cowell and judge Britain’s got talent for a night while Simon is locked in his sitting room with his top three buttons open watching it all on live tv.

4.Paint her face green and pretend to throw up on the babysitter 

5.Be born 5 minutes before Tina

Tina can:

1.Steal a shark from the sea and bring it to her swimming lessons.

2.Pretend to be Donald Trump and send her mother a text message that said wanna meet for dinner tonight (of course her mother said yes because she is secretly in love with Donald Trump)

3.Change the goldfishes water with apple juice and convince everyone that Topsy had a bit of an accident in the fish bowl.

4.Put in false nails and pretend she grew her nails the size of an elephants trunk.

5.Be born 5 minutes after Topsy.

As you can see the twins can do a lot of things that I wouldn’t  exactly say were terrific but they are terrific in Tina and Topsy’s way.

Tina and Topsy always and I mean always have competitions to see who could do the most terrific thing. Of course no one knew who did the most terrific thing because they both kept on fighting. During these competitions it is ideal to stand at least 12 feet away for health and safety reasons.

I know what you are thinking since the start of the story. Poor Tina and Topsy’s mother. Why does she not get any credit for listening to these two so called terrific twins. More like terrible twins. Do you know what I won’t give any credit whatsoever to Tina and Topsy’s mother. It is her fault they were born and became so terrible. There is that alright for you? Is that enough credit for that twins mother?

One day when Tina and Topsy were having one of their competitions Topsy decided to stop having competitions. They were both terrific in their own good and bad ways. It was a miracle Tina and Topsy were playing together without using the word terrific.

Now Tina and Topsy are 100% Tina and Topsy the terrific twins.

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