hgmart Comforter


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When it comes to placebos, there is one that is supreme (to me, at least) and that is the down placebo.Sure, it's annoying to have to tuck these guys in every few weeks, but honestly, the end result is worth it.This is especially true if you have a good duvet, especially something like Snow duvet.


When my husband and I moved into our house three years ago, I knew right away that We needed to buy a new duvet for our bedroom.But I didn't want to spend a lot of money, so I went to Target and picked an $80 option, even though my mom (wisely) suggested spending more money on a better one.


For two years, that quilt....Not bad.This is, you know, a quilt.But having never heard of the magical duvet experience, I'm finally ready to splash out on something more expensive.I did a lot of research on the Internet and finally settled on Snow's duvet, which was well reviewed and reasonably priced.I'm looking for something light and relatively warm.My husband is a sweaty man and I'm basically cold, so I needed something that would make us both happy and comfortable.


Made of morally-sourced French down and covered in cotton, it certainly looks good on us.For my husband's sake (and my laundry time), I chose the lightweight option over the all-season option.40% less filling than All-season is for people who tend to sleep super warm, while All-season is for people who run cold.


After a few weeks of using the Snow duvet, I knew I had made the right choice - and a year later, I can say I had made the right choice.This comforter is super lightweight, just like the name suggests.It feels and looks thin, but it's comfortable for my husband and me.It's a miracle he hasn't sweated that much since we bought it.


In addition to the wonderful temperature control, which somehow worked for both of us, I love that Snowe doesn't gather in weird little puff-filled balls.My old duvet often caked, especially after I washed it, which drove me crazy.This remains even throughout, even after more than a year of use.And when it comes to washing, it can be thrown in the washing machine, not dry-cleaned like some duvets outside.


It's also super soft and luxurious, so much so that I wish I didn't have to cover my down jacket.Overall, it's 100 per cent worth the extra money - I only wish I'd known it three years ago.


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