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People find themselves having to travel for one reason or the other, and the process can at times be overwhelming. Most of them tend to forget the very minor details. The following text provides a guide on what to prepare when travelling with minors abroad;


A passport certifies the identity of the child and citizenship in case anything happens to them or you as the guardian or parent. If your child does not have a passport, then you should apply for one on their behalf at least ten weeks before the said day of travel. It is also important to ensure you check the validation of passports to ensure they won’t expire before your trip or before the return date. The passport includes the photo of the child and other blank pages for documentation. Some countries will need you to translate the passport before traveling.

Photocopies of the passport.

In case as a parent you are required to leave a document with the authorities, or in the worst case scenario the original documents go missing, it’s always good to have a spare. The photocopies should never be stored in the same place as the passport. It is also important to keep in mind that these photocopies are only efficient when replacing the passport.

Immunization records.

Some countries have special immunization requirements, therefore it is best to inquire before travel in order to get the shots. It is also advisable to get your child checked out by a doctor first. If you are traveling overseas, you might need to translate immunization records.

A child's travel consent.

A child travelling consent is an affidavit that shows the person in question has permission to travel with the minor. If it is one parent flying out with the child, a document from the parent should be produced to show he or she is in agreement with the idea. If the parent has sole custody of the child, they should produce a court order granting them sole custody.


In some countries, your passport must be accompanied by a visa. This document grants the holder of the passport temporary permission to enter the particular country. If you live in a country that speaks a different language from your destination country, it is critical to translate travel documents. PickWriters will help you in this regard. You can contact them even with a short notice and get your travel documents translated on time.

With the above tips, planning the documentations should be a breeze. You should also find out what is not allowed on the plane to prevent complications at customs.

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